hurting herself as her body thrashed. Her eyes opened to Trevor’s tear-streamed face above hers. He smiled, grasping her head between his hands as he pressed his forehead to hers.

“I thought you were dying! Oh my god. Are you okay?” His voice trembled as he spoke. He didn’t let go of her. Allison sat up using Trevor for support. Her mouth was full of liquid so she spat it onto the sidewalk leaving a small pool of blood. “Open,” Trevor said as he examined her mouth. “You bit your tongue with all the thrashing you were doing. It’s not too bad, though.” He pulled her into a tight embrace and Allison buried her head into his neck, sobbing. Gabby. Poor Gabby. I didn’t do that. I couldn’t.

Chapter Twenty Allison

The friends loaded their battered bodies and newly found supplies back into their truck. They needed to recuperate but they couldn’t risk staying. If Catherine knew where they were, chances were Dr. Neff did too, and he would come looking for them when Catherine didn’t return. They didn’t want to be here when Dr. Neff’s reinforcements arrived.

Matt awoke after a few splashes of water to his face. He was nauseated, fatigued—classic signs of a concussion, which worried them all. They had no idea where the next populated town was or if it even had a doctor. Morgan kept him talking in the truck as they drove to keep him awake. Matt insisted he was fine, that he had concussions before and this one was minor, but everyone worried anyway. Morgan clung to her brother’s side, jumping with every movement he made.

I killed again. I said I wouldn’t, but I did. Bile filled Allison’s mouth and she forced it back down in one large gulp. This wasn’t the same. It’s not the same. Her knuckles turned white as she held the wheel, her mind racing.

“Are you okay?” Trevor asked.

“No. I never wanted to hurt anyone again and I just did.”

“You hurt people to save us. You did the right thing. And those weren’t good people.” Trevor rested his hand on her thigh. Allison nodded, but a knot of guilt tightened in her chest.

“I think that Kevin guy was a former Infected. He was almost as strong as me even though I was all raged out.”

“I can’t imagine Dr. Neff having a former Infected work for him. But I have heard that some people in Zone 5 are experimenting with the virus. Trying to create super soldiers.”

“That is fucking insane.”

“Yeah it is. If the rumors are true the Operational Chief Manager of Zone 5 is Dr. Neff’s wife, Dr. Natasha Scott. It would make sense for her to supply him with some of her creepy experimental offspring. Like a field test or some shit.” Trevor squeezed her thigh and Allison nodded.

As they followed the curve of the road Allison saw an indention in the foliage, on the right of the road. A signpost sat in front of it with the sign on the ground. She slowed to a stop in front of the break, looking off into it.

“What is it?” Trevor raised his eyebrows questioningly while he leaned forward to get a better look at what Allison was staring at.

“I’m not sure but this feels . . . familiar,” Allison said as she opened the truck door and stepped out. She briskly walked over to the downed sign and picked it up. It read “Great Falls Recreational Area.”

“I think we are near the cabin, near where I was first infected.” She dropped the sign. The old entrance to the recreation center was overgrown now, easy to miss, but it had been a road at some point. Allison hopped back into the truck and began inching it into the forest. The old truck did well until about a mile in when they hit a patch of deep mud and the tires sunk in halfway.

“There is no getting it out without another vehicle’s help.” Trevor leaned back against the tailgate next to Allison.

“We could get some branches to put under the tires. Give them something to grab onto,” Morgan said from the driver’s seat as she turned the engine off.

“Or you fuckers could let me help push the thing out,” Matt said from his seat beneath a tree.

“You look like you were hit by a truck. You don’t need to be pushing one.” Morgan shook her finger at her brother. “I think the wood is worth a try.”

“It’s just too deep,” Trevor pointed at his pants covered in mud up to his knees. “We couldn’t get the branches far enough under them for it to work.” Morgan shrugged and began pulling their things from the cab.

“Allison could get all ragey and push it out herself.” Matt smirked.

“Not gonna happen. Besides it doesn’t really work like that.” Allison said and tossed a handful of mud at Matt’s legs. He flipped her off, a smile spread across his bruised face.

Allison stepped away from the truck, almost losing her boot in the mud. There were a few picnic tables with covered awnings and cast-iron grills in concrete bases that were still in good shape and not too overgrown. They were completely hidden from the road, surrounded by tall grass and large trees.

“I think we should camp here for the night. We all need rest, especially Matt,” Trevor said as he surveyed the area. “I’ll go make sure you can’t tell anyone is here from the road.” He waited for everyone to nod in agreement before jogging off back down the way they came.

Allison and Morgan unloaded the things they needed to set up camp. Matt tried to help but they both refused to let him, forcing him to sit down and rest. Trevor returned and helped the girls set up camp. Morgan’s concern for her brother never wavered as she continued to fret over him. She brought him water and crackers, insisting he eat. Every time he looked like he might fall asleep she yelled his name,

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