I didn't mean to go off in her so fast, he thought, shivering. But I'll have no trouble working for number two. Jeeeeesus, I shot a whole cup full of ashes in her cunt. She broke at least two, maybe three, Yeahhhhhhh!

'Ohhhh, you beautiful animal, you!' she breathed, arching her hips and tightening her silky, strong thighs on his ass.

'That pussy of yours really sucked it out of me, Mari,' he chuckled.

'Ohhhh, I needed that!' she cried. She softened, loosened her right arm and patted the top of her head. 'Remember, on TV?'

They both laughed.

He's too much! Mari thought. A sense of humor makes it so much fun! Getting heavy about a piece of ass is not my thing, but it would sure be easy! Damn! I'd even marry him if he said the word. I could take this big hot prick every day and twice on Sundays! But the big thing is-I'm not hung up on pussy, after all. I can have my fun both ways from now on!

'Let me up, will you?' she giggled. 'I'm leaking come juice down on your sheet.'

'Good,' he grinned, starting to lift away. 'My housekeeper gets all excited when she finds some of it.'

'Poor woman!' Mari giggled. 'Don't you give her a little?'

'I prefer hot, sexy blondes, like you,' he chuckled.

'Sure, and red-heads and brunettes, too, you big stud!' she laughed.

Chapter 11

'Now this is what I call a real pad!' Susi Norton exclaimed, gazing around the interior of the luxury suite Tamra had rented for the day near Tahoe.

'Riiight,' Lana Wong answered. She glanced over at Johnnie Sanders, looking very sleek and desirable in a snug pants suit. 'You gonna thank Tamra for getting out of town so we could have a real pussy party?'

'I will pretty soon, honey,' Johnnie laughed, gliding up to Tamra and arching her crotch forward. 'That snoopy husband of mine just isn't getting the job done on me. This is just-fantastic!'

Tamra shivered, enjoying the view of Johnnie's half-opened suit top she had not bothered to re-button after the drive from Reno. Lana had been behind the wheel of the Caddy, with Susi beside her, and Tamra had been in the rear seat with Johnnie, where they had fooled around, kissing and teasing each other's titties.

In the front seat Susi had fondled Lana so expertly the dusky maid had almost missed a curve on the highway. But now they were all safely here, ready for fun, and Tamra had a few surprises for these three liberated, cunt-hungry broads. If they figured the four were just going to pair off and fuck, they had another thing coming. Drills were what made a pussy bash lively.

'Okay, girls, get naked,' Tamra laughed. 'We're going to wear new outfits. We have to make that pussy look real goaoooood.'

A burst of girlish laughter rose above the slow beat of piped-in music. Tamra felt her clit rise and tingle as she watched skirts drop and blouses fly. That morning she had phoned Mari in 'Frisco, and both sisters were so pleased with the trade arrangement they agreed to go that route indefinitely. Mari had found a stud she was crazy about. Disgusting. She did admit Karyn Nelson was fine fucking, at least.

A few exciting moments later Tamra had her guests dressed for fun; shiny red belts, lacy, red bands thinly covering the cunts and anal crevices, fastened in front and behind to the belts. Each girl also wore a half-bra of the same lacy material. Tamra's outfit was black, since she was the only blonde.

'Now, here's the kicker, chicks,' Tamra laughed, producing four rounded, oblong, pink objects, about three inches in length and an inch thick. 'There are two balls of metal inside these tubes. You rock 'em a little and the balls collide and give out some groovy vibrations.' She giggled. 'Naturally you slide 'em up in your cunts.'

'Wow!' Susi trilled. 'Makes the fun come easier, huh?'

'Right,' Tamra smiled, handing the objects around. 'The Japanese girls like to insert these things and pump back and forth on a swing. It brings the goodies real slow-like.'

'And the red band keeps it from falling out,' Lana giggled. 'I know some girls in Hawaii who use these.' She winked at Susi. 'The girl who wiggles her ass the fastest gets the most fun.'

