“We kill this one. We only need one and this one cut my fucking face.” She stood up with her back to the shop door and pulled a gun from her holster. Trevor screamed and tried to stand again, but both Joe and Kevin knocked him down and began kicking him. Catherine pointed the gun toward Matt’s head.
Allison flew out the door and slammed into Catherine, sending her flying four feet. The nurse landed on Kevin, taking him down to the ground with her. Catherine’s gun soared out of her hand, landing under her black truck. Trevor got to his feet and headbutted a distracted Joe, knocking him to the concrete. Morgan ran out and kneeled near her brother, cutting his arms loose while he stumbled to his feet. Allison was on top of Catherine on the ground, choking her, sinking her nails into her neck. Kevin rushed at Allison, tackling her, slamming her body against the rough pavement, grating her skin from her flesh as she slid across it, only stopping once they hit the truck. Allison’s eyes found her friends as she fought off the disorientation brought on by her body’s hard stop.
Morgan ran to Trevor and began cutting him free as Joe rose to his feet and charged them. Matt came in from the side, crashing into him and sending them both to the ground. A crack splintered through the air as Joe’s head hit the driveway. Matt lay unmoving in a heap. A dazed Joe stumbled to his feet and Trevor launched himself at him, pinning him. Joe pulled a knife from his side and jabbed it at Trevor. Trevor stopped the forward movement of the knife mere inches from his throat. He pushed Joe’s hands, clinging to the knife, up above his head. Trevor jerked back on one of Joe’s fingers until it snapped. He screamed and the knife clanged and he pushed into Trevor’s chest. Trevor grasped Joe’s head between his hands and slammed it over and over again into the asphalt until Joe was limp and a soft mound of bloody goo was seeping from the back of his head.
Morgan sat on the ground next to a prone Matt, tears filling her eyes. She jumped up, pulled the knife from her thigh and stood guard over her brother. Trevor stumbled to his feet, moving toward Allison, but was struck from behind by Catherine and fell forward.
Kevin was on top of Allison, pushing a knife toward her face as she held his arms trying to push him away. He’s almost as strong as me. Is he former Infected?
“Don’t kill her, you idiot!” Catherine screamed as she jumped on Trevor’s back trying to force him to stay down, beating him in the back of his head with her fists. Trevor tried to flip her over his head, but couldn’t get a solid grip on the woman.
Allison looked over at her friends—Morgan crying, Matt beaten and unmoving, Trevor trying to fend off Catherine— and the heat rushed into her stronger than ever before. She screamed as she grabbed Kevin’s wrist and bent it back; the sound of bone snapping filled the air along with Kevin’s blood-curdling scream. He dropped the knife and placed his forearm across Allison’s neck, leaning his weight into her, trying to crush her windpipe. Allison sunk her thumbs into his eyes until she felt the flesh give, his screams drowning out the popping of his eyes dislodging from their sockets. Kevin fell to the side, clawing at his face. Fury was the only thing guiding Allison now, and she liked it. She climbed onto Kevin, holding his arms down with her legs as she sat on his chest. She slammed his head into the pavement until the backside was mush. Allison’s eye landed on Catherine’s gun under the truck. She grabbed it and seized Catherine from behind, lifting her by the back of her neck, tossing her off of Trevor. Catherine quickly rebounded and lunged toward Allison. Allison caught her by the throat, feeling the collapse of Catherine’s windpipe beneath her hand before dropping her. Catherine tried to stand again but fell to her knees, gasping for breath, hands around her throat. Allison pointed the gun at Catherine and the two women locked eyes. Allison pulled the trigger, sending a bullet into Catherines mouth, shattering her white teeth, and out the back of her neck. Catherine fell to the ground, gurgling as she struggled to breathe, blood pooling around her mouth, bubbling with each attempt at breathing. Her body twitched, trying to hold on to the last bit of life it had in it.
The bubbling stopped; Catherine’s eyes were fixed forward, unblinking in a dead stare. Allison collapsed to the ground near Trevor as she stared at the deep red blood staining Catherine’s golden hair. Allison’s limbs warmed as the heat spread through her body; her eyes rolled back into her head as she fell to the ground thrashing. The flashback hit her hard. A girl with blonde hair trying to talk to her, calling her name. The girl was telling her everything will be okay, asking her to just please calm down. The girl was blurred out of vision so Allison took a few steps forward hoping for things to clear. Her mind was jumbled, everything was confusing. She needed something, the only thing that mattered. Food, food was nearby and Allison needed it. Allison knew this girl. The girl was Gabby. Gabby reached out, trying to calm her. Allison lunged toward her, she lunged for Gabby. She heard Gabby scream as the flashback started to break apart. The familiar warm, irony blood filled Allison’s mouth as she slowly pulled herself from the flashback. Through the fog Trevor was screaming her name, holding her in his arms, trying to keep her from