He moved up to Mari, caught her around the waist and led her to the bed, sitting her beautiful ass down on the edge, his right hand spreading her soft, silky long thighs. A real conquest, man, if she didn't chicken out. All systems said go. The fresh, tantalizing fragrance of pussy ridged his cock higher than ever. She stared down at his meat and shivered.
'It won't bite you,' he murmured, drawing her right hand over to his prick.
'Ohhhhh!' she breathed. 'There's sure a lot of it!'
He laughed softly, kissing her shoulder. 'Just relax and enjoy yourself.'
He was beginning to sense a clue to her actions. He had noticed the cozy familiarity between Karyn Nelson and Mari, which often happened with very attractive girls; and there was nothing a man could do about two chicks having fun together. It was just possible she was trying a little too hard. For cock. Now that nitty-gritty time was approaching, her hesitation could easily mean that in spite of a marriage she was more at home with a pussy.
'Oh, I am!' she breathed, closing her fingers around his prick shaft. She trembled again; her legs opened farther. 'Will you please fuck me, honey?'
He smiled, settling his right hand on her puffy, wet cunt. Even very liberated dames did not often use the word fuck. Very interesting. And the drippy condition of her pussy, as he carefully explored the labia and the delicious prominence of her clit, said she was ready.
'Over in the center of the bed, beautiful,' he murmured, squeezing her swollen cunny, feeling her shudder of arousal. She seemed reluctant to let go of his cock.
Mari squirmed over on the bed in a sweet daze of anticipation. The black satin sheet felt warm on her ass, deliciously sensual. She had waited all day and half the evening for this moment; her whole body ached for a blasting finish, an easing of her erotic tension. She was sure he was very capable-but she was still unsure of her own ability to respond to a sliding prick!
I won't think of all the girls who have bounced around between my legs! she thought. I won't remember all those miserable failures I had with Steve, or how much I love making it with Karyn and Tamra. I have to think prick!
As he crawled above her, radiating confidence, she swung her legs away back even with her shoulders, and lifted her crotch for the male penetration. Soft music, soft lights, a strong handsome man curving his huge prick downward for her cunt, all juiced and tingling with anticipation… this was the big moment! If he couldn't give her a beautiful fuck, maybe she was too far gone on pussy. The vibes from him were rich and true and delicious!
His burning cock head touched her tumid, trembly cunt lips, opening them in a way no penis ever had. Her labia spread and spread! That big knob was actually dilating her cunt mouth, oozing delectably inward like a huge piston in a very snug cylinder! Her pussy flesh had never stretched so jar! She was being crammed with hot, vibrant prick!
'Ohhhhhh-ohh!' she gasped, the wonder of it quaking her whole body.
He trembled, his eyes flamed, he shoved the whole thick pillar slowly and sweetly into her eager, twitching cunt! The first tensing of his cock in her stretched vagina, the knob pressing on a tender zone deep inside where a ring of flesh guarded her womb, sucked a fierce cry from her lips!
Her thighs shook against his ribs, her titties arched upward, her clit flamed against his virile shaft, and her anus twitched! A heavenly series of thrills shot from her clit up to her nipples, her ass heaved upward, jamming his knob deeper, and what she had been waiting for all day was happening.
'Oh-ohh-ohhhh-ohhhh-sweet shiiiiit!' she cried. 'I'm commmming!'
'Come off, beautiful!' he breathed against her swollen titties. 'Come off on my prick!'
The hard, searching pounds of her orgasm broke like thunder in her loins! The hot wrenching of her membranes around his prick, a kind of voluptuous clasping and tightening throbbed the core of her womanhood and streamed in pulses from her flexing clitoris!
Oh, damn! she thought wildly. I've had some good climaxes with Tamra, but nothing like THIS! I was a young girl playing pussy games! He's turning me into a woman! Every muscle and nerve in my pelvis is responding to his virility, his beautiful hard cock! I never really knew what going off HARD really was-till now!