All four girls laughed. Susi Norton shuddered as she watched the other three slip the lacy red coverings from their cunts and push the dildoes inside. Well, this was a party, so she did the same, finding that Tamra had warmed it with hot water in the bathroom. Not' bad! The older and more sophisticated girls were enjoying her surprise and hesitation.

'Now, let's have a few drinks and warm up a little, huh?' Tamra smiled, leading Johnnie to the elaborate, bar setup.

'Hell, I don't need a drink yet,' Lana said to Susi. 'Come on, let's dance and rub around a little.'

Susi shivered and nodded. Obviously Tamra wanted a change of pussy to start the fun ball rolling; slender, leggy Johnnie had not been available for several days, due to her period and her husband. Tamra was footing the bill, so she got first pick.

As Lana drew Susi in close, swaying her ass in time to the throb of the music, as their breasts and crotches brushed together, Susi felt the dildo do its thing in her cunt. By tipping her pelvis a little and rocking her ass, the rolling balls sent tingles through her loins and out to her clit point. Wild!

'Mmmmmm-I really got a hard-on, honey!' Lana breathed, arching her lace-hugged cunt into Susi's moistening pussy. 'You nearly got me off on the way up here,'

'I tried, honey,' Susi murmured, feeling her bared nipples stiffen. 'I groove better with you than I do with that blonde weirdo.' She trembled as Lana hunched inward, rolling her firm tits into Susi's smaller breasts. 'The other night when I came home from work she got a great big dildo in my pussy and a small one up my backside and I almost didn't make the scene!'

'Yeah, she loves that far-out shit,' Lana giggled. Her arms tightened, she trembled. 'Come on, let's pop one before she gets too kinky! I'm ready!'

'Me, too!' Susi breathed, wiggling her ass and feeling sharp stings of excitement fan through her pelvis. Over Lana's shoulder she saw Tamra kissing Johnnie and playing with her titties. They were perched on bar stools, the brunette at Tamra's left. Johnnie was eating it up. Their back-seat caresses had juiced their cunts. Four girls was better than just three.

Susi opened her lips and felt that long, thick, hot tongue stroke into her mouth and throat; Lana gripped Susi's ass cheeks and hunched swiftly. Teasing Lana while she drove had charged Susi's batteries, too, Ohhh, yesss! The prick-like thrusting and quivering of Lana's fantastic tongue, the new kind of quivering sensation in her cunt from the hidden dildo, the swift pound of Lana's cunt mound on her tender clit zone… it was drawing the achy fun from Susi's crotch!

She whined her need; she opened her thighs farther. The nuances of her delight shot up her shaking legs and pulsed sweetly from the point of her clit-pow, pow, pow! Ever since their first fuck, Susi had been able to heat up good around Lana, and now it was really good! Her inner cunt twitched on the inch-thick dildo, giving her extra thrills. Like wow!

From far, far away came Tamra's laughter, 'Johnnie, look at those two fuck! Standing up, even.'

Susi was too involved with sharing her fun, because Lana was getting her goodies, too. The quick, busy, last come strokes nearly tipped them off their feet. Lana's clinging lips broke free; she cried out sharply.

'Ugggghhhhhhh-mmmmmmm-ohhh, here it comes, baby!'

Oh, that Lana really shakes her ass when she gets her gun off! Johnnie thought, watching avidly as the two girls writhed and finished their screw. I envy Lana. I want to fuck that cute young mulatto myself. I sure need some bang-bangs myself, but Tamra always drags it out till I nearly scream! I haven't had a fuck for five whole days. I'm dying!

As Lana and Susi sagged apart and dropped limply onto a nearby sofa, Johnnie turned to Tamra, her cunt flaming with need.

'Honey, will you please bring it before I have to do it myself?'

'You eager beaver, you,' Tamra laughed. 'Go ahead and dance for us. I bet you can make it if you wiggle your ass fast enough.'

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