“Are you just saying that because you think I’ll hate the other one?” Matt questions.
“Honestly Matt, I’m saying it because I think I’ll hate the other one,” I declare.
“You have no idea how relieved that makes me.” He smiles and sets off towards the ticket counter.
I run a couple of steps to get in front of him. “My turn, remember.”
“You bought the Prosecco,” he points out.
“Yup. And now I’m buying the movie tickets.”
He looks like he’s about to argue.
I raise my eyebrow at him.
He closes his mouth and makes a motion like he’s drawing a zipper over his lips.
“That’s better.” I buy two tickets to the movie, a large popcorn and a coke to share. We time it perfectly, stepping into the theatre as the trailers end and the movie begins. We take our seats.
We nibble on popcorn as we watch the movie. Although we can’t really chat here, it’s nice to feel Matt’s arm against mine, his leg against mine. I consider exaggerating my fear at the jumpy parts of the movie so that he’ll hold me, but I decide I don’t want him to think I’m a total wimp. I find myself becoming engrossed in the movie, although I still notice every time Matt’s fingers brush mine as we reach for the popcorn. When the movie ends, I turn to Matt. “Pretty good wasn’t it?”
“Good enough that I didn’t want to disturb you and do this…” He kisses me.
His lips are buttery and sweet and my stomach flutters as his tongue pokes into my mouth. My body responds to his touch, and I feel myself shifting closer to him, my pussy getting wet as we kiss. I pull away, I have to before I can let myself go any further. I sit for a moment, content looking into Matt’s eyes. “How on earth do you have this effect on me?” I whisper. I’ve never been with anyone who has me on the edge of losing control with just a kiss, or a whispered word. Even a look.
“It’s my natural charm.” He smirks.
I laugh and swat at him.
He ducks, laughing. “Seriously Callie, I don’t know. But I do know you have the same effect on me. I can’t even look at you without wanting to take you home and pleasure you all night long.”
My pussy clenches at his words and I moan low in my throat. I want nothing more than that myself. “Don’t… I have work soon.”
“Skip it.” Matt grins. “Call in sick.”
“I… I can’t do that. I’m sorry. I have this rule, where I don’t date co-workers. Clearly I’ve broken it, but I can’t let what we have affect work. I just can’t.”
He kisses the tip of my nose. “I get it. The restaurant is lucky to have you. And so am I.”
Chapter Fifteen
It’s been almost two weeks since Matt and I went on our disastrous date which actually turned out pretty well, all things considered. We’ve spent a lot of time together since that day, and while we haven’t actually come out and said it, we’re pretty much a couple. When we’re not at work, we go out together, or Matt comes and hangs out in my dorm room. We watch scary movies, old cheesy slasher ones, and laugh at the terrible effects and the over the top acting.
Everyone at the restaurant has worked out that we’re together, although when I’m asked about it, I neither confirm nor deny it. I don’t let Matt distract me at work, as hard as it is to focus on anything but him, but the chemistry between us is so obvious, anyone would know there was something between us. Sasha is constantly quizzing me for details, and the others are always making jokes about us. Even Marco seems to have noticed something is there between Matt and me. I was most worried about Marco finding out. I thought he would make my life at work even more of a living hell if he knew I was dating Matt, but instead, he’s backed off me a lot. He’s not nice to me; that would be too much to ask, but he keeps his distance and that’s more than enough for me. I guess he still remembers the last time Matt nearly punched him and he knows better than to bring that on himself again.
I am barely through the door for my shift tonight when James beckons me over. “Marco wants to see you in his office.”
“Okay,” I say as my heart sinks. What fresh hell is this? There’s bound to be some sort of customer complaint, whether real or imagined. Something minor that Marco will make a huge big deal out of. I head for his office, steeling myself for what’s coming. I might as well get it over with now instead of spending the first half of my shift with it hanging over my head until he realizes I’m here.
I head down the hallway and tap on his office door.
“Come in,” he shouts.
I open the door and poke my head around it. “James said you wanted to see me.”
He nods and gestures for me to come in.
I enter and move towards Marco’s desk, purposely keeping the door ajar. As I move towards the desk, my eyes are automatically drawn to his couch. I bite the inside of my lip to stop myself from smiling. I don’t know what’s coming, but I do know that if Marco gets the impression I’m happy about something, he’ll do his best to ruin it. He can’t ruin this. He can’t take away from what happened on that couch. But I really can’t be bothered with his attitude, so I hide my joy. I take a seat opposite him, being careful to pull my skirt right down and keep my knees pressed shut as I do.
“How do you think your performance has been