One big, hard shove into her cunt and she was kicking and shaking and whimpering like a fourteen-year-old tasting her first prick!
'Beautiful!' he whispered around a tender, swollen nipple. 'Fine tight pussy. Terrific!'
She was so dizzy with delight, as the after-thrills fed her need, she could hardly believe what she answered back.
'I-never made it with any guy before in my life, honey!'
Carl shuddered, his knob flexed in her sweet, snug cunt, and damned if he didn't believe her. He was used to success with eager girls; he had never found one yet he could not climax, one way or another. But hearing it from a beautiful, nearly-mature girl of Mart's class and background swelled his cock and Ms ego.
'So the others didn't get your cherry, after all,' he murmured, drawing out a few inches and driving hi again.
'Ohhhhhh-NO!' she cried, her face twisting with lust. Her sweet, shivery cunt fluttered again, her thighs trembled on his belly and bracing arms, she hunched upward. 'It feels like your prick is clear up in my throat!'
'Kind of like it, huh?' he teased.
'Ohhhhh, you big cocky devil-I love it!' she gasped. 'Now, will you please fuck me real good and hard?'
Gazing down at the rapt expression on her beautiful, flushed face, he braced himself so he was not mashing her and began to work the bed with his knees and hands, rocking her ass gently up and down, a trick he had learned from a passionate blonde in Munich on his army tour in West Germany. A man could hold much longer when he didn't thrust with his ass, and making a fuck last was what it was all about. Give a hot woman all the climaxes she could use, and a big gush of jism to finish it off, and she would come back for more, more and more. It was not true Kama Sutra, but it was close enough.
Not going off at all in a fine, new, snug cunt was asking too much. He could learn that when he grew older.
With a measured cadence, letting his knob strike deep at every luscious lift of her ass and cunt, he began to show her how he could fuck…
My God! Mari thought dizzily. Small wonder that girls fall all over him! I missed the fun with Steve because I bought him outright and secretly hated him and because he didn't know how to fuck! Carl is letting the bedsprings bob my ass, and this heavenly sliding is what it's all about! He must have screwed dozens of girls to learn so much! I could take this big, hard cock for HOURS! Nothing was ever this dreamy good! OHHH, I'm starting into another COME! I'm losing my mind! Hot pussy is fun, but this is where it's at!
'Ohhh, make it come, honey!' she wailed feverishly. 'Ohhhhh, yes-oh, oh, oh, ohhhhhhh- nowwwwwwwwl'
A series of honeyed spasms, like rich pistol-shots, racked her whole pelvis! She was clawing his shoulders and upfucking with all her girlish abandon! He was crouched and hanging there and letting her bring the goodies! And just as she reached the shivery summit of her need and tumbled into a frothy, pulsating thrall, she heard his groan of erotic excitement,-his huge cock swelled, he pinned her ass to the bed and began to drive that dream- hard prick clear up between her tits!
The hard, virile throb of his prick, the last bullish strokes into her coming cunt, the unloading of his spurting semen in her quaking deeps, brought another wave of spasms in her pelvis! She was coming again! She was blasting her cunt around his gushing cock! He was pouring the virile juices in where she needed them, the big nuts slapping at her anus, his mouth fastened to a stiffened nipple, the fury of his hunches sliding her ass along the sexy, black, satin sheet…
She shouted fiercely! For hazy moments she was lost in her exquisite after-fun, the rich nuances of relief that twitched her cunt and shook her whole body, from her toes to the top of her head.
She floated back to awareness with her arms and legs holding him hard and close, his chest mashed to her swollen titties, his huge prick still bedded sweetly in her fluttery cunt. She was still having spasms, her cunt lips were twitching around the root of his prick! Nothing had ever calmed her nerves so thoroughly-nothing! The voluptuous fullness in her vagina made her know now for sure that she was no real lesbian; she had simply never found a real man, until this moment.