“What is this one?” She asked.
“Just a little something I’ve been working on.” He grinned.
She eyed him suspiciously. She lifted the cloth and her jaw fell open. There before her was the image of herself. She was in a black jacket and pants, a lot like her black body suit. She was looking over her shoulder, smiling. In her hand was a gun. She looked up at him, flabbergasted.
“I thought about putting something else in your hand, but the gun just seemed to fit.” He grinned.
“Idiot.” She laughed and kissed him.
Eight months later
Nobu waited, holding his breath. He’d just told Adam everything. His hands were sweaty, he’d have said nothing. But Adam had asked him to marry him. They sat in Haiden’s old apartment. Haiden had moved in with Imani three months ago. He’d been ecstatic to see that the couple had fallen in love. His friend would never be alone, she had the perfect partner in life. Now his perfect partner was just told the brutal truth about their secret lives.
Nobu had wanted to tell Adam, but was terrified to. Adam was an easy-going man, a doctor with a compassionate ethic. How could he tell this man, that he and his friends murdered people? But when Adam had proposed to him, Nobu felt it only fair.
“So, what your telling me, is that Ima and Haiden have spent years traveling the world and killing people? You provide their technical back up? And that their hobby is killing criminals?” Adam asked, his face pale.
Nobu looked at his hands and nodded.
“Holy Christmas. That is so friggen cool!” Adam cried.
“What?” Nobu was stunned.
“That is so friggen cool. Man oh man, I am friends with two assassin! Holy shit. I always wanted to do something like that.” Adam laughed.
“You what?” Nobu stared at Adam agog.
“Bubu, you know my favorite game is Assassin’s Creed. When I was a kid, I told you I lived in a rough neighborhood. There were so many bad guys there. I mean really bad. All I wanted to do was to make it safe there for my family. I couldn’t and felt so helpless. When I was sixteen, my best friend was killed in a drive-by. That was what made me go into medicine. I couldn’t save him, but I could save others.”
“I didn’t think of that Adam. I remember you telling me about the neighborhood. Not your best friend. I’m sorry you lost him.” Nobu said quietly.
“Well, since then, I’d worked toward being the best doctor I could and I’ve made it. But when I play the games, I dream that I’m an avenging angel. And, what do you know, I am friends with two.” He laughed and hugged Nobu.
Nobu started laughing and wiped at the tears.
“Three months ago, we had six children brought into the ER. I helped treat them. The children had been found in a warehouse, through a sex-trafficking ring. Was that Ima and Haiden’s work?” Adam asked, his eyes filling with tears.
“Yeah, we worked on that one for a while, Ima and Haiden killed all the bad guys. They also tortured several and got good intel on other operations. We are working on that now.” Nobu said.
“Nobu, I knew you were a wonderful man, and that’s why I love you, but telling me this, wow. That has made you a saint in my book.” Adam laughed, wiping his eyes.
“Not a saint, but someone who wants to rid the world of scumbags.” Nobu laughed.
“So, will you marry me Bubu?”
“Hell yeah!” Nobu laughed.
The drive to her parent’s home seemed to go faster this time. Imani wasn’t sure if it was because she was so nervous about her parents meeting Haiden. She pulled the rental car through the gate and beeped her horn.
“Please, ignore everything my mother says. She’s lost all her filters.” Imani said.
“If she’s anything like my mother, don’t worry.” He laughed. They had gone to Hawaii to the big island and she’d met his brothers and sister, all who doted on the baby of the family. Haiden’s parents were very sweet, his father tall and good natured, his mother short and always fussing at the grandkids and kids. She had the pale gray eyes of her son and also Haiden had her smile. She’d been made welcome and fawned over.
“Our Haiden is so secretive about his life. He hardly ever comes home. Honestly, you’d think he was a killer or something.” His mother had said, causing Haiden to spit milk from his nose. Imani had fell out of her chair laughing hysterically, like a loon. Haiden got up and shot his mother a filthy look.
“Mom! Stop it.” He’d said, while helping Imani back up to the table. His face had been bright red.
“Well you are secretive.” Joyce Barnett said defensively.
“That’s cause mom would go rifling through his room and find nudie magazines.” His older sister Linda tattled, an evil grin on her face.
“Linda!” He’d nearly screamed, his face now blood red. Imani fell out of her chair again, this time hitting her head on the table.
Haiden had been afraid of all the things his family might tell Imani. He’d threatened them all with early departure if they didn’t cease and desist. After that threat, the family had grinned and stopped their harassment of the youngest child.
Haiden had been embarrassed many times during the visit. She was pretty sure it was her turn now. Her father and mother came out of the front door, smiles and laughter. Her parents hugged her to them and also hugged Haiden as well. Her mother ushered everyone to the back, where she had set up lunch.
“It’s so good to finally meet you Aiden.” Cathy said.
“It’s Haiden, mom.” Imani said, her eyes narrowing.
“Of course, that’s what I