talking as she pushed through the bushes, which suddenly opened up to a small clearing full of sunshine. Allison pulled a blanket from her pack and laid on it, allowing her mind to wander. A rustling of leaves sounded behind her. She jumped up, facing the potential threat. Her pulse raced as a small bead of sweat formed on her brow dampening her hairline. Through the thicket came Trevor.

“Whoa! It’s just me,” Trevor said as he held his hands in the air. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

“Dammit, you scared me!” Allison sat on her blanket criss-cross applesauce and motioned for Trevor to sit next to her.

“Well it seems a few people have been trying to kidnap you lately, so I think you being on edge is more than justified.” He sat next to her and handed her a small blue water bottle. “Since the water here is so cold I figured this was a good time to make you a treat.”

“What is it?” She smiled, hoping her cheeks weren’t giving away how truly happy she was that Trevor thought to give her anything.

“Drink it and find out.” He sat with his legs bent and his feet flat on the ground. His arms casually rested on his knees. His perfectly defined jawline was covered with stubble which, combined with the combat-fatigue pants, plain brown shirt, and mud-covered boots gave him a rugged appearance. It looked great on him. Allison’s pulse quickened and her cheeks grew warm. She quickly turned her head away as she took a swig from the blue water bottle.

“Oh my, it’s chocolate milk! How did you get this?” Allison spun her head back to face Trevor with a smile spread from ear to ear.

“I had a little chocolate protein powder from when we left New Harbor. When we were back in that other town I found some powdered milk before that woman and her two thugs found us. I knew you would like it.” He grinned as Allison took a long gulp.

“Thank you. You should have saved this for yourself, though.” Allison tried to hand Trevor the rest of the milk but he shook his head.

“No. I made it for you. I want you to have it.” He put his hand on hers as he pushed the bottle back toward her and Allison felt a thousand butterflies in her stomach.

“Why are you so good to me?” Allison asked.

“You are strong, smart, and can kick my ass. What’s not to love?” Trevor grinned.

“Love?” Allison placed her hand on his cheek, feeling it warm with a blush that spread from cheek to cheek. A lump formed in her throat, and her heart pounded in her chest. Trevor rested his forehead against hers and they locked eyes. The chocolate milk fell to the ground as Allison grasped Trevor’s head between both her hands and pressed her lips to his. His arms wrapped around her torso, pulling her into him as he kissed her back.

Allison felt lighter with a smile pasted across her face as the four of them stayed on the path, maintaining a slow but steady pace while remaining mute, their eyes constantly checking their surroundings. As the sun faded behind the thick trees, a clearing appeared and a weight dropped into Allison’s stomach. The hair on the back of Allison’s neck stood on end as nausea washed over her. I know this place. She quickened her stride until she came to the center of the clearing. She turned slowly in a circle, scanning everything. Her friends hurried to keep up with her.

“What’s wrong, Allison?” Morgan placed her hand on Allison’s shoulder.

“I know this place,” Allison said, a tremble in her voice as she spotted what she had been looking for. Near the edge of the clearing, high in a tree, was a wooden deer stand. “This is where I was turned. It happened right over there.” She pointed in the direction of the platform.

“Are you sure?” Trevor asked.

“Yes, I’m positive.” Before she knew it she was running toward the stand.

Trevor was right on her heels. Morgan and Matt were behind them, moving as quickly as Matt was able. She slowed as she got closer to the base of the tree, abruptly stopping when her feet kicked something hidden in layers of Mother Nature’s shedding of the seasons. She looked down; seeing something white was peeking out from all that brown earth. She kicked it again until the thing became fully visible. It was a bone. She stumbled back quickly, tripping over her own feet and falling backward. Trevor caught her from behind by her arms before she hit the ground.

“Jesus, Allison! Be careful!” Trevor helped steady her. “What’s going on?”

Matt and Morgan reached them now. Matt looked down at the bone, his forehead furrowed as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“My anatomy isn’t the fucking best, but that’s not an animal bone.” Matt reached for the bone but Allison swiftly kicked it out of his reach.

“You’re right it’s not a fucking animal bone, it’s the fucking bone of the Infected that turned me.” Tears wet Allison’s face as she spoke. “I need a minute.” She moved away from her friends, putting her back against a tree, hiding herself from view as she cried.

She was crying for the Infected woman whose bones have been laying in the forest for years. She cried for every person she hurt and killed. She cried because this beautiful spot would forever be marred by the events that took place that September night three years ago.

Morgan stood next to Allison. She opened her mouth to speak but closed it without uttering a word.

Allison wiped tears from her eyes while looking at her friend.

“That was intense back there,” Morgan said. “I can’t even pretend I know what you are going through.” Allison nodded.

Morgan said, “You are handling it better than I would.”

“This is where my life changed. It’s not only where I was turned. This is where I killed someone

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