“Good evening, Allison. I’m glad to see you are well and your body has handled the sedative without any harsh side effects.” Dr. Neff’s eyes were fixated on her as she crossed the room and stood in front of him. He continued, “I assume you have many questions, but I ask that you refrain from asking until I have explained why you are here. Is that understood?”
“Fuck you, you piece of sh—” A jolt of electricity pulsed through her body, stronger than the previous ones. She fell to the floor, her body spasming in a heap on the ground. A burning sensation pulsated in the area where the fork had touched her bare skin. Dr. Neff leaned over her, needle in hand, and she felt a prick on her arm. Once she stopped shaking Allison looked down at her thigh and saw two slight burn marks surrounded by redness.
“I am sorry I have to do that. However, I find it necessary to enforce the rules from the beginning. It prevents any confusion and ensures everything progresses in a timely manner. Now when I ask a question, you answer. Colorful language, disrespectful comments, refusing to speak, and anything other than simply answering the question I will not be tolerated. Nod if you understand.” Allison nodded.
“Good. Now, where were we? Ah yes, why you are here. You, Allison, are very special. I believe locked away in your DNA is the key to many things scientists around the world are trying to accomplish. Genetically modifying humans for war and survival, curing diseases and birth defects. However, my focus is on one issue in particular. I want the cure. Am I going too fast for you?” Dr. Neff stood and paced the room, never taking his eyes off Allison lying on the floor.
“Where are my friends?” Another jolt, this time on her other thigh. Her body shook as the electricity flowed through her body and then slowly dissipated. Her jaw locked shut, tears streaming down her face, her shorts wet from urine.
“Your friends are safe, but they will not stay that way if you continue to disrespect me. Am I clear?”
“Yes.” Allison dug her nails into the palms of her hands as she spoke through gritted teeth, her locked jaw holding back all the things she wanted to say.
“Good. As I was saying, in your DNA, specifically your bone marrow, is the key to the cure. By discovering how your altered DNA was able to cure you from the most deadly disease ever known to man I can modify it to cure another. Thus, providing the United States with the only cure for N87.” His voice rose with excitement as he spoke. “This is just the tip of the iceberg. Once I crack this mystery, I am certain there will be more to discover and learn from you. It is important for you to understand: I do not wish you any harm. I can assure you, we will treat you with the utmost kindness as long as you follow the rules.”
“So, I’m your lab rat?” Allison said.
“A well-treated lab rat. Frankly, better than you deserve.” Dr. Neff sat back down across from Allison. “I do not mean to be crude but you are a monster. For years you literally ate people with your bare hands, ripping them limb from limb. You are still killing despite being infection free, or have you forgotten Nurse Catherine? I have not. You may be cured of the infection but you cannot be cured of the leftover effects. You have a rage deep inside of yourself that you cannot control even now. Here, you are giving back to society while keeping the community safe from your uncontrollable outbursts.” He locked eyes with Allison and sighed.
“So when do you kill me? That’s the main reason I’m here, right? To be some sort of cure for your son?” Allison held his gaze until he turned away.
“I will not apologize for trying to save my son. He will do more with the gift of the cure than you ever would. You have already proven that by continuing to follow your bloodlust.” Dr. Neff slammed his fist on the metal table, sending a shockwave of sound echoing through the room. Allison pulled herself up from the floor and sat across from him. She flung her arms down onto the table, mimicking the sound he had made.
“You are a monster.” She spit at him, her saliva landing on the table between them.
“It takes one to know one.” He stood up, hovering above her. “I will leave you with your thoughts until morning. However, I must send in a tech to get some initial blood from you. He will also provide you with dinner as long as you cooperate. I expect you to behave and allow the man to complete his task. It’ll be just like going to the doctor.” The door opened and a little man in blue scrubs and a white lab coat entered the room as Dr. Neff exited.
Allison sat motionless at the table while the tech poked and prodded until he found her vein. He’s not as good at this as Matt. The tech’s hand shook as he held the needle. He’s scared. She placed her hand on his and the man flenched, dropping the needle to the floor. He’s scared of me. He mumbled an apology and reached for a new needle.
She held her hand on his gently, not letting go when he tried to pull away. The man looked at her, his eyes full of fear. She patted his hand, gave a slight nod, and smiled. He gave a half smile back and she released his hand. He took the new needle, this time with a steady hand, and found her vein. Tears fell from her eyes as she watched her blood rush into tube after tube. When he was