little smaller. And he was a doctor. Her juiced overflowed again and she jacked the skin of his cock up and down, pulling him closer. His cocktip fit into her swollen crevice and a surge of juice dripped down her bottom and onto the table.

'You are small,' he breathed, not sounding at all like a doctor now. 'So I have to be careful.'

'Just do it to me! Just fuck me!' She bit his ear as he pushed his hips forward. His cocktip seemed to be stretching her, pushing her plump halves apart. Her hole opened and then closed back against the smooth, streamlined shape of his glans. The smack of her juices being smeared over his flesh made Beth shiver with want.

'I don't want to hurt you,' he insisted, holding back now.

'Ohhh God! Do it! Just shove it in!'

Phil eased forward again. Her hole spasmed, forcing the hot tip back. She dug her nails into the meat of his ass and growled. Phil seemed uncertain as to what to do. He tried to force his glans through the muscular ring. Her juices were flooding out now, dripping down his shaft. Beth rubbed the lubrication in with her fingertips as she kept jacking his shaft to keep him against her, to keep him wanting her. It had to work! It just had to!

'Ohhhhh, I want to be fucked so bad!' she cried, her black hair flailing over the table as she tossed her head in frustration. She sucked her belly in sharply under her ribs as if to pull the doctor's cock up into her body that way. But still her muscles wouldn't relax.

'You're still afraid,' Phil said against her ear. 'Something in your head is lighting me.'

'Then fight back!' she cried. 'Rape me! If it's the only way just go ahead and rape me!'

'I might hurt you.'

'Damn it Phil, don't be afraid of hurting me. I've been hurting all my life. I'd rather be hurt by your lovely cock than die without knowing what it was like.'

She dug her nails into his ass again, then slipped her fingers around to pull at him. Phil began to press forward harder. Her muscles tightened, guarding the door to her virginity. She felt ashamed and sorry. She had no cherry to break and yet it seemed harder than was normal for any woman to receive a man.

'Yes!' she cried, feeling the pain now as his glans bulged with excitement. He was wedging the slickened shape deeper into her hole! Her muscles were being forced back. Her dripping vulva pulsated with a tinge she couldn't describe. She bucked with jerking, spasmodic movements as he gritted his teeth and tried to drive into her. Then the pain made her feel faint and there was a popping, sliding sound.

'God, it's so tight!' Phil grunted. 'You're strangling the head of my cock off. But I'm inside now.'

'Ohhhhhh shit!' Beth babbled, touching him in a dozen places at the same time. She petted his back, rubbed his sides, touching his pulsing cock and balls. Her palms cupped each of his muscled ass cheeks, petting them like separate animals. The pain was constant now. But she had the cock of a man inside her body! She had actually been fucked. Two inches worth. But fucked.

'Ohhhh God. Ohhhh Jesus, keep doing it Phil.'

'You're so hot and tight inside… it's hard to keep from coming, Beth.' He kissed her mouth hard. He was grinding his hips down hard against hers. But his cock had slipped only a little deeper since first forcing through the ring of muscles. She flopped her body under his, rubbing her hard, sensitive breasts up against his chest. He kissed her mouth again and again. The heat was rising in him. She could feel the tension in his groin.

'Don't come yet,' she begged, working her ass against the table until her flesh squeaked on the plastic surface.

'Uhhhh… Beth, with you moving like that…'

'I can't help it,' she sobbed, her head spinning. She kicked her slender legs into the air, crossed them at the small of his back. She rubbed him with her heels then, pumping her ass like a wildcat on the examination table. His cocktip wasn't hurting so much now. It was stretching the tissues around her hole, pulling everything up and down the entire length of her slit. Her clit bulged out to rub against something. But with Phil's cock only a little ways inside her, his body was too far back to give the needed friction. Beth touched the hot little finger herself and felt the fresh surge of excitement as she rolled it down into its own juices.

Phil had her ass in his hands now, shoving in and out. But his cock could slide only a few inches. She was clasping him like a python! Her juicy insides squeezed with steady spasms at the first three inches of his prick.

'Beth! God!'

'Ghhhuuuhhh,' she sighed, rubbing her clit wildly now. The sound of her juicy folds being masturbated added to everything else. She bucked suddenly. A jolt of pleasure shot through her. Then Phil was pulling back. Pulling his cock out of her. The head slipped from her opening and the muscles closed down. A hot line of cum streaked up along her belly and bathed the underside of one breast. She had her fingers around him then milking and jacking. Phil moaned, holding himself up on hands and knees as the white cream jetted from his cock. It splatted down over Beth's belly and chest until both her nipples resembled pink cherries tipped with white. Her climax still burned with excitement. She'd come, but not completely. She felt like she could make it get even itchier and more maddening.

'I couldn't do it inside you,' Phil apologized. He looked worried. 'This is bad enough.' Beth wanted to say it wasn't quite good enough. She kept still instead.

After Phil had helped clean her up and held her dress for her, Beth turned to him and pushed her willowy body against his.

'I want more. I've got to have more!'

'Beth, for Christ's sake.'

'Meet me somewhere. It'll work. You almost got it in this time.'

'But I hurt you. I know I hurt you.'

'I don't care.' Yes, it had hurt. It'd hurt quite a bit. And even now Beth felt that perhaps she'd been torn a little down there. But it was exactly what she needed. To fuck. To fuck until all, the trash in her head was pushed away. She pressed her face against his bare chest. 'Don't you understand?'

'I'm a married man,' he went on. 'With a successful practice. I can't risk everything like this.'

Beth stepped back and looked at him. She didn't know what to say. So she stepped quickly past him to the door.

'Beth, wait!'

'Oh go fuck yourself with that damned metal thing you put in me!' she spit and then she was rushing through the waiting room. When the receptionist asked her if she wanted to make another appointment she didn't so much as look around. She made it to the lobby of the building before she broke down. A man emptying ash trays looked at her.

'Hey lady, you okay?'

'Just fine and dandy,' she sobbed, hurrying through the doors. The heat of the day hit her and she leaned against the building for a moment before going on. She drove from the parking lot to a park nearby. The cool shade was better for her state of mind and she began to calm down. But her pussy ached for something more than Phil Barnaby had given her. Not something bigger. Just something better.

He was walking alone, a tennis racket swinging easily in his hand. He had on white shorts, white socks, white shoes. His chest was bare and he had a happy, carefree expression. His sandy red hair was mussed and damp-looking. Beth thought that he probably smelled sweaty and wonderful. He looked all of fifteen.

'Need a ride?' she called from her window. The warmth of the park rushed through the air-conditioned air that streamed steadily from the little vents on the Cadillac's dash. The boy had stopped and was staring at her. He looked confused. As if no one had ever asked him that question. And Beth guessed it was likely that no female ever had. He took the gleaming white car in and the expensive dress she had on. She let him see her hand, see the expensive ring Cal had given her some years before.

'Well, do you want a ride, or don't you?'

The boy shrugged. 'Why not?' He jogged across the asphalt and got in. 'Neat car,' was his first comment.

'Do you know a good place to go?' She was trembling like she had in Phil's office. She pulled the shift down to drive and moved off slowly. The boy hadn't heard her. 'I said do you know a good place to go?' This time her voice broke.

'I don't know. What do you mean?'

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