through me. “So what do you want to think about?” he asks.

“Oh, I don’t know. Something a little more appealing.” I grin.

“How about this?” He moves his chair around the table, moving closer to me, leans forward and kisses me.

I feel sparks fly between us as his lips touch mine. It’s a short kiss, much shorter than I would have liked it to be, but I remind myself we’re in a public place.

Matt pulls back and smiles at me.

Fucking hell, he’s hot. “Yeah. That’s much better,” I say in a husky voice.

He puts his hand on my thigh and I bite my lip as it moves higher. I pick up my wine glass, needing to do something with my hands as Matt’s hand finds my panties. He rubs his fingers over the lace, pressing it against me and making me suck in a sharp breath.

He pushes my panties to one side and rubs his thumb over my clit, sending shocks of pleasure through my body. I take a gulp of the wine and set it back down. My hands move to the edge of the table, gripping it so hard my knuckles go white as I fight to remain in control and to not make a noise. I bite my lip as Matt increases the pressure on my clit, pushing me closer to the edge.

He leans closer to me again and whispers in my ear, “How’s this for something to think about?” he teases me.

“Mmhmm,” I say, not trusting myself to formulate actual words.

He keeps working my clit, and I feel my climax rushing through me, spreading fire through my body. It’s so hard to not react, to not scream out loud, move or even change my expression, but I manage it. As waves of pleasure rush through me, I sit still, my eyes fixed on a spot ahead of me.

I swallow hard as my climax slams through my body. My grip on the edge of the table becomes tighter. A rush of warmth leaves my pussy, soaking into my panties. I close my eyes for a moment and the restaurant is gone as fire explodes through my stomach. I force my eyes open again, not daring to forget my surroundings for even a second longer.

Matt pulls his fingers away as my orgasm starts to fade, leaving behind a tingly, sated feeling that leaves me breathless and feeling alive. I shake my head at Matt as he grins at me. “I can’t believe you did that,” I scold playfully.

“Really? Because I didn’t hear you complaining.”

I laugh, a soft laugh that comes out as more of a rush of air than an actual laugh. “Oh, I’m not complaining that you did it. I’m complaining that you stopped.”

His eyes open wider for a moment and then he turns away from me. “Waiter? Can we get the bill please?” he shouts.

I smile to myself, covering my mouth with my hand to hide it. Matt isn’t the only one who is full of surprises. Oh, no. Two can play that game.

The bill comes and Matt ignores my insistence on paying half of it. I know I’ve just told him I’m not exactly rolling in it, but I also told him I like to pay my own way. We’re still talking about it as we head towards the door.

“I really don’t expect you to pay for all of this,” I say.

“I know,” he replies. “But here’s the thing. I have a plan.”

I raise my eyebrow. “And what’s that?”

“Well, I know now you have a thing about not relying on anyone else. So that means the next date is on you. Which means there has to be one.” He grins.

I finally relax and smile up at him, feeling my cheeks flushing. He wants a second date.

Matt nods to the doormen as we leave the restaurant.

I start to head in the direction of the station but Matt catches my arm. “No train tonight.”

Before I can ask why, a sleek yellow Porsche pulls to a stop by the curb. The valet from the restaurant gets out and holds the door open. Matt steps towards the car.

“This is yours?” I ask suspiciously.

“No.” He laughs. “My brother’s. He lent it to me when I told him I was trying to impress a girl.” He holds the door open for me.

I smile at him as I get in. The seats in the car are low and I’m careful not to flash my panties as I slip into the seat. I watch Matt walk around the front of the car, admiring his ass in his jeans.

He thanks the valet and gets into the car.

“So…” I grin at him. “Your brother. Is he single?”

“Oh, you are so going to pay for that.” Matt laughs as he pulls away from the curb. The engine is smooth and ultra quiet. “At least I can tell him the car worked. Even if not in the way I wanted it to.”

He’s heading in the direction of my dorm room, but I am definitely not ready for him to drop me off. I am tipsy and loving it, and I’m loving Matt’s company. I quickly realize that I drank all of the wine but half a glass with dinner. “Oh, come on Matt. You had me the moment you touched me in the restaurant,” I say, looking at him sideways. I run my tongue suggestively over my lips. “The car is a nice touch though. It means we have somewhere to elaborate on that.”

Matt groans longingly and turns quickly, heading away from my dorm and I smile to myself. I don’t know where we’re heading and I don’t much care. All I know is he’s not taking me home yet.

Chapter Thirteen


Yet again, I’ve had to lie to Callie and I hate myself for it. We’re having a fantastic night, made all the better by her not so subtle hint that she wants to end the night on a high note, and for me at least,

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