
“Where are we going?” Matt said.

“To get our girl,” Gabby said with a grin.

Trevor couldn’t pack his bag quickly enough.

Chapter Twenty-Five Gabby

After a thirty minute trek through the forest they arrived at the edge of a clearing. Gabby leaned down and felt around on the forest floor under the brush right along the tree line. When she felt the bar of warm metal against her hand, she tugged up. The earth in front of them lifted up as the door to the underground hideout opened. It was as if the earth itself opened up revealing dark stairs that led into the ground.

“Fucking cool.” Matt grinned as he stared down the stairs.

“Welcome to the Resistance hideout. Well, one of them anyway,” Gabby said.

She lead them down the dark, damp stairs. Once she was a few steps down she felt around on the wall until she found the pulley system. She turned the wheel and the sky above closed off as the entrance closed. A flashlight blinked on and Trevor held it up to his face.

“Glad I always carry this little guy in my pocket.”

Gabby smiled and pulled a small flashlight from her pocket as well and clicked it on.

“Me too.”

“Well aren’t you both some handy little Boy Scouts?” Matt said.

They climbed down the stairs until they ended at a large metal door that always reminded Gabby of submarine doors from old movies, except this one had a little screen mounted to the wall next to it. Gabby tapped on it, bringing it to life. It lit up and five little square boxes appeared above an electronic keyboard. She positioned herself between the boys and the screen and typed in the code.

“Don’t trust us?” Trevor asked and shined his light on the door.

“Trust is earned. You’re getting there,” Gabby answered.

The handle on the door turned and the door popped open, swinging inward to a well-lit room. The flashlights clicked off and the trio walked inside. Matt pushed the door closed. Gabby heard the automatic locks slide into place but she tugged on the handle anyway. It didn’t budge.

“This was a private bunker designed for nuclear fallout by a local survivalist. He perished in the first wave of the outbreak. His son was a member of the Resistance and let us have this before he died at the hands of a Collector.” Gabby held her arms open, gesturing to the walls around them.

“Dude, you will love it. This place has everything, even running water!” Matt said. Trevor nodded as he looked around the small entryway. Voices and laughter from another room echoed off the cement walls of the hall. Gabby motioned for the boys to follow and led them down the walkway to the common room. Multiple doorways opened to the room from other areas of the bunker. The room was cozy, designed to be the perfect place to relax after a rough day surviving the apocalypse. A colorful rug lay in the center of the room with an overstuffed gray couch on top of it. Mismatched chairs lined the wall. A large TV hooked to an old DVD player was attached to the wall across from the seating area. Lyon, a broad-shouldered man with a thick beard that would be the envy of any lumberjack sat on the couch. White tattoos in intricate designs lined one of his ebony arms. Cassi, a short, redheaded woman, sat next to him. They smiled at Gabby when she walked in the room. Their smiles quickly downturned when they saw Trevor.

“Another newbie?” Lyon asked. His dark down eyes narrowed. Cassi gave a little yank on his beard and waved her finger in front of his face. A few more Resistance members entered the common area from different entry points and stood watching Gabby and her guests.

“Gather, everyone. I have news.” Gabby sat on the back of the couch and gestured for everyone to take a seat. She introduced everyone to Trevor. Matt greeted those he met the previous night and introduced himself to the others. None of the Resistance members present at this meeting were residents of Wellspring, so Gabby filled them in on the events of the day.

Cassi stood and paced the room. “You want us to go to Dr. Neff’s, attack Collectors head-on, and break this Allison out of a most likely very secure facility?” The room buzzed with whispers.

“Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying,” Gabby answered. “Up till now we have done our reconnaissance, our little disruptions in his plans here and there. Intercepting supplies or singular prison vans. It’s not enough. We have been talking about doing something big, really making a difference. We can save Allison and many more. I can’t leave her there. It’s my Allison, Cassi.” Her eyes rimmed with tears as she held eye contact with Cassi. Cassi’s face softened and she sighed.

“We all have an Allison. I get it. I’m in, as long as we have a plan and don’t just go in guns blazing.” Other Resistance members nodded their heads in agreement. “What do you say, Lyon?” Cassi gestured to the tall man who was silent on the couch.

“Listen, I’m all for helping this Allison chick and I think it’s about damn time we fuck up that doctor bastard’s world. But we have a mountain of a problem. Since he moved locations a few weeks ago we have no fucking idea where he is. We also do not have enough weapons or ammo to take on a unit of Collectors,” Lyon said. The room buzzed with conversation again. Trevor waved his arms in the air as he shushed the crowd and everyone turned to look at him.

“I know where we can get enough ammo and guns for everyone in this room.” Trevor looked at Matt. “Matt’s uncle had a cabin nearby. We were there not too long ago and he had a cellar full of weapons.”

Lyon ran a hand down his beard. “So once we get these guns, what’s next? We still

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