Mr. Connell has been given the green light to return to work after eight weeks, and it has been almost six now, so hopefully, Brett will be able to tell whether or not he thinks his father can handle the stress of the job again or not. I want him to be okay for obvious reasons, but now there’s so much more riding on it, and I feel guilty suddenly for being so selfish.
I spend some time working on my report, trying not to get my hopes up that Brett is going to turn down the job. If he doesn’t, I know I will have a big decision to make.
Brett and I can’t spend our whole lives in a secret relationship, so if he stays here, then I am left with two choices. I can either end things with Brett, or leave my job. Neither of the options sound particularly appealing to me, but I know that no matter what happens, I can’t bring myself to end things with Brett.
So really I don’t have a big decision to make. I already know what I’ll do. I just have to find a job that suits me as well as this one does. I know that won’t be easy, but Brett is worth it and besides, it might not even come to that yet.
After I’ve finished the report, I take a late lunch break, knowing there’s less chance of me bumping into Jessie that way and being grilled again. If all goes well today, I’ll be able to tell her the truth soon enough. She will be so jealous.
The rest of the afternoon goes by slowly, even though I have kept myself plenty busy. The hands of the clock finally read 4.25. I go and prop my office door open so I can see when Mr. Connell comes in.
Of course, Brett’s secretary can greet him and make him his coffee – it is her job after all - but I want to do it. I have worked for the man for a long time, and while it’s been great having Brett here obviously, I do kind of miss Mr. Connell.
He appears at a minute to half past four, exactly on time to get to Brett’s office for dead on half past, exactly as I knew he would.
Rising up, I rush out of my office to greet him, “Mr. Connell, it’s fantastic to see you up and about. You look great.”
And it’s true. He really does. The color is back in his face and he’s lost a couple of pounds. He’s never looked healthier really.
I feel a spark of hope in my stomach.
“Thanks Opal. It’s nice to see you too,” he says. “The missus has me on a diet you know. It’s so nice to get out from under her feet and be free to have something I really want.”
“Coffee and a muffin?” I ask, taking the hint.
“Ah, I knew there was a reason I’d kept you around all of these years. That would be great, thanks.”
Smiling to myself, I head towards the kitchen. I make Mr. Connell his coffee and I make Brett one too. I put two muffins on a plate then load a tray with the cups and the plates. I head for Brett’s office. Or is it Mr. Connell’s office again, now? Oh, how I hope so.
I’m humming to myself when I reach Brett’s office door. I stop abruptly when I hear shouting coming from inside. I know I should knock immediately and let them know I’m here, but I can’t help but pause and see what they’re fighting about now. I tell myself it’s okay, because Brett will tell me eventually anyway.
“Why do you have to be so damned stubborn?” Mr. Connell shouts. “After everything, can’t you just take this damned job and stop being a baby about it?”
“I’m not being a baby about it. I’ve told you I don’t want the job. I’m happy to stay on for a few weeks while you find a replacement for me if you don’t want to come back yourself, but that’s it.”
“That’s it? You’re still not going to give me a reason for it?”
“It’s complicated,” Brett says.
I hear a noise behind me and I realize Brett’s secretary is returning to her desk.
She pauses and peers at me
I smile at her, acting like I haven’t just been caught listening at the door. “I’m just bringing them some refreshments,” I say, nodding down to the tray in my hand.
“Brett told me he didn’t want anything,” she says, frowning as she takes her seat at her desk. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was because he had already roped you into doing it.”
“Brett doesn’t know, I don’t think. Oh well, he can just leave his. Mr. Connell asked me for coffee and a muffin on his way in,” I explain. I don’t want her to think Brett doesn’t trust her with something as simple as making coffee and sought me out instead of her. I turn back to the door and knock lightly on it.
“Come in,” Brett and Mr. Connell both shout together.
Mr. Connell might not want to come back to work here, but he still sees this as his office. I can’t help but smile. I suppose I would still think of my office as mine if I moved to a different office somewhere.
I wipe the smile off my face as I open the door and step into the room. I move to the desk and the door starts to close behind me. I can feel the tension in the room.
Both of the men have stopped talking and are watching me as I carefully place the tray on the desk.
“I’m sorry to have made you do this unnecessarily Opal, but unfortunately, I have to