do whatever you want with the nursery.”

I know I’m babbling, but the nerves have well and truly gotten the better of me now Kimberley is standing before me and I’m telling her what I’ve done. It doesn’t help that Kimberley’s face is so damned hard to read. But as the saying goes, actions speak louder than words, and they certainly speak louder than a blank facial expression.

Relief floods me, turning my nerves to joy as Kimberley launches herself into my arms, wrapping her arms and her legs around me. She kisses me hard on the lips. I can taste the salt from her tears as I kiss her. We’re both half laughing and half crying as we kiss.

Finally, I set her back down on the ground.

“I’m taking that as a yes to moving in with me,” I say.

She raises an eyebrow.

“Umm, I said I love the house. And I do. But I don’t remember you asking if we would be living together in it,” she says with a teasing lilt to her voice.

She’s grinning and I know she’s just teasing me, but I’m still kind of a wreck when I ask her.

“Kimberley, will you move in with me?” I say.

“I’d love to,” she smiles.

I kiss her again and I’m the happiest man in the world. I’m so glad I didn’t let her run away from me again.


Seven Months Later


I can’t believe how much everything has changed over the last seven months. Sebastian and I moved into the new house together and I absolutely love it. Not only is it amazing finally being able to put down some roots and no longer live out of a hotel room, but having Sebastian around all of the time is amazing. Being together all day every day has really brought us closer, and we’re starting to open up to each other a lot more. And the sex. Oh my God, the sex. I feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

Eve and Carlton, Sebastian’s parents, where over joyed when we told them the news. Both of us moving in together and of course about the grandchild they have on the way. Eve has bought us so much stuff that even if our baby wears each outfit once and never again, I don’t think we’ll get through it all.

Matt and Chance are still winding Sebastian up constantly, and he still bites every single time, but it’s all in good fun. Callie and I have grown really close too and I feel like I’ve gained a whole family rather than just a partner. Even Bernie has warmed to me. I think she can see how happy Sebastian is now we’re together, and that’s made her forgive me for the appalling way I treated her when she wouldn’t let me into Sebastian’s office that day.

“You ready?” Sebastian asks me with a smile as we get out of the car.

“Yeah,” I laugh. “You make it sound like something I have to prepare myself for.”

We’re on our way up to Matt’s apartment for brunch.

“You know what Matt and Chance are like,” Sebastian says.

“They only wind you up. They’re perfectly nice to me,” I remind him.

“True,” he grins.

We reach the apartment and step inside. Callie comes to greet us, wrapping me in a tight hug. Matt calls hello from the kitchen. Chance and Bernie are sitting at the dining table and they both shout hello as we go in.

“Where’s mum and dad?” Sebastian asks.

“Dad got called away to deal with some emergency. It’s in Paris so mum went with him.”

“Lucky them,” Sebastian grins. “When I get called to deal with a problem, it’s in my own office building.”

“Tell me about it,” Matt says.

I walk over to the table and sit down beside Chance. Sebastian sits opposite me beside Bernie. Callie sits down and Matt finally begins bringing food to the table. He takes a seat as we begin to dig in.

“So Chance, you’re letting the side down a bit now aren’t you?” Sebastian laughs.

“What?” Chance says. “What do you mean?”

“You know, not having a significant other and all that shit. Matt and I are all grown up now and you’re still playing the field.”

“Playing the field? He doesn’t even know what the field looks like,” Matt joins in.

“Look just because you two are all loved up doesn’t mean it’s for me. I’m married to the job and I like it that way,” Chance protests.

“He only says that because no woman in her right mind would have him,” Matt laughs.

“That’s a bit harsh,” Callie smiles.

“Yeah, I mean look at you two and you both found someone daft enough to take you on,” Chance shoots back.

“Hey,” Callie and I chastise him at the same time.

“Just telling it how it is ladies,” Chance laughs.

“Oh why don’t we set you up on a blind date?” Callie says. “I’m sure I can find someone who would love a date with an eligible bachelor.”

“Umm why don’t we not,” Chance laughs.

“Spoil sport,” Callie pouts.

I feel a twinge in my stomach and I rub my hand over my bump.

“Are you alright?” Sebastian asks me with a frown, so in touch with me that he seems to know I’m in a little pain.

“I’m fine,” I smile. “Just a little twinge.”

“You’re not going into labour are you?” Bernie asks.

I shake my head.

“No way. I’ve got another two weeks to go yet,” I say.

“Well if you change your mind, can you have your waters break on the balcony? I’ve just had the floors cleaned,” Matt says.

“Matt,” Callie exclaims, giving him a dirty look.

“I’m joking Callie, relax,” Matt says.

He looks at me and mouths I’m not. I laugh with them all, ignoring the pain in my stomach. It’s just trapped wind or the baby sitting against a nerve in an awkward place or something.

I grab another pancake. I can’t believe how hungry I suddenly am. Whatever is causing the twinges certainly isn’t killing my appetite any.


Brunch is almost over and we’re starting to say our

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