a fit of restless energy. I jump back to my feet and begin pacing the apartment like a caged animal.

I hear Brett’s footsteps in the hallway before I see him. He steps into the apartment and kicks the door closed behind him, and it’s as if a flood gate has been opened inside of me. The tears just start flowing from nowhere.

Brett closes the gap between us in two long strides and wraps me in his arms.

Breathing in his scent, I cry against his chest, clinging to him. My intention had been to give him a piece of my mind for the way he ordered me around downstairs, but I see now that it doesn’t matter. He’s nothing like Gary. He wasn’t attempting to control me, he just wanted me somewhere safe, so he could deal with Gary without having to worry about where I was the whole time.

“You’re shaking Opal,” Brett says into my hair.

I try to tell him I’m all right, it’s just spent adrenaline coming out of me, but I can’t get the words out yet. Brett holds me tightly, whispering to me that I’m okay now, and eventually, I start to believe him. I feel safe wrapped in his arms, like he can keep the world away from me and I focus on that.

Sniffling a little, I pull back from Brett giving him a watery smile. “I’m sorry. I don’t know where that came from.”

He kisses the tip of my nose. “You don’t have to apologize.” He leads me to the couch and sits me down. He goes to the kitchen then comes back with a glass of water and a wet cloth. He rubs the cloth over my face, soothing my skin that is still hot from the tears. He hands me the glass of water.

I take a few sips. I feel much better now, much more in control of myself. “I can’t believe that just happened. I dread to think how far it would have gone if you hadn’t have showed up when you did.”

“You don’t need to think about that Opal. I did show up. And you’ll always be safe with me.”

I smile at him, a genuine smile now. “Maybe I should just move or something so Gary can’t find me again, because clearly changing my phone number isn’t enough.”

“If that’s what you want, then I’ll help you find a place,” Brett says. “But Gary won’t be a problem anymore.”

I raise my eyebrow at him.

He smiles a little, showing me his knuckles. They’re skinned, bleeding. “I had a little word with Gary and he won’t be bothering you again.”

I gasp a little at the scrapes as I pick up the wet cloth. I gently pat it against Brett’s knuckles. He winces a little as I dab away the blood. “Thank you,” I say. “I can’t believe I was ever with him. I mean I knew he was a little intense, but I never thought he would be dangerous.”

“Men like him are very good at appearing to be normal, charming even. They don’t show their true colors until things are already serious. And then it’s gradual, and each little step they take to cut you off from your life feels reasonable. Then it’s only when you stop and see the big picture that you realize what’s going on. You shouldn’t be too hard on yourself.”

“Well, at least this time, I made the right choice.” I look into his eyes.

He smiles at me and kisses me gently.

I feel my body coming to life beneath his kiss. I pull my head back slightly and smile up at him. “Do you want to stay here tonight?” I ask.

“What about your boss?” Brett asks with a playful grin.

“Ah, fuck him.” I roll my eyes.

“I certainly hope you will.” Brett laughs. He scoops me up into his arms and carries me towards the bedroom.

God, how did I get so lucky as to find someone like Brett and have him want me as much as I want him?


Glancing up from my computer, I smile as Jessie comes flouncing into my office.

She throws herself into the chair opposite mine, leaning back in it and putting her hands behind her head. “Morning.” Jessie smiles. “How is the ever delightful Brett this morning?”

“You know when you come to someone’s office, you’re supposed to ask them how they are, not ask about someone else.” I smile back.

“Ah, I can see how you are. You’re fine,” Jessie says waving a hand at me. She peers at me suddenly, leaning forward in the chair and resting her elbows on my desk.

I feel a moment of paranoia seize me. Do I have something on my face or something?

Then Jessie grins at me. “In fact, you’re more than fine. You’re positively glowing. You’re seeing someone aren’t you?”

“No,” I say quickly, my cheeks heating up. “Maybe I always glow and you’ve just never noticed before.”

“Oh, dream on, honey!” Jessie laughs. “No one glows like that unless they’re getting some. Now, tell me all the details.”

“There’s really nothing to tell,” I say firmly. “And if you don’t mind, I really have to get this report finished. Mr. Connell is coming in today and I know he’ll want to see it.”

“Fine,” Jessie says, standing as she’s still grinning. “But don’t think for a minute you’re off the hook. I won’t forget to circle back to this.” She leaves my office without a protest.

I know for a fact she really won’t forget about this though. Great. Now I’m going to have to invent a boyfriend and just hope Jessie doesn’t start suggesting we go on double dates or anything like that.

I shake the thought away, thinking again of Brett and how much part of me wishes our relationship didn’t have to remain a secret. Hopefully, it won’t have to for much longer.

Mr. Connell is coming in today and Brett has confided in me that he thinks he will be pushing him for an answer as to whether or not he wants

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