“It is against our beliefs to use Refined Transcendent Power for evil things,” chimed in a hulk of a man who was built like a professional wrestler. “It can only be used for good.”
Adam said, “Do you believe that a person who defends himself from evil is evil? Do you think that I am evil because I defended Maddie and myself and got us out of there alive? Yes, RTP was used to kill, but it was in self-defense. If people are killed in war, are the people who killed them evil? Or are they just defending their country, or their property, or their lives? If someone breaks into your house with the intent to harm you and your family, and you kill them, does that make you evil?”
Several people shook their heads.
“I’m not suggesting that we attack the KTP and try to kill them. I’m suggesting that we come out in full force and confront them and demand a peaceful agreement. We show them that we are not going to back down. We stand up to the bully. If they won’t back down and we have to defend ourselves, then so be it.”
A sinewy woman with short, spiky, rainbow-colored hair and several tattoos and piercings spoke.
“Isn’t the act of demanding a peaceful agreement in itself provoking them?”
Adam was surprised when Mel spoke in his defense and said, “Roxy, they’ve already been provoked—inadvertently—by Adam killing their leader. They are waiting on us to make a move now. I think Adam has a good point here. Maybe we have been doing it wrong all these years by allowing them to have power over us. They only have power over us because we let them. I don’t think we should take it anymore. We should prepare to defend ourselves against them in mass numbers. We have more power than we think, and more power than they think.”
A slender black woman said, “Their numbers are great. They probably have thousands among their ranks.”
She looked so young that Adam guessed she couldn’t have been a day over eighteen.
Mel gave a sly smile and said, “Think about it, Shannel. Worldwide, our numbers are greater. If we call all of the peaceful ones to action, we could have many more on our side.”
Chapter 45
Mel had everyone’s rapt attention when he said, “I agree with Adam. This might be our opportunity to finally stand up to the people who have oppressed us for so many years.”
Adam couldn’t believe Mel was actually agreeing with him. He recalled the night when he had confided in Mel his thoughts about standing up for the peaceful ones. On that night, based on Mel’s reaction, Adam had believed that Mel disagreed with him and was offended. He couldn’t read Mel’s reaction then. He wondered if Mel had changed his mind or if he had secretly agreed all along. Mel loved Maddie like a sister, and Adam knew he was deeply concerned about her coming so close to being the KTP’s latest victim.
Maybe that was what finally changed his mind.
A middle-aged man with smooth brown skin, glasses, and a beard interjected. “But if we decide to take a stand, it could mean bloodshed. Are we all willing to use RTP to hurt or kill others in the name of self-defense?”
Without hesitation, Mel said, “I, for one, am willing to do just that, Tarek. We will not provoke or initiate violence. I propose that we meet with the KTP in hopes of a peaceful agreement. But we must be prepared to defend ourselves if necessary. This may be our best opportunity to free ourselves. We can no longer allow the KTP to oppress us. We’ve let this drag on for far too long, and we need to stand up for ourselves.
“If Adam had not acted yesterday, he and Madeline would be dead or KTP prisoners. If the KTP had imprisoned them or killed them, would we just keep our heads in the sand and not act? That would be the wrong thing to do. We can’t wait any longer. Now is the time to act.”
For the first time, Maddie spoke up and said, “Mel’s right. We can gather our numbers and demand a peaceful resolution. Maybe, if enough of us stand up, we can reason with those in the KTP who have longed to change The Order but who have never had the courage to do so. They’ve been just like us all along, afraid to stand up for themselves. Adam said Jeremy wants to meet within the next week. We need to act before they have time to regroup and let their anger settle in.”
Roxy said, “What if we meet with the KTP and it’s a trap? What if we all end up being killed? Are we ready to ask thousands of people to possibly give their lives?”
Mel said, “We can only trust in RTP. We have to manifest positive results. We have all been taught that a single positive thought can outweigh a negative thought a thousand times over. And if thousands of people are thinking positive thoughts, there is no way the negative thoughts of the KTP could prevail. We have to believe without a doubt that there will be a positive outcome. Have we forgotten what we know about RTP? We can use it to achieve the desired outcome.”
There was silence for a moment. Adam thought that Mel was getting through to them.
The hulk spoke up. “You have a point, Mel. It is fear that holds us back. So far, no one has been willing to give their lives for this cause.”
Mel said, “Roman, have you forgotten that some have already given their lives—the ones who were captured by the KTP? They were given the choice to join or to die, and many chose to die. They were martyred for the cause.”
Roman clenched his jaw,