He moans my name again, and then we are still. He rests his head on my shoulder and I wrap my arms around him as we lay still for a moment, getting our breaths back.
Just as I start to feel like I am in control of myself again, Matt lifts his head from my shoulder. He brushes his lips against mine and then smiles down at me. “Was I worth waiting for?” he asks.
I make a hmm sound and scrunch my face up as though I’m thinking.
Matt laughs and shakes his head. He gets up, reaches down and helps me up.
I begin to get dressed, watching as Matt does the same.
“Enjoying the view?” Matt asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah,” I say. “And yeah, you were worth waiting for.”
He crosses to my side to pull me into his arms and kisses me again.
I laugh and wriggle away after a couple of minutes. “Stop it! Or we’ll still be here when the cleaners get here.”
Reluctantly, he lets me go and I finish getting dressed. I excuse myself to go to the bathroom. As I pee, I can’t stop myself from grinning. Sex with Matt was everything I had hoped it would be and a lot more. I have never come like that before, not even once, and Matt made it happen twice.
I finish up and go to the mirror. I run my fingers through my hair, trying to tease it back into some sort of order. I smile to myself when I see my flushed cheeks and my swollen red lips, a reminder of Matt’s lips on mine.
Chapter Eleven
I watch Callie’s ass as she walks away from me to go to the bathroom. I don’t mean to, I just can’t help myself. She’s so fucking sexy I can’t stop myself from looking at her every chance I get.
As she leaves the room, I sigh contentedly and finish buttoning my shirt back up. I can’t believe it’s finally happened. After what feels like forever trying to resist Callie, I’ve finally claimed her. She’s mine now.
My cock stirs at the thought and I try to think of something other than Callie’s tight little pussy, something other than how fucking sweet she tasted. Like I can think of anything else after that. I’m tempted to follow her to the bathroom and fuck her against the sinks, but I resist the urge. I really don’t want the cleaning staff to come in and catch us fucking in the bathroom like teenagers.
Instead, I take a last look at the couch, unable to wipe the grin from my face. I grab Callie’s handbag and jacket, flick the lights off then leave the office. I wait in the hallway.
She doesn’t keep me waiting long. She smiles when she sees me holding her handbag. “It suits you.”
“Really? I always thought purple was more my color,” I joke as I hand her things to her.
She laughs as she puts her jacket on and hooks her handbag over her shoulder. “Ready?”
No. I won’t ever be ready to not have you by my side. “Yup,” I say aloud.
We lock up the restaurant and Callie glances at her watch. “Dammit. We missed the last train,” she says.
“Yeah I know. Don’t worry. I’ll call a cab. I can drop you off on the way,” I tell her.
She opens her mouth to argue, but then she thinks better of it and nods her head. It’s not like I’m going to let her walk home and she knows it.
“Hungry?” I ask her.
“Yeah, I’m starving.”
“Good. There’s a twenty-four hour diner just down the road. We can grab a quick bite and then head home if you like,” I say.
She nods and I hold my arm out to her. She slips her hand through it and we begin to walk.
“Aren’t you meant to buy me dinner before you fuck me?” she asks.
I snort out a laugh, her words taking me by surprise. “Traditionally yes, but something tells me you’re not into the traditional stuff. That you prefer to make your own rules.”
“And break them it seems.” She grins.
“Break them?” I ask.
She nods. “I always said I would never get involved with a colleague and yet, here we are.”
“In your defense, you didn’t know someone like me was going to come and work with you though did you?”
“Modest aren’t you?” She laughs.
We reach the diner and I hold the door open for her, watching her ass again as she slips through. “I do try to be,” I say.
Callie shakes her head but she laughs. I lead her to a booth in the almost deserted diner and we sit down. She picks up the menu and I follow suit, even though I already know what I’m ordering. I watch Callie as her eyes scan the menu. Her tongue pokes out the corner of her mouth as she reads. As I watch her, I feel a warm feeling in my stomach.
Callie puts the menu down.
“You know what you want?” I ask her.
“Cheeseburger and fries,” she says. “You can’t come to a place like this and not get that can you?”
“And a chocolate milkshake,” we both say together and laugh.
I go up to the counter and place our order and pay for the food. I go back to the booth and Callie and I sit in companionable silence waiting for our food. Her stomach growls and we both laugh.
“I told you I was starving,” she says.
We don’t have to wait too long before our meals arrive and we dive in. Callie dips fries in ketchup and nibbles on them, chewing slowly, almost thoughtfully.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask her. I curse myself for the lame line.
Callie doesn’t seem to notice. Instead, she just shakes her head