“Yeah right,” Sasha says. “So your boyfriend didn’t tell you in advance this was going to happen? Who is he really Callie? How did he manage to get Marco to just leave?”
“I honestly have no idea,” I say.
She must see the genuine confusion on my face. She frowns. “Don’t you kind of think you should know? I mean you’re dating the guy. I don’t know who he really is or why he’s really here, but he’s clearly not just another waiter.”
Her words confirm everything I’ve been thinking myself. I’m not paranoid. This is weird. I deflect her question by asking one of my own, “You left with Marco. What did he say was happening?”
“Nothing,” she replies. “Harriet and I tried to get it out of him, but he just point blank refused to tell us anything. He didn’t even try to make something up, he just remained completely silent, looking through us like we weren’t even there.”
“Nice to know whatever happened seemed to make him see the error of treating people like crap then.” I grin.
Sasha laughs. “Marco will always be that asshole. It’s just the way he is. But Matt seems different, so I’m willing to bet there’s a good reason for what he did. Look it’s quietening down. I’ll watch your section. Go and find out what’s going on,” she urges me.
“How? I don’t even know where Matt is,” I point out.
It’s Sasha’s turn to roll her eyes. “God Callie, I hope you never decide to become any kind of investigator. He’s around the side of the building. Go.”
I decide to do as she suggests. I want to know more than anyone what the hell is going on. Depending on what I find out, I might not be willing to share it with everyone, but I need to know for my own peace of mind. I nod and take my apron off.
“I’ll be as quick as I can.” I head outside and move towards the side of the building. It feels like ages have passed since Matt stormed out, but it’s been no more than fifteen minutes. As I approach the corner, I hear Matt’s voice. I stop walking, listening to what he’s saying. It feels wrong, but he’s not exactly open with me about anything, and if this is the way I have to find out exactly who Matt really is and what his agenda here is, then so be it.
I am fed up of my head buzzing with possibilities and of hearing the whispered thoughts of my colleagues when they think I can’t hear them. Whatever is going on, it’s clear to me that they all think I know something.
“Yes, I realize that,” I hear Matt say. He sounds agitated rather than angry, like he’s frustrated. “I know that too.”
He goes quiet for a moment. “Yeah I get it. I fucked up big time. But in a way the problem is solved isn’t it? I know it’s not really the outcome we wanted, but the problem will go away now.”
I cock my head at the words. What problem? What resolution?
“For what it’s worth, I am actually sorry, but it’s done now and dwelling on it and beating myself up over it isn't going to fix it is it? I will find a way to sort the mess out and make sure everything gets smoothed over.”
He pauses again. “I — God dammit!” he shouts.
I hear a loud bang and I finally step around the corner. Matt’s phone is away and he’s cradling one hand in the other. His knuckles are grazed and bleeding and I work out what happened. Whoever he was arguing with on the phone clearly hung up, and Matt, in frustration punched the wall. I’m no closer to knowing what’s going on, but it’s obvious Matt has screwed up something big.
“You know the wall always wins right?” I say, nodding towards his hand as I reach out to take a look.
He pulls his hand back from me. “It’s fine,” he snaps.
I glance up at him, shocked at how he replied to me.
He shakes his head and runs his undamaged hand over his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you. You’re right, punching the wall was stupid. I just have a lot on my plate right now.”
I shrug off his apology. “It’s fine,” I say. “What’s going on Matt. What happened back there?”
He shakes his head. “Marco stepped over the line and he’s paid for it,” he says.
That doesn’t even begin to answer my question and Matt must know it. I can feel myself getting angry. “Did you blackmail him?” I ask.
“Blackmail him? What are you talking about?” He looks genuinely confused.
“You showed him something and he just agreed to leave. I mean you’re a waiter Matt and he was the manager. You have to have something on him or he would have fired you on the spot the way you were yelling and swearing at him.”
“It sounds like you’re taking his side,” Matt accuses me.
“I’m not taking anyone’s side.” I sigh. “How can I when I don’t even know what’s going on? What do you have on him? And why were you so pissed that he fired James?”
“I didn’t blackmail him Callie, jeez.” That’s all he says. No explanation for what he did and no explanation for why James is suddenly his chief concern.
“For fuck sake, Matt!” I shout, getting angry now. “Will you stop avoiding the question and just tell me what the hell is going on here, because it’s clear to me that you’re not who you say you are.”
“Go back inside Callie,” he says quietly.
“That’s your answer? Go back inside? Or what Matt? Will you fire me too?”
“You’re being dramatic,” Matt says. “I don’t know what you think is happening here, but whatever it is, I can pretty much guarantee it’s not as bad as you’re imagining it to be.”
“So tell me what it is then!” I shout.
He slams his palm