“I can’t believe you came looking for me,” Allison said. “I thought I killed you. I did almost kill you. I’m so sorry, Gabby. I’m so sorry.” Tears flowed, soaking Gabby’s shirt and hair and shoulder. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“I’ve missed you too.”
Matt put Morgan on his list along with some other extended family members’ names. Trevor put some of his friends on the list. Allison added three people. Her mom, brother, and dad. She wanted to know what had happened to them. If they were alive, she would have to own up to what she had become. Will they still love me? Her hands shook as she handed the pen back to the man behind the desk. What if they’re dead? She shoved the thought away, locking it deep within her. I can’t think about that. It was a catch-22 situation she wasn’t ready to face yet.
Allison updated Gabby on everything that had happened since she woke up cured in the woods, minus Dr. Neff and her ragey strength. The more Gabby knew, the more at risk she would be. Allison couldn’t take that chance. Matt showed her Morgan’s picture, but sadly she had not seen her. Trevor pulled Allison to the side as Matt and Gabby went around showing people the picture trying to drum up leads.
“We need to stay here. For a little bit at least. Give Matt time to recover. Give you time to reconnect with Gabby. It seems safe here.”
“What about Morgan?” Allison tensed and folded her arms across her chest. Trevor sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders.
“I hope we find her. Maybe she will turn up here. But the odds are that she’s dead or turned, and running around the woods that we know have Infected in them is not the smartest idea. Especially with Matt in such poor condition.” Allison relaxed, her shoulders sagging in defeat. We need to protect Matt. She leaned against his chest.
“Don’t tell Matt about Morgan’s odds. Let’s just focus on his recovery,” she said. Trevor nodded.
When Gabby and Matt returned Trevor pulled everyone into a corner. Matt’s eyes were narrowed, his lips downturned in suspicion. When Trevor and Allison’s attention turned on him he shoved his hands in his pockets and looked at the ground.
“We need to stay, Matt. Just for a little while. So you can recover,” Allison said.
“No. We need to find Morgan.”
“Yes. We need to find her. But we can’t do that with you falling apart. We could run into Infected or Collectors and be unable to properly defend ourselves or Morgan.” Trevor reached out a hand and rested it on Matt’s shoulder. “A temporary stay. We can alert the town’s security to be on the lookout for her. I’m sure they leave from time to time.”
Gabby nodded in agreement. “I have some friends that stay outside of town. I can ask them to look for her on their nightly patrols.”
“Morgan needs you at your fighting best. She would not want you to look for her right now.” Trevor squeezed Matt’s shoulder.
Tears ran down Matt’s face, leaving wet drops on his shirt. Allison wrapped him in her arms. He hunched over and buried his face into her shoulder as he sobbed. Trevor patted Matt’s back and Gabby’s eyes looked like storm clouds brewing in the distance. Sadness, but with something fiercer underneath. She’s not telling me something. Matt pulled away and wiped his eyes.
“We can stay on one condition.” Matt locked eyes with Trevor. “I want you to look for her, at least once a day. Please, Trevor. I need to know we are doing something.” Trevor nodded. Matt wrapped his arms around Trevor in a tight hug.
Once Matt had composed himself Gabby guided the group to the table where they all were assigned jobs based on their qualifications, as it was expected for everyone to contribute to the community. Gabby worked with the reunification department and helped in the community garden. Trevor was appropriately assigned to the town security. Matt was put with town maintenance but was also allowed to enroll in some medical classes designed to be the equivalent of emergency medical technician training. Allison was chosen to work in the child care facility that was for all the children in town. She didn’t think it was the best idea for her to be an influencer of children, but it was what she was given. They were also given permission to move into Gabby’s house. They were in luck as her recent roommates had left town trying to make their way back to their home state. They hoped to meet up with their family they had found using the reunification forms. Allison moved into Gabby’s room while Trevor and Matt picked a room to share as well. That first night was the best sleep of Allison’s life.
Over the next couple weeks the friends established a routine. Every day Trevor would venture outside the town looking for Morgan. Trevor had divided the area into