demeanor. Allison decided this was his military training in action because no one could be that naturally put together in this situation.

Allison sat on a log eating a protein bar while Matt and Trevor quietly looked over the map and discussed the last part of their hike.

“I need to tell you guys something,” Matt said. “I’ve been debating telling you ever since Morgan left because I know she will be pissed at me if I do. But when we find her I think it’s something you need to know, to understand her better. Especially you, Allison. I know she’s told you some of the things she has gone through since the world went to shit but she left out the worst part.”

Matt looked at Allison and a tear escaped out of the corner of his eye and ran down his cheek.

“The night our family was killed, we made it out of the house with our little sister. She was only a few months old. She was our parents’ surprise baby. They were really scared that Morgan would be upset. I kinda was but I didn’t show it. Morgan on the other hand was thrilled. Our parents let her pick her name. Morgan named her Eudora because it means “good gift.” She was so attached to her, people often thought she was a teenage mom and Morgan actually seemed to love that.

“The night we escaped, Morgan had her in this front carrier attached to her chest and we were hiding in a dumpster because it was so dark and Infected seemed to be everywhere. We didn’t know what to do. Eudora started crying and we could hear the Infected getting closer. Morgan pulled Eudora’s head into her chest to quiet her until we couldn’t hear the Infected anymore. When Morgan finally let go, Eudora was dead. She had suffocated.”

Allison’s breath caught in her chest. Her hand went to her mouth, covering her jaw-dropped expression. Poor Morgan. No wonder she fucking hates me.

Trevor stood, arms crossed, looking at the ground.

“Morgan blames the Infected for a lot of things but Eudora’s death is at the top of that list.” Matt wiped tears away.

“I am sorry, Matt. I am sorry for everything I have done to your family.” Allison held back tears.

“You shouldn’t blame yourself,” Matt said. “I truly mean what I said before. You were infected; it wasn’t your fault. Morgan’s way of coping is to blame the Infected, it’s easier than blaming herself.”

“But if I had never infected your uncle none of this would have happened.”

“If it wasn’t you, it would have been someone else. No one escaped from this tragedy, we all just played different parts. They were all shitty parts, just shitty in different ways. I don’t blame you and don’t let Morgan or anyone else blame you. The disease is to blame.”

Matt gently hugged Allison and they both softly cried together. As she pulled away from Matt, she caught a glimpse of Trevor wiping tears from his eyes before he turned so she couldn’t see his face. They set off again in the direction of the town where they hoped to find Morgan. Allison interlaced her fingers with Trevor’s as they walked. They walked for almost an hour before Trevor spoke.

“I wasn’t home when everything started really going down. I was on leave vacationing at Myrtle Beach. It was a madhouse there. I hid out in my hotel room for a week before I could make it to my car. I hooked up with a National Guard unit trying to keep the peace. I spent a few weeks helping them before we lost so many people there was no use in staying together anymore. We had not heard from command in days and we had no fight left in us. I had tried to reach my family a few times but always got a busy signal, then the phones stopped working altogether. So, I went home. I wish I had never gone home. I found my family in parts in our house. I had seen that so many times since the outbreak started but seeing my own family that way was too much.” Trevor stopped walking.

Allison stayed by his side, squeezing his hand in hers. Matt stood in front of Trevor, empathy draping his face as he listened to Trevor speak. “I took this gun from my dad’s dresser.” Trevor patted the gun at his side. “It was still locked up. Whatever happened, happened so fast he didn’t even have time to try to defend himself or our family. I took it out, made sure it was loaded, held it to my temple, and pulled the trigger. It jammed.” Trevor spoke slowly. His eyes glossed over as he stared ahead, not really seeing what was in front of him. “It was almost like my dad had been there stopping me from making the biggest mistake of my life.” Trevor ran his hands through his hair as he looked at his friends. “I just thought that was something you guys should know because you are my family now.” He wiped away a few tears before he started walking again. “Now let’s go find Morgan.”

A few hours later Matt, Trevor, and Allison arrived at Wellspring. The gate had multiple guards, more guards roamed the streets, and security in general seemed tight compared to New Harbor. The guards wore army fatigues and all carried rifles. After being questioned and scanned by a medical worker in green scrubs and a mask they were quickly ushered into the town. A man gave them a town map and informed them they made it just in time for new resident orientation. Trevor tried to argue with the man, telling him they were just passing through and they didn’t need to attend orientation but the man insisted any new people that entered the gate had to attend orientation, even if they did not intend on staying. Matt showed the man a picture of Morgan but

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