against the door. He bit the pillow and swallowed the scream still aching for release from his throat. Dr. Neff didn’t move, hoping whoever it was would go away. But they were persistent and the knocking continued. He walked to the door, unlocked the knob, and yanked it open. A wide-eyed Collector stood before him. He couldn’t be older than twenty and was probably fresh out of training. The young Collector must have drawn the short stick to be the one sent to knock on Dr. Neff’s office door.

“Sir, someone is here to see you,” the Collector stuttered.

“Not now. Send them away!” Dr. Neff snapped. The Collector hesitated.

“I’m sorry Doctor, but I think you’ll really want to see this person.” He pointed down the hall. Dr. Neff’s gaze shifted to the end of the hall and he smiled.


Allison took the long way home so she could enjoy the cool breeze and the changing color of the leaves. Fall was Allison’s favorite time of year and she was going to make this fall the best on record. When she neared her house, it was oddly dark inside and even the porch light was off. Allison was never the first person home and seeing the house dark and empty made her nervous. This was it, Dr. Neff had found her and was waiting inside with his goons to pounce on her and take her away. Her heart raced; beads of sweat formed along her hairline. Her breath caught in her throat, tightening her chest as her thoughts raced. She should just leave, not even go into the house, just keep walking down the street. But what if her friends came home, what would he do to them? What if they were already inside? She had to go in. Allison took a deep breath and started up the path to the door.

Allison’s hand froze when it touched the cool metal of the door handle. Her pulse drummed in her ears as she felt the rage build in the center of her body and began to radiate outward. She didn’t try to stop it. She pressed her ear against the door but didn’t hear any sounds inside. She slowly opened it and slipped inside. It was dark but no boogeyman appeared. Allison quietly walked into the living room, ready to defend herself, when suddenly the lights flashed on followed by shouts and people jumping up from behind the couch. She was starry eyed from the sudden light flooding the room and her pulse in her ears was deafening. She reached for the console table she knew was near her and flung it into the living room toward the couch. Screams and a crash erupted as the table smashed clear through the wall and into the kitchen. The starriness in her vision was clearing and her pulse in her ears reduced to a low hum. Why had no one attacked her yet? Then she saw the pink streamers hanging from the ceiling and Gabby staring at Allison aghast. Oh, no! Oh, fuck! Gabby!

“What the fuck, Allison?” Gabby shrieked.

“I didn’t know it was you! I will fix it all. I promise. Fuck, I’m so sorry!” Allison pleaded.

“You’re one of them, aren’t you?” she demanded, her voice ragged with shock and hurt. “One of those Infected with abilities?” Gabby paced the room, hands on her hips. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why would you keep this from me?” Gabby glared at Allison. Don’t hate me. Matt and Trevor stood in the corner, silent. Matt shifted his eyes to the floor. Trevor’s compassionate gaze fell to Allison.

“I was afraid.” I need you. I need to be the version of me that I am with you.

“Afraid of what? That I’d turn you in? That I’d tell people? What?” Gabby stopped pacing and looked at the boys. “Did you know? Of course you did.” Matt nodded reluctantly.

“It wasn’t our place to tell, Gabby,” Trevor said. Don’t blame them for my stupidity. Gabby threw her arms in the air and turned to face Allison.

“Afraid that you would look at me the way you are looking at me right now.” Allison shot back. “Different. Not like I’m Allison your best friend, but like I’m Allison the monster. I can’t take it.”

“I don’t think you’re a monster, but right now you are a liar. Lying by omission is still a lie. And we don’t lie to each other.” Gabby put her hands on her hips and looked at Allison the way a scolding mother looks at a child.

“Are you sure about that? Because to me it seems I’m not the only one here keeping secrets. Don’t think I didn’t notice you disappearing all the time. Everyone notices,” Allison said. Gabby’s stern face faltered briefly but then she turned her attention to Matt and Trevor.

“How could all of you keep this from me!” Gabby stormed away, slamming the door as she left the house.

“I’ll go talk to her,” Matt said as he scurried out of the house right behind Gabby.

Allison collapsed on the couch, viewing the kitchen through the hole she put in the wall. Trevor sat next to her, putting his arm around her and pulling her close.

“She will come around,” Trevor said without a hint of righteousness in his voice, “But I don’t blame her for being upset. I told you she would be.”

“I messed up. But did you see her face when I brought up her disappearing all the time? What’s up with that?” Allison curled into Trevor’s side, breathing in his musky scent.

“She’s hiding something, probably for the same reason you hid your abilities. She’s worried about your judgement.” He caressed her arm with his fingertips, sending chills down her spine.

“You know I love you, right? I just . . .” Allison couldn’t find the words. I just don’t want to add even more to my complicated life or yours. I can’t give you the couplehood you deserve when I’m such a fucked up individual.

“I know. I love

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