“I know someone who does,” Matt said.
Gabby plastered her prettiest smile to her face as she walked into the small jailhouse, making sure to swing her hips extra wide. She had smeared on some pale pink lip gloss and mascara before entering. Makeup was such a luxury now, but this was worth using some. Plus this “date” needed to be believable. The only guard on duty was sitting at the center desk filling out a crossword. He smiled as he saw Gabby walk toward him.
“Hello, Sam. I brought you some dinner and snacks. I figured you would need it since you got stuck with the overnight shift.” Gabby unloaded all the food onto Sam’s desk.
“Well this is a pleasant surprise! Thank you, Gabby.” Sam looked behind her. “Where is that Matt kid from earlier?”
“He’s not with me. I’m not here to see his sister. I came to see you.” She tapped her finger lightly on his chest.
“Does this mean you have reconsidered going on a date with me?” Sam beamed.
“Let’s consider this our first.” Gabby smiled as she brushed her hand over his arm and then blushed. “I have all sorts of goodies for you. Can I sit?” She gestured to his lap.
“Yes!” Sam exclaimed. Gabby sat on his lap, wrapping one arm around his shoulders as she pulled a bottle out of the bag.
“This is some of the strawberry wine Shelly makes. Would you have some with me? I’ve heard it’s really good and I’ve been dying to try it.” Gabby’s eyes glimmered as she spoke and she pulled the cork from the bottle.
“I really shouldn’t.”
“Just a little won’t hurt.” Gabby raised the bottle to his lips. She held the bottle high, forcing more and more wine into his mouth. Sam choked a bit and pushed the bottle away. It was almost half empty.
“What are you doing? Are you trying to . . .” Sam said as Gabby leaned in and kissed him, causing him to lose his train of thought. She giggled as she popped a strawberry into her mouth and then into his.
“I have to use the restroom. I’ll be right back,” Gabby said as she sauntered away. She looked over her shoulder and saw Sam grinning from ear to ear as he took another drink of strawberry wine. She blew him a kiss and slipped into the restroom. As Gabby stood in the small room, she heard Sam call out for her but she didn’t answer. She glanced down at her watch. Any minute now. She heard Sam walk heavy-footed across the floor calling out for her again. She locked the bathroom door just in case he made it that far. A crash, followed by a loud thud. Gabby then emerged from the bathroom. Sam was lying on the floor, face-down, the table near him toppled over.
“Sam?” She tapped him on the shoulder then did it again a little harder. No response. She felt for a pulse; it was nice and strong. She then went and opened the door, waving to her friends to come inside.
“Great cocktail, Gabby,” Cassi said.
Gabby smiled. “It won’t last long. I’ll go keep watch outside while you guys get her.”
Gabby struggled with the keys in the lock. When she popped open the door she found Morgan sitting up staring at her with wide eyes. Trevor slipped in the room past Gabby and searched through a ring of keys similar to the one sheriffs carry in all those Wild West movies. Behind him was Lyon looking out the window with a large rifle in his arms. By the door to the room where Morgan’s cell was housed was Matt with a holstered gun on his hip, gesturing to someone outside the door.
“What’s going on?” Morgan asked. Her wide eyes stared at Trevor, her blonde hair wild around her head as if she had just woken up.
“We need to talk to you,” Trevor said.
“Why?” Morgan gave Matt a confused look. Gabby glanced down at her watch. They were running out of time.
“Because we need your help. If you want to do the right thing you’ll take us to Dr. Neff so we can save Allison,” Matt replied. Morgan’s face tensed and she crossed her arms.
“If you try to save Allison, Dr. Neff will kill you. Her life isn’t worth sacrificing yours.”
“You don’t have the right to decide the value of Allison’s life,” Trevor said through gritted teeth. Morgan rolled her eyes. Matt reached through the bars and grabbed his sister by the shoulders, pulling her as close as he could to himself.
“You’re wrong. She is my friend. She is your friend. She is a good person and doesn’t deserve what Dr. Neff is doing to her. Are you going to help us save her or not?” Matt held his sister tightly, his knuckles turning white on her shoulders.
“Will that make you happy? Will you stop being mad at me if I do?” Morgan asked.
“Yes. It’s a start,” Matt answered.
“I can draw you a map. It’s just an hour or so down the highway,” Morgan said. Trevor finally found the correct key and unlocked the cell door.
Gabby pulled the metal bar door open. “You can show us. We are taking you with us. Can’t leave you here and worry you will tell people where we have gone.”
“And can’t trust that you are telling us the whole truth now,” Trevor added.
“Of course she is!” Matt glared at Trevor.
“I’m just saying we need to cover all our bases. Her most recent actions don’t elicit trust.”
Lyon leaned into the room. “Untwist your panties later. Move now. Take the girl.”
Matt took his sister’s hand and the group slipped out of the little jail and headed for the cabin.
Allison awoke when the lights in her room flicked on and armored Collectors barreled into her room. Two of them grabbed her under her arms and yanked her out of bed.
Allison’s head was still fuzzy from sleep and it took