Allison still wrote in her journal and reveled in the fact that most of her entries were positive and happy. Allison could even send a letter to Sandra and Dave using the reunification system. She wanted them to know she was okay, and she wanted to keep in touch with them.
Dear Sandra and Dave,
I hope this letter reaches you. I am doing well. I think about you often and I hope you are doing okay. No, not okay, great. I hope you are doing great.
I have made some friends: Trevor, Matt, and Morgan. Trevor was a Marine. Dave would like him a lot. Matt and Morgan are twins. They have had it rough. Morgan is missing right now. I’m holding out hope that we will find her alive and well. I also found my best friend, Gabby. It is so unreal. I never thought it would happen. I hope you can meet them all one day.
My original plan when I left you has not worked out so well. I hate to admit you were right. But you were right. I still want to be better, do better. But saying sorry isn’t enough. It causes more pain, which is the last thing I want to do. I don’t know where my journey will take me. But I wanted you to know I’m safe.
Thank you for everything you did for me. Especially for loving me when I couldn’t even love myself.
Your Allison
Chapter Twenty-Three Dr. Neff
The sun hung high in the sky as Dr. Neff jogged along the fence of his new camp. His skin glistened in the sun as beads of sweat covered his body. He watched the Collectors patrolling the perimeter and going about their other duties as reggae music blasted through his earbuds. Everyone he passed avoided meeting his eye and hurried out of his way. Up ahead a gray cargo van entered the gate. Just what he had been waiting for. He adjusted his trajectory and headed to the side of the building where he knew it would park.
He slowed to a walk as he approached. Two Collectors opened the back doors just as he made it to the van. Huddled inside were former Infected in white cotton clothes, their bodies emaciated and bruised. Their wrists were bound together at their backs and chains around their ankles shortened their strides making walking, let alone running, difficult. All their eyes were glazed over in the same medicated haze.
More Collectors came to unload the specimens. Two Collectors to each specimen, that was the rule. Even sedated they could often be unpredictable. The last to exit the van was the youngest of the bunch and by far the greatest disappointment. He was so close to being a match for Christopher only to fail in the last round of testing. However, he was proving useful in other ways. His abilities were far greater than those of other former Infected Dr. Neff had encountered. He was the perfect candidate for advancing field applications of residual N87 infection. Natasha would love this specimen and his potential for furthering her research. The boy would be his gift to her. One step closer to getting back into her good graces. Now if he could only get his hands on that Allison, he could cure Christopher and have his family back once and for all.
The specimens disappeared with the Collectors into the building. The one drop rhythm drum beat in his earbuds stopped and Natasha’s ringtone of slow jazz filled his ears. He pulled his phone from his pocket.
“Answer,” he said as he walked into the building.
“Hello, Nicky. I was calling for an update on the procurement of Christopher’s donor.” Natasha’s voice was tight.
“I’m getting closer,” Dr. Neff said.
“That is not what I heard. I heard she killed some of your best men and Catherine in the last capture attempt. You wouldn’t lie to me now, would you?” Natasha’s voice struck like a viper. His heart pounded and his mind raced as he thought through what he wanted to say next. A lump formed in his throat threatening to make him mute.
“That is true. We have had some setbacks,” he forced the words from his lips as he fought the anxiety building in his chest. “Her abilities are stronger than I originally estimated. But I will find her. I have every available man out looking for her and the others she is with.”
Natasha sighed. Dr. Neff walked the stark white halls to his office, his chest tightening with every step. He locked his door before falling onto his back on the couch.
“Baby, I can do this. I will do this. I need you to bring Christopher here so once I have her I can start treatment immediately. I have a gift for you as well.”
“No, absolutely not. Your Resistance problem is out of control. Just crossing the zone’s border is nearly impossible. They are ambushing all government vehicles that pass through. Christopher and I are staying here until you get your shit together. Grow some fucking balls, Nicholas, and eliminate the problem.” The line went dead.
Dr. Neff threw his phone across the room. It cracked into the concrete wall shattering into hundreds of shiny black pieces. He took a pillow from the couch and pressed it against his face and he let out a scream. The doorknob jiggled, then a sharp knock pounded