have some guy sneaking into her house and giving her a little while hubby is at work, like women in other places do.'

'Sounds great,' said Findley. 'But where's the material for a book?'

'I'm coming to that,' said Laura, 'and believe me, I'm not imagining it. I've seen some things while I was there, enough to know that the facts are there and I can get them.'

'You've seen what things?' asked Findley.

'I've seen boys in that town, at least half of those in their senior year of high school, go straight home as soon as school is out in the afternoon,' said Laura. 'Each of those young men is fucking his mother for a good two hours, until she has to get up and get supper started, before her husband gets home from work. Those boys are fucking their mothers more than their fathers are. And now that school is out for the summer, each boy and his mother must be fucking like crazy, from the time the kid's father goes to work, until he gets back home at night. Is it any wonder that not one of these women is sneaking off with some guy to get laid? Why should she? She's getting all the cock she wants, right in her own home. And who would ever suspect that she has a hot thing going with her own son?'

'How'd you get on to this?' asked Findley.

'I was staying in a motel one night,' said Laura, 'and I met this traveling salesman in the bar. We went back to my room and he spent the night with me. We fucked and talked, then talked and fucked. The one thing we didn't do that night was sleep. And during one of the times when we were talking, instead of fucking, this salesman said something that really got me to thinking. A salesman always finds plenty of cunt when he's on the road, and so did this one. But not in Tuttleville. In that town he couldn't find a piece of ass to save his soul. In other places he could always search out some bored and lonely housewife who was hot and ready to screw, but not there. All the good-looking women in Tuttleville seemed to be well taken care of, were so satisfied they weren't about to make it with a stranger passing through town.'

'Well, I'll be damned!' said Findley.

'You think that wouldn't make a good subject for a book?' asked Laura.

'Maybe,' said Findley, 'Depends on what else you've got.'

'There's more,' said Laura. 'The next morning after the salesman left, I stayed on in that motel for another night, because the one thing I didn't get when that salesman was in bed with me, was sleep.'

'Was that in Tuttleville?' asked Findley.

'No. The motel I was staying in was in a college town, about three hundred miles from Tuttleville,' said Laura. 'I slept until noon and when I was walking past the desk on my way to the restaurant they have there, an attractive dark-haired woman in her middle or late thirties, was checking in. I heard her tell the desk clerk she was from Tuttleville. That rang a bell with me, because of what the salesman had told me about the women in that small town.'

'So what happened?' asked Findley.

'Well after she checked in, she came into the restaurant and I made it a point to get acquainted with her. We had lunch together,' Laura told him. 'She said she was Mrs. Hugo Overton and she asked me to call her Mary Anne. Her husband owns a business in Tuttleville that keeps him on the road a good deal of the time. Her twenty- year-old son Brian was attending college in town. Mary Anne had flown up from Tuttleville to spend the weekend with him.'

'Then what?' said Findley.

'We sat there talking until it was around three o'clock,' said Laura. 'As discreetly as possible I was learning all I could about her, her husband, her son, and about others in Tuttleville. It was Friday and when it was about time for classes to be out, Mary Anne got into her car, a rental she'd got at the airport after she got off the plane, and went to pick up her son.'

'Go on,' said Findley, 'Maybe this story will get interesting. It hasn't, so far.'

'I'm coming to the good part,' Laura assured him. 'And stop being such a grouch, or I'll make you take your hand away from my pussy.'

Findley laughed. 'You're so hot and wet between your legs, you won't make me do that.'

'It's not your hand that's turning me on,' Laura assured him. 'I'm remembering what I saw that day. That would make any woman hot!'

'Well tell me what you saw, for God's sake,' Findley replied.

'Mary Anne picked up her son at college and brought him back to the motel,' said Laura. 'I saw them get out of the car and go into her room together. That was around four o'clock. They didn't come out until after eight that night. They had supper in the restaurant, and it was dark outside when they finally got up and went back to the room.'

Findley sighed. 'Are we getting to the good part now?'

'Damned right we are,' said Laura. 'I went around to the back of the motel, hoping I could look in their window. Luck was with me, because they hadn't closed the drapes on the back window. I suppose they knew there wasn't anything back there but trees, or maybe it was because they were so interested in each other when they came in, they didn't think of it.'

'Go on,' Findley urged.

'The first thing I saw were two double beds,' said Laura, 'and that was very interesting. It gave me some idea what the boy and his mother had been doing together, when they were alone in there for four hours, before they came out for supper. Only one bed was messed up, the bedspread and cover pulled back, I mean. The other bed was still neatly made up and Mary Anne's open suitcase was sitting on it.'

'That doesn't mean anything,' said Findley. 'Maybe Momma took a nap, while the boy spent his time reading or watching TV.'

Laura gave him a contemptuous look and laughed. 'I didn't waste any time getting around to the back of that motel,' she told him. 'I started back there while they were still in the restaurant, paying for their meal. I was watching through the window when they came through the door. The boy, Brian, closed and locked it. The window facing onto the parking lot had the drapes drawn across it, but luckily for me they didn't even glance at the rear window, the one I was looking through, or they might have thought to close those drapes too. But they had other things on their minds. Brian had an obvious hardon. The front of his slacks was sticking out like a tent. His mother looked at it and smiled. I couldn't hear what she said to him, but she put her hand on her son's bulge and caressed it. Then they were in each other's arms, hugging and kissing, and Mary Anne rubbing her cunt all over her son's bulge.'

'Wow!' said Findley, now convinced that Laura was on to something.

'When they broke apart, Brian unzipped the back of his mother's dress and took it off for her,' said Laura. 'She kicked off her shoes and while she stood there in just her bra and panties, her son stripped off his clothes. You wouldn't believe the cock that kid had on him, Paul. I thought you had a big one, but this kid's hammer would put yours to shame!'

'That's no way to talk to your boss,' said Findley. 'Get on with your story. What happened?'

'Mary Anne was as thrilled with the sight of her son's cock as I was,' said Laura, 'even though she'd seen it before and I hadn't. She'd probably seen a lot of it during those four hours they'd been in that room alone together. More than just seen it. She likely had it up between her legs too. Maybe in her mouth as well.'

'Stop speculating,' said Findley. 'Tell me what you saw.'

'Well what I saw was Mary Anne grab hold of her son's pecker and play with it. I thought she was going to jerk him off. It was sticking straight up like a bar of steel. God, what a beautiful sight! Then her son pulled her into his arms and laid a hot passionate kiss on her. When they finally came up for air, he took off her bra and kissed both her tits. Then he pulled down her panties and kissed her right on her cunt.'

'Affectionate sort of a kid, wasn't he?' said Findley.

'They stood there with their arms about each other, then the kid's hands moved down until he had a hold of his mother by the ass and he pulled her tight against him. Mary Anne wriggled her hips and rubbed her cunt all over her son's stiffly erect cock. It was something to see, believe me.'

'Then what?' Findley asked anxiously.

'I didn't have long to wait, for the action to begin,' said Laura. 'Mary Anne got onto the bed, lay on her back and spread her legs wide apart. Her son got onto the bed and crawled up between her thighs, and I could see his enormous cock aimed right at her crotch. He didn't have any trouble finding the right place to go in, probably

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