“I’m picturing you on Elliot’s porch, screeching like an owl, and him looking at you like you’re insane.” Allison lightly punched Trevor’s shoulder. Then she climbed back over the fence and made her way to Elliot’s front door.
It took a few hard knocks before the music inside lowered and the door opened. Elliot stood in the doorway with a look of confusion on his face. Allison smiled sweetly and waved.
“Hey, Elliot. I heard your music as I was walking by. I really like it.”
“Uh, thanks. It’s Allison, right?” He took a drink of some light tan liquid from a glass in his hand. Looks like the moonshine one of the security guards tried to trade to me for some jerky.
“Yeah. This is a really great song.”
Elliot glared at her. “So did you show up on my doorstep just to tell me you like my music?
“No. Um, well, it’s kinda embarrassing. But I was hoping you could show me how to use a rifle.” Allison twisted her hair around her finger.
“In the dark? Isn’t that Trevor asshole teaching you hand to-hand-combat or some shit? Ask him.” He started to shut the door and she shoved her foot in the door jamb.
“Please, Elliot. Trevor won’t show me. I really want to learn.” She pushed her hand against the door and Elliot let the door open again. His liquored gaze fell to her chest and took its time to find her face again. Pervert.
“I don’t have time to teach little girls how to use guns. That’s not my job. Find someone else.” He slammed the door. Allison banged her fists against the wood.
“Come on, Elliot!” she screamed. A lump formed in her throat. Gas. Get the fucking gas. She swallowed hard but the lump stayed lodged in place. “I’ll do anything! Please open the door!” The door swung open.
“You could just come inside,” he said with eyes full of lust as he looked Allison up and down. His gaze twisted her stomach into a knot and goosebumps popped up on her arms. You aren’t getting lucky with me tonight, buddy. She smiled and reached for his free hand. She pulled him onto the porch and looked up at him through her eyelashes.
“But it’s such a nice night out. I don’t want to be cooped up inside.” She pulled him closer to her and he wrapped his arms around her hips, still holding his glass of moonshine in his hand. She ignored it when the back of her tank top moistened as some of his liquor spilled on her, and she pressed herself against his chest.
“I could make it worth your while,” Elliot said. He released her from his arms and threw back the last bit of his moonshine and set the glass on the porch. Allison sat on his porch swing and patted the seat next to her. Elliot took a seat and wrapped his arm around her like Trevor had done earlier. She forced herself to snuggle into him. His hand hung from her shoulder and rested on her breast. He started to rub it like a schoolboy getting to second base for the first time. She didn’t stop him and his breathing quickened. She could smell the moonshine on his breath.
“You’re so pretty.” His words slurred a bit. She nuzzled into his neck. A crack of wood splintering rang out. “What was that?” Elliot tensed and looked around. Allison straddled him and pressed her forehead to his. His attention shifted back to her. She felt something against her leg in his pocket and looked down.
“What’s that?”
“I think you know what that is.” He grinned.
“No, not that.” She bit her lip as she smiled at him and reached into his pocket. His hands landed on her ass and he gave it a squeeze.
“Oh, that’s the remote to the radio,” he said and pulled her closer. She held down the volume button, drowning out another crack of splintering wood.
“I love this song,” she said. The inaudible screams of the singer against the heavy bass music made Allison want to stab her eardrums with an ice pick.
Elliot pressed his face against her chest and ran his hands across her body. Trevor better get a ton of fucking gas. As he tried to pull her tank top down to expose her bra, Allison grabbed his hair and yanked his head back. He looked up at her, his eyes glazed over by alcohol. Over Elliot’s shoulder she saw Trevor at the edge of the hedge, two large gas cans in hand. He stumbled as he stared at her in disbelief. Allison locked eyes with Elliot and pressed her lips to his. He tried to push his tongue into her mouth as he grabbed handfuls of her breasts, but she pulled away.
“I think I will come inside. How about you go in first and get ready for me? I need to freshen up.” Allison slid off his lap and he jumped up.
“My room is down the hall, last one on the left.” He ran inside, stripping off his shirt as he stumbled through his living room. “Hurry up or this love machine starts without you,” he called out. Once he was down the hall Allison pulled his front door shut and sprinted to Trevor. A third gas can was on the ground hidden by the hedge and she picked it up. Trevor smirked at her.
“When I said distract him, I didn’t mean that,” he said and they started to walk.
“Well, I had to go with the flow. It worked, didn’t it?”
Trevor chuckled. “Yes, it did. If you did that to me, it would probably work too.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Do you think Elliot will come looking for me when he realizes the gas is gone?”
“And risk the town knowing he had the gas in the first place while also being robbed by a girl? No, his ego won’t allow that. You’re safe.”
Trevor helped her lock away the cans of gas in the back