nicest possible way and the feeling keeps Matt very much in the forefront of my mind. For the first time ever, I find myself looking forward to going to work, so I can see him again.

Finally, the time comes for me to hop on my train and go to work. I know Matt won’t be on the train because he starts earlier than me today, but I’ve waited all damn day to see him – the half hour train ride isn’t going to kill me.

The train ride and the walk from the station to the restaurant pass by pretty uneventfully, my head filled with thoughts of Matt. I keep hearing him telling me I am his. I should probably be offended – I’m no one’s property – but I’m not. I like the way it sounds. I like the way it made me feel warm inside. And yeah, I like the idea of being his. So sue me.

It raises a major question though. If Matt isn’t keeping me at arm’s length because he doesn’t want this thing between us to become too serious, then what the hell is he hiding from me? I’ve been through every possibility I can think of, and none of them make any sense. I know I’m going to have to confront him again, but I don’t want us to end up arguing. I don’t want to lose him.

Why can’t he just be honest with me dammit? Surely, that’s not too much to ask. It’s kind of the most basic requirement in a relationship that’s going anywhere.

I push away the questions and the doubts as I walk across the parking lot to the staff entrance. I check my watch. I’m fifteen minutes early and even Marco can’t moan about that. The instant I step inside, I hear shouting. I frown and pause, listening. It’s coming from down the corridor, and it sounds like Marco and Matt are arguing.

I take my jacket off and hang it over one of the chairs in the breakroom. I sling my handbag over the same chair and move down the corridor. I know I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but I can’t help myself. And it’s not like they’re exactly being subtle, so they can’t be too worried about the idea of someone overhearing them. As I move out of the break room, I realize just how loud they’re shouting, and I think it’s likely they can be heard on the restaurant floor. Fantastic.

I up my pace, ready to go in and tell them to keep it down a bit. I pause outside of the office door.

“What the fuck are you playing at Marco? You had no fucking right to do that,” Matt shouts.

“Excuse me?” Marco yells back. “I think you’ll find I’m the manager here and I have every right to do it. It’s none of your business, and it would pay you to show me a bit of respect and stop swearing at me.”

“Respect? Why would I respect you after the stunt you’ve pulled? Don’t think I don’t know the full fucking story Marco,” Matt fires back.

I miss Marco’s response as Sasha and two other waitresses appear from the restaurant floor.

“What’s going on Callie? We can hear them out in the restaurant. The diners are starting to notice,” Sasha says.

I shake my head, shrugging my shoulders. I have no idea what’s going on, but I’ve heard enough. I knock on the office door, not expecting to receive an answer. I push the door open and go in. “Guys, can you keep it down a bit or take it outside? The diners can hear you.”

“Stay the fuck out of this Callie!” Marco snaps.

“Don’t you dare talk to her like that,” Matt shouts. “You know what? Pack your shit up. You’re fired.”

My jaw drops. Matt has gone way too far this time.

“I’m fired? That’s funny. I think you’ll find you’re the one who is fired. I don’t know who the fuck sent you here or why, and I don’t care. You’re done here Matt. Get the fuck out of here right now.”

Matt is suddenly the picture of quiet fury. He reaches into his pocket and shows Marco something about the size of a business card.

Marco’s whole demeanor changes. The anger goes out of him and he sits down heavily in his chair. “I…”

“I don’t want to hear it,” Matt interrupts. “Like I said before, don’t think I don’t know the full story. You have two choices Marco. You can resign right now and leave quietly. Or…”

“Ok, I’ll leave,” Marco interrupts him. “I’m so sorry. I just —”

“I said I don’t want to hear it,” Matt says again. “Get out. Your belongings will be forwarded on to you and I will expect your resignation letter to reach head office within the next hour.”

Marco stands up quickly, nodding. His face is still pale, and he looks like he’s defeated.

I can’t for the life of me work out what’s going on. What does Matt know that has scared Marco so badly? And how does Matt have the authority to fire Marco?

Marco starts to walk towards his office door.

Matt turns and seems to realize he has an audience for the first time.

I try to catch his eye but he won’t even look at me.

“Sasha. Harriet. Would you ladies be so kind as to see that Marco leaves the premises please? If he gives you any trouble, come and find me,” Matt says.

Sasha and Harriet both nod mechanically, looking as shocked as I am by the scene we’ve just witnessed.

“I won’t be any trouble,” Marco says. “I really am sorry about this. About everything.”

No one responds to him. He heads towards the staff entrance, Harriet and Sasha following him. I know Sasha will quiz him once they’re out of ear shot, so maybe we’ll get some answers as to what’s going on. For now though, I’m going to try and get some answers out of Matt.

“The rest of you go back to work. And please apologize to the diners

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