“So, you remember killing people?” Morgan asked, speaking for the first time since she brought the cocoa. She looked at Allison with a tinge of fear in her eyes. Allison’s heart ached under Morgan’s fearful gaze.
“Yeah, bits and pieces. I’m trying to piece it all together, that’s why I’m going to all of these places. Trying to figure it out, trying to make amends.” Allison hung her head.
“I don’t think that’s something you can make amends for,” Morgan hissed.
“Since the outbreak we have all done things we can’t make amends for,” Matt said, making brief eye contact with his sister, causing her to look away sheepishly.
“So, Dr. Neff and this Nurse Catherine. That’s why you wanted me to teach you, isn’t it?” Trevor looked into Allison’s eyes as he spoke. “They are who you were worried about, not the Infected.”
“Yes.” Allison looked back at Trevor with pleading eyes. “I can’t let them catch me. He will kill me, or worse.”
Trevor said, his voice firm, “Everyone says he is experimenting on people and Infected. I believed it before but your story, him being after you, is confirmation of that. You need to do whatever you can to stay away from him. You have your strength in your favor, but he has the numbers. He has hundreds of Collectors on his payroll and spies all over the place. He outnumbers you and he’s used to dealing with former Infected. He probably has some tricks up his sleeve.”
“That is the plan. Avoid Dr. Neff at all costs. Piece together my life, make amends where I can. Find Gabby and my family.” Allison stood, taking the empty pitcher and glasses over to the sink. She began washing them. Morgan came and stood next to her, soundlessly drying as Allison washed.
Matt said, standing up and stretching, “I met him once at a medical camp. He is the definition of dickhead. Let alone what people have said about him.” He leaned against the wall.
“I’m leaving tomorrow. I’ve already been here too long. I’ve put everyone in danger by staying here. I can’t do that anymore.” Allison finished cleaning the last glass and handed it to Morgan.
“So, you will leave and be by yourself again?” Morgan asked with her eyes to the ground.
“Well, yeah that’s the plan.”
“No! I’m going with you.” Morgan slammed the glass down onto the counter. “Look, I’m not thrilled about everything you just told us. I’m not happy you kept the fact that you were infected from me. I hate the Infected. They took everything from me.” Morgan hesitated, looking down at her hands before glancing at Matt. “But you are my friend and I can’t let you go alone. So I’m going too.”
“We should talk about this, Morgan,” Matt said, his face red with anger.
“There is nothing to discuss. If she’s leaving, I’m leaving.” Morgan stared at her brother, unwavering.
“Then I’m going too. I can’t let you get fucking killed. You are all I have left.” Matt reached out and wrapped his sister in a bear hug. Morgan held him tight, burying her face into his shoulder.
“I think leaving is the wrong thing to do,” Trevor said, a concerned look on his face. “You said they had part of your journal. So they know your plans even if they don’t know everywhere you want to go. The best thing to do is to find a secluded place where you can live and hide. That’s what you should do to survive.”
“What’s the point in surviving if you’re not living?” Allison was almost screaming with frustration. “You have no idea what it’s like to know you are a monster. To know you are the reason so many people cry at night missing their loved ones. Why so many innocent people died. I have to make things right. I can’t just survive and act like nothing happened.” Trevor stood and hesitated before walking out of the kitchen. Allison heard the front door slam as he left the house. She slumped in her chair as tears escaped her eyes. She looked at Matt and Morgan, “I leave in the morning.”
“We leave in the morning,” Morgan said.
Chapter Nineteen Allison
The next day Allison woke before the others and lay in her covers savoring the comfort and coziness of having a proper bed to sleep in. Who knew when she would have this luxury again?
She replayed Trevor stomping out of the house the night before over and over again in her head but forced her tears to remain at bay. She never meant to hurt or disappoint him. Someday, hopefully, he would understand. When she heard Morgan and Matt getting ready she got out of bed and finished packing as well. The three friends took everything of usefulness from the house that could fit in their bags. Matt tried unsuccessfully to convince Morgan her makeup bag was not an essential.
“Of course you would think that. You’re a boy. Do you know how hard it is to find real makeup now? Everything being made is so damn expensive. I’m keeping this.” And she tucked the small bag back into her pack.
Allison went over her journal with the twins and which direction they needed to go. Matt was helpful in planning the route that would have the least number of Collectors as he sometimes traveled outside of New Harbor to trade with other towns. They set a plan on how to get at least in the general vicinity of the cabin. Maybe once they were closer Allison could describe it more to locals they encountered and they could help guide them. At least Allison hoped this was the case.
At sunrise the three friends stepped outside onto the dark porch and nearly stumbled over Trevor as he sat leaning against the wall with his pack on the ground next to him.
“Holy fuck, man! I almost squashed you. What are you doing here?” Matt shouted.
“I’m coming with you guys.” Trevor rose from