The thought should cheer me up. I should be happy to know Matt is that into me, but it doesn’t. I don’t like the idea of him spending half of his salary on trying to impress me. I would have been happy to go back to the diner we went to last night.
“Honestly Callie, the guy can’t do anything right in your eyes can he?” Chloe says, reading my expression.
“I just don’t like the thought of him spending so much money on me. It’s not like I can return the favor is it?”
“Just make sure you give him a b j he never forgets.” Chloe winks.
“Thanks, that’s helpful.” I laugh then pick my drink up and down the rest. “I best get going.”
“I’ll walk to the end of the street with you,” Chloe says.
We leave the bar. The fresh air coupled with the beer starts to take effect and I feel myself relaxing a little bit. I decide to just enjoy the night and see where it goes. If we decide on another date, then I’ll talk to Matt and tell him not to blow his budget this way again.
We reach the end of the block and Chloe and I part ways. I walk along the street, checking the names of the places as I go. I pass a few restaurants dotted amongst them are boutique shops closed for the night. A couple of the shops remain open. This is a part of town I rarely come to and it definitely seems like it’s getting more high-end the further along the street I walk. I pass a cocktail bar and another restaurant. Finally, I spot The Herb Garden. My stomach does a flip when I see Matt standing casually outside waiting for me.
He’s wearing a suit, an actual fucking suit. And I’m dressed like we’re going for a picnic in the park. This is seriously bad. I honestly think I would have turned and fled if it wasn’t for the fact that Matt has clearly spotted me.
He doesn’t look pleased to see me. He frowns when he sees me and quickly comes towards me, closing the gap between us.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
I already know the answer. He’s annoyed because I’m so underdressed.
“You said you were getting a cab,” he says, his voice sounding like he’s barely holding back his temper.
His words throw me. What the fuck? Why is he checking up on me? “I was only around the corner. I didn’t recognize the name of the street, but Chloe told me where it was. Since when did you start checking up on my movements?”
He relaxes a little and sighs. “I’m not checking up on you. I just don’t like the idea of you wandering around the streets alone like this,” he says.
My heart warms at his concern, my annoyance at him for checking up on me fades, and I smile. “Because you’re an international spy and you’re worried your arch enemy will kidnap me to teach you a lesson?” I tease him.
“Yes. Exactly that.” He leans in and kisses my cheek.
I get a whiff of his aftershave. His lips are warm on my skin and I instantly feel tingles going through me.
“Seriously though, I would have picked you up,” he says.
“It’s fine, I’m here now.”
“Yes, you are, and you look amazing by the way.” He smiles.
He holds his arm out but I don’t take it. He frowns at me. “What is it?”
“I don’t look amazing. I look like what I am – like I’ve come straight from college. I’m not dressed for this kind of place Matt.”
“Not true. You’d look amazing no matter what you’re wearing,” he insists.
I can’t help but smile. “Look I get that you’re being nice, but seriously, you’re all suited up and look at me. I probably won’t even get through the door.” I am most definitely regretting the flat sandals as well as the dress now.
“I know the owner. You’ll be fine,” he says with a laugh.
I’m not convinced.
Matt looks at me for a minute and then he grins. “Wait here a minute.”
“Why? Where are you going?” I ask.
He kisses my cheek again and squeezes my hand. “Just wait here.” He’s gone without another word.
I watch him walk through a crowd of people who stand outside of a bar laughing. I lose sight of him in the small crowd. I try to spot him again, but I can’t. I sigh. What the hell is he doing? I feel self-conscious just standing here like this and I move back to lean against the wall between the restaurant and the shop next door. I pull my phone out and pretend I’m doing something on it. I scroll aimlessly through my Instagram feed, trying to look busy. I keep looking for Matt, but he’s nowhere to be seen.
Five minutes pass and then ten. I’m starting to think Matt has mysteriously vanished again. I debate texting him but that would look too desperate. Finally, he reappears again. My jaw drops when I see him.
His suit is gone and he stands before me in jeans, a white t-shirt and a pair of grey sneakers. “There. You feel better now?” He grins as he comes back to my side.
“I — yes.” I laugh. “Where the hell did you get those from?”
“The store down the road.” He grins.
I shake my head, surprised by his gesture, but much more comfortable in what I’m wearing now. When he offers me his arm again, this time, I take it. “At least now, we’ll both get turned away.” I chuckle.
He laughs with me, shaking his head. We approach the restaurant.
The doormen greet Matt by his name and ushers us inside. The maître d’ also greets Matt by name and I start to