of Old Blue. They walked away with almost forty gallons and Trevor said Elliot had plenty more. After telling Trevor good night, Allison went in the house and found Morgan and Matt sitting at the kitchen table playing Candy Land.

“I’ve never seen you smile so big!” Morgan said. “What were you up to?”

“I was just hanging out with Trevor.” Morgan gave her a knowing smile.

“Sure, I’d love to just hang out with that piece of eye candy to.”

“Gross. Can you save the girl talk for when it’s just you girls? Here, Allison, Dr. Dryanski asked me to give you this.” Matt handed her an envelope. Her name was scrawled across it in blue ink.

“Do you want to play?” Morgan asked.

“No, I think I’m going to go to bed. It’s been a long night.” She walked down the hall and opened the letter from Dr. Dryanski.

Notice of Action

Attention All Medical Practitioners,

It has come to the attention of Zone 4 that rates Infected and of former Infected have risen. It continues to be against the law to fail to report these individuals to the Zone. This remains a significant public health threat and must be properly managed. All individuals who fail to report will be detained and punished accordingly.

Please be on the lookout for a former Infected female who goes by the name Allison. She is approximately 5’5” tall, 115lbs, with long brown hair. She may be in a blue truck, make unknown. She was last known to be traveling alone. She is considered dangerous and should not be confronted directly. If found, notify the nearest Collector unit.

Dr. Nicholas Neff

Operational Chief Zone Manager

In the familiar blue ink, at the bottom of the page, in Dr. Dryanski’s handwriting: “I won’t tell. Be careful.”

The next day, soon after the sun broke the horizon, Allison went to Dr. Dryanski’s house and knocked on the door. She clutched his letter in her fist, terrified of it falling into the wrong hands. When he opened the door, he stood in the dim hall in his green terry cloth robe. He ushered her in and quickly shut the door.

“I expected I would see you today, just not so early.” He yawned and waved for her to follow him to his kitchen. “Would you like some coffee?” He flipped a switch and turned on his electric kettle. Allison shook her head.

“What should I do?” Tears streamed down her face.

“Be careful. I’m the only one in town that got the notice. But it won’t stay that way for long. When he gets no response from the town doctors he will forward it to leadership members in all towns.”

“How am I supposed to be careful if everyone knows to be on the lookout for me?” Allison said.

Dr. Dryanski took the kettle and poured it over the grounds in his French press. He pressed down the plunger and then poured the dark liquid into a mug. He sat at his kitchen table and Allison took the seat next to him. He took her hand in his and squeezed.

“I am sorry, Allison. This isn’t fair or right. I think the safest thing for you to do is leave and go somewhere new. Change your appearance. Go by a different name.” Dr. Dryanski took a sip of his coffee, but never let go of her hand. “The people here are overall good, but people often betray others out of fear. New Harbor is full of fear right now.” Allison nodded.

“Thank you. I know you’re right. I just don’t like it.” She wiped away her last tears and placed the crumbled paper on the table. “Can you burn this? I don’t want anyone else to see it.” Dr. Dryanski nodded.

“I will. Don’t give up hope, Allison. I’m confident things will change for the better at some point.” He walked her to the door. “I hope to see you again one day. Good luck.” Allison stepped from the doctor’s doorway determined to make the most of her last day in New Harbor.

She spent breakfast eating dry fruit under a tree watching the community she had grown to feel comfortable in start to crack. A few houses down from hers the occupants loaded up an old van and had left town by mid-morning. Fewer children seemed to be at school and the community garden had no attendants working it. Everyone was so absorbed in their own doings they barely noticed Allison’s watchful eyes. A father dragged a crying child down the street.

“I don’t want to leave, Dad! I have friends!” the child screamed.

“Shh . . .” the father said as he pulled the child along, never losing speed.

I need to leave. Allison glanced at her watch. One last training session with Trevor and then I’ll say goodbye. That’s the safest thing for everyone. Her chest tightened at the thought of leaving her friends. She stood up and headed toward the field, making a mental checklist of things she needed to pack.

“Hey, wait up.” Morgan came rushing up behind Allison as she jogged down the street.

“Hey. Where are you off to?” Allison half-smiled at her friend. Morgan set her pace to match Allison’s and joined arms with her.

“Oh, you know, just going to admire the view.” She giggled. Allison laughed as she pulled Morgan in closer, giving her arm a little hug.

“I hope you aren’t disappointed. I heard Elliot is on guard duty so I doubt he will be there.”

“I saw him at breakfast. He is in a bad mood today. Someone said the shed behind his house was broken into last night. This town is losing its mind!” Morgan locked arms with Allison. “Besides, he is so last week. Don’t get me wrong, I will drool over him anytime he takes off that shirt of his. But this town has other boys for me to admire. Like your Trevor,” she teased and poked Allison in the side with a grin across spread her face. Allison felt warmth rush to her cheeks, remembering Trevor’s arm around

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