“What are you doing out here?” he asked.
“Just watching everyone do everything. The sunset is pretty.” Trevor looked at the swirls of orange and pink in the sky. A few days’ worth of stubble graced his chin and Allison found herself wanting to touch it. She craved to hold his face in her hands. She blushed and looked away from him as she pushed the thought from her mind.
“Yeah, it is.” He stretched his legs out in front of him. “So, I’ve heard you’ve been trying to trade for gas. I didn’t realize you were in such a hurry to leave.” He looked at her and frowned. Allison felt the blush on her cheeks intensify.
“It’s not that. I just like to be prepared.”
“Prepared for the town to come crashing down?” She nodded. Trevor wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her close. Allison’s heart raced in her chest. He had never held her before. She snuggled her head against his neck and breathed him in. The urge to kiss him washed over her. Control yourself.
She said, “You know as well as I do that something is about to give. I for one am not going to be hanging around if Collectors crash through the gates.” She pulled herself from his embrace and stood up, ignoring the ache in her heart left by the absence of his touch.
“I wish you’d tell me what you’re running from.”
“Aren’t we all running from something nowadays?” Allison said. Trevor stood up and grabbed her hand.
“I guess we all are, in a way.” His eyes probed hers, looking for any clue to what she was hiding. His gaze both excited her and worried her. “Anyway, I came to tell you I can help. I know who has gas.”
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t have anything to trade for it.”
“Who said anything about trading for it?” Trevor smirked. People walked by on the sidewalk and waved. He held his finger to his lips, silencing her, before grabbing her hand and leading her away from the house. They walked a block before Allison realized her hand was still in his. She gently pulled away and shoved her hands in her pockets. Keep your distance. Just friends. The last thing Trevor needs is a monster girlfriend. The sky was almost black now, but none of the streetlights came on. Power here mostly came from solar and generators and the town was trying to conserve energy as much as possible now. They were in an area of town Allison didn’t often go. It was public housing for single security guards. Trevor pulled Allison down behind a hedge next to a house with loud music coming from it. All the lights in the house were on. The person inside obviously didn’t care about rationing energy.
“Your gas is in there.” Trevor pointed to a locked shed behind the house.
“And how do we get it?”
“We open the door and take it,” Trevor said.
“Trevor! No! I’m not going to steal.”
“Think of it as redistribution of public property. This is Elliot’s house and I know for a fact he has used his position in the security team to hoard supplies, including gas. Based on some trades he’s done and rumors I’ve heard, I think he’s about skip town and take his hoard of goodies with him. Since most of these things should have gone to everyone anyway there is no harm in taking a little something you need.” Allison’s jaw hung open as she stared at him. “What?”
“I don’t know what you’ve done with my good, law-abiding survival instructor, but I like it!” Allison elbowed him in the ribs and smiled. Trevor laughed. “So what’s the plan, super sleuth?”
Trevor walked along the hedge and motioned for Allison to follow. The hedge ended right before the shed and now the chain link fence it ran alongside was visible. The glow from the house illuminated the backyard providing just enough light for them to see a few feet in all directions. Trevor climbed over the fence and Allison followed. At the back of the shed Trevor picked up an axe. They moved toward the door of the shed and caught sight of Elliot through the windows of the house. The blinds were wide open giving him a clear view to the shed. He sat at a table, cleaning his gun.
“Shit. I can’t go hacking on the door with him right there,” Trevor said.
“I’ll go knock on his door and distract him.” Allison started to stand up but Trevor’s hand wrapped around her wrist.
“I don’t know. I’ll think of something. You just get the gas.”
“I need at least ten minutes and I need the music to stay on. I’ll grab what I can carry and we can meet back at your house.”
“If shit goes bad I’ll screech like an owl,” Allison said. Trevor doubled over in a laugh, holding his stomach with both hands.
“What’s so funny?” Allison furrowed her brow