“I totally forgot it was my birthday!”
“Well, thankfully Gabby didn’t,” Trevor said.
Gabby stormed down the sidewalk, her face hot with anger. The beat of footsteps against the pavement behind her slowed as Matt came up beside her, matching her stride. He walked with her in silence so she let him stay. Allison was a former Infected with abilities. Gabby had suspected as much when Allison appeared in the gymnasium, but as time passed and Allison never said anything, she had assumed she was wrong. To find out her best friend had kept such a life-altering secret from her broke her heart.
“I’ve been trying to think about what I would have done in your situation, but I wouldn’t have handled it any better,” Matt said. “You did better than I had expected you to when this secret finally found the light of day.”
“I thought we were so close. I can’t believe she would keep this from me.” Her pace slowed and her shoulders drooped.
“I’m sorry she didn’t tell you, but I hope you understand how hard this is for her.” Gabby stopped and sat at a bench on the edge of the park used as a town garden.
“I understand more than you know why it’s hard to tell people you are a former Infected. Especially one with abilities. But if the situation was reversed I would have told her,” Gabby said with a sigh.
“Gabby, you are the one thing she has connecting her from who she was to who she is now. She doesn’t like who she is now, so of course she didn’t want to tell you. Being with you makes her feel normal again.” Matt took a seat next to Gabby.
“I knew some of the cured Infected have abilities. I never met one in real life, though. Obviously, she’s super strong. Can she do anything else? I heard some can.” Gabby looked at Matt as she spoke.
“No. At least not that I know of. But there is something else you should know. I’m just going to tell you because I think you need to know.” Matt shifted uncomfortably on the bench. “A man is after Allison. His name is Dr. Neff and he is bad news. He has already sent people after her once and we barely escaped. I’m sure he is still looking for her and that he knows about her strength.” Gabby’s expression dropped at the mention of Dr. Neff.
“I know all about Dr. Neff. Allison is in big trouble.” Gabby paused. “Back at the house when Allison said I had a secret, she was right. I need to show you something.” Gabby stood and began walking across the park toward the town wall and Matt followed.
Allison saw Gabby in bed when she woke but decided to let her sleep. It was a good sign that she was home and still willing to sleep next to Allison. She stared at her friend and regret washed over her. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you everything. Allison took a moment to write a simple note in her journal.
I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you the whole truth. I was afraid of losing you. I was afraid of being judged. I was just afraid of everything, really. Being around you makes me feel normal again and I didn’t want that to end. Part of me convinced myself it was best, safest for you this way. But I was wrong to keep something so big from you. We need to talk because I have more I want to tell you and it’s best we do it in person. I hope you will feel comfortable sharing your secret with me.
She then ripped the page out and laid it on the bed next to Gabby. Allison slipped out the door quietly to not disturb the sleeping household and headed off to work.
Midday came around and Allison was spending her lunch break playing with the children in the fall leaves. She made piles and they jumped into them sending the leaves flying. This process repeated itself over and over again, as they never seemed to bore of it. Suddenly Allison heard horns honking and a voice over a loudspeaker. “Everyone report to the gymnasium for an urgent meeting. No exceptions.” Allison looked down the road where the noise was coming from and saw a convoy of Collectors. Her skin crawled at the sight of the black uniforms. Her mind raced to think of where all of her friends would be at this time of day. I have to find everyone. Her chest tightened and she looked for a place to hide but found the little faces of her charges instead. I can’t leave them.
“Get behind me.” The children crowded around Allison.
She had never seen so many Collectors in one place before, even at the medical camp. Units of Collectors were walking down the road, armed, going from building to building. They were in their armor, guns drawn, ready for a fight. They pulled people from their homes and businesses, pushing them in the direction of the gymnasium. Children screamed as Collectors scooped them up and away