pushing through the ring of muscles that had kept most of Phil Barnaby out of her body. She was going to get all of this one though. She stretched her knees so far apart that a joint in her pelvis popped. Ron seemed spurred on by this surrender. He grasped her hips awkwardly and fucked energetically. His ass jerked forward burying his slender cock to the hilt. Beth gave a cry of pleasure and rocked her hips. Deep, deep inside her the velvet surfaces stroked his swollen glans.

'Stay deep like that,' she babbled. 'It rubs my clit.'


'My clitoris. Oh you darling!' She took his finger and guided it down to where her slit began. 'That little bump. Feel it? Ohhhh yessss, you feel it now don't you?'


'Not too hard Ronny!' She bit at his shoulder. He was deep, plunging in and out. She could feel everything! She could feel that tumid barb of his cockhead pushing in – stabbing and fucking her!

'Uh… ohhhhh Mary! Ohhhh shit, it's starting to feel so weird.' She tensed, dug her heels hard into his ass.

'Don't come yet! Ohhh don't do it yet!' She began to work her slim hips with a feverish obsession. Almost immediately her clit was pulsing with the familiar tickle she knew. But it was better this time. Better than when her doctor had done it.

'I'm gonna do it! Ohhhh shit, I can't stop!'

Ron was really on his way now.

'Then do it, darling! Just do it!' She tossed her slender body around under him. She was surprised at her strength, at her vitality. She had lost her breath now as the tickle turned to a maddening, smothering ecstasy. She ground her pubes upwards against him.

'Yuuuhhhh!' Ron jerked. A shudder ran through him but he kept fucking. Fucking hard. The slap of his thighs against hers, the ramming penetration of his slender cock took her up into a swirl of light and fleshy sensations. Her breasts tickled. Her skin crawled with pleasure. They kissed. Then her clit seemed to explode. A second passed and it exploded again only more turbulently. The little nubbin felt blistered. She had her thighs thrown wide again as she see-sawed her ass so she could rub every little fold and hollow upwards against the frenzied fucking movements of the young boy. She felt her lungs fill with air and then she was screaming, kicking the roof of the Cadillac with both feet.

'Whhhuuuhhh!' Ron cried out, almost pulling the two of them off the seat.

'Nhhhhuuuh… ohhhh, darling baby!' Something tore and Beth saw that she'd put a heel through the Cadillac's headliner. The slick sucking slide of Ron's cock was like music to her. She crushed him to her, crying now, happy.

'Ohhh Mary, I never felt anything like that.'

'God, me neither,' Beth sighed. The hot cream was leaking out of her crevice now. She put a hand down to scoop some up and smell it. She wondered in the deep warmth of her lust whether she should be afraid of getting pregnant or not. She couldn't even remember when her last period had been. The passion of the moment had wiped out her memory. And what really did matter but hot, raw sex at a time like this?

'I can still feel you inside me!' she gasped. Ron's cock was shrinking some but it had a spongy tumidity left and with the added lubrication of his jizz, Beth was enjoying the sensation intensely. She knew that this was how sex was supposed to be. Almost as good afterwards as it was before a climax.

'You sure that guy is fishing and not peeking on us?'

She petted the boy's face. 'If he looked, well he got an eyeful. I really don't care. Do you?'

'I guess not. It sure was neat.' He hugged his arms tighter around her slenderness.

'Ronny, I want to tell you something. But keep it a secret. My name is Beth, not Mary. I guess I was afraid to use my real name. But I'm not anymore.' She kissed his forehead. 'You will keep it a secret, won't you?'

'Will we get to see each other again?'

'I think so. I'd like it very much.' Beth's mind was spinning with possibilities. She didn't really know if a woman of her status and age could maintain an affair with a mere child. Young boys had a way of bragging. It wouldn't be Ron's fault. But eventually he would have to tell someone.

Then people would know that they were meeting in secret. It would get back to Cal somehow. The town wasn't that big.

But feeling him against her small breasts, feeling his cock still grasped firmly by her pubes made her almost faint with happiness. Ron's cock had been the perfect size. He was just what she needed. A cock that would fit, not hurt. A boy she wasn't afraid of. A young man like Ron was innocent and eager and without motive. Beth remembered the attitude Phil Barnaby had displayed. He was so holier-than-thou. Doctors were such petty little snobs anyway. So her doctor was a snob and her husband a beast. But she had Ron. At least for now.

'When can we get together again,' he said. He was looking at her breast like he'd never seen one before. Beth considered the possibility that perhaps he hadn't. The sexual revolution of the sixties had been a short blast of hot air. Girls were as tight as ever with their bodies now. Or so she guessed anyway.

'I don't know. Give me your telephone number and I'll call you some evening.'

'I live with my sister. But if I'm not there just leave a message.' He stretched a little and eased his cock out of her body. He looked at the mess between her loins and looked at his own slickened, cum-smeared cock. 'Just rubbing them together feels that good,' he mused.

'And you rub it so good, smarty-pants,' Beth laughed, mussing his hair. 'You rub it so good.'


'Of course it wasn't me,' Tanya said. She glanced over her shoulder nervously. She had the creepy feeling that someone was hiding in the bushes listening to them. It was silly of course but after that night Lori had met her in the hall she'd been very suspicious of almost everything. Benji gave her an intense, bedroom-eyes look.

'God, I don't understand.'

'It was Lori, don't you see? She just pretended to be me.'

'Lori?' He shook his head slowly. 'But she's got a boy friend. I see him bringing her home lots of times. And we hardly ever speak. She has her interests and I have mine.'

'She's your cousin. You both live in the same house.' Tanya looked around again. The bushes rustled, but only with the wind. 'We got it on, didn't we? And I hadn't spoken to you much before.'

'But you think she just sneaked in my room to climb in bed with me?'

'She was a little sloshed when I met her in the hall,' Tanya said. 'She probably thought it was her room. Didn't you two change because of the bathroom or something?'

'Yeah. That's right.' Benji looked off into space. 'Wow, my own cousin. It really must have been Lori.'

Tanya let her irritation show. 'Unless you've been giving house keys to some of your girl friends.' Benji seemed to ignore her.

'But that doesn't change anything. I still can't stop thinking about you. I woke up this morning and had to.' He dropped his eyes and reddened slightly.

'I think that things are a little too warm for comfort right now. If that was Lori, I don't know what she's got up her sleeve.' Tanya took a breath. 'Anyway, I don't want to be caught all tangled up in bed with you, young man.'

'Oh Tanya. I love you!'

Tanya chanced reaching out to brush his cheek.

'And I'm very fond of you. But let's just cool it for a while. It'll be that much better when we can get back together again.'

'I could meet you somewhere else. We could get a room, couldn't we?'

'Just a few days, darling.' Tanya could see that her nephew's cock had pushed out his jeans something awful. She longed to unbutton him and free the bind of his lovely prick. She longed to pet him and caress the stiffness. There were a thousand little delights she had planned in her mind. But she couldn't get rid of that crawly feeling up her back. Like the whole household knew exactly what was going on. Hadn't there been a hint of it in

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