'I I mean. What I want is…' She stopped, bit her lip.

'Hey lady, there's a stop sign.'

'Oh yes!' She braked, looked both ways, started off again. 'Would you like to drive?'

He touched his sandy hair in an off-handed way.

'I don't have a license.'

'I could say I'm teaching you,' Beth went on. The boy smiled, shrugged again.


It was better sitting there and watching the country go by. After a few minutes Beth realized that the youngster was quite skilled at manipulating an automobile. And when she'd suggested he take it out in the country, the boy had seemed eager to do that very thing.

'I guess I was lonely,' she said, starting the conversation again. The boy just smiled, keeping his eyes on the road. 'I get lonely a lot. Do you ever get lonely?'


'I'll bet you've got lots of girl friends.'

'Not so many.'

'If I was a girl your age, I'd want you for a boy friend,' she said. Beth clenched her teeth. She had to take it easy. She was going to scare the poor kid off. She found herself staring at his crotch. The tight tennis shorts didn't leave much to the imagination. He had nice, muscular thighs that were covered with reddish blond curls.

They passed a sign at the entrance to the national forest.

'How far do you want me to drive?' he asked.

'This is fine. Why don't you take the next exit.'

The car moved up the two-lane blacktop. There was a turn off ahead. Beth remembered picnicking there with Cal years before. She pointed it out to the youngster behind the wheel and he slowed obediently and guided the big car down into the tall pines. She had him park by the very last picnic table. Through the windows they could hear the stream tumbling over rocks. Beth reached over to turn off the engine.

'What's your name?' she asked, breathless from wanting him.

'Ronald. Most people call me Ron.'

Beth wanted to say something but she couldn't think of how to begin. Finally she put a hand out and caressed the side of Ron's face. He stared at her, swallowed hard.

'Do you think I'm pretty?'

'Sure. You smell good too.' He reddened a little after this admission. Beth felt flushed too. How could she just come out and ask for it? How?

'Ron. Have you ever…' She cleared her throat. 'Have you ever done it with a girl?'

'No ma'am.' He looked scared.

'Would you like to do it to me?'

'Y-Y-Yes ma'am.' He swallowed again. Beth put her cool fingers on his thigh and moved them up. Then she was undoing his shorts. The boy watched without touching her at all. She made him sit tip in the seat a little so she could work the white material under his ass. The sight of his jockstrap excited her past reason. Those little straps, that hot little bag all stretched out with young, warm cock.

A car came down the road and stopped at the far end of the campground. A man of about sixty got out and pulled on some rubber boots that reached to his waist.

'Don't worry,' Beth soothed, petting the elastic bag of his jock. 'He's just a fisherman.'

'You sure he won't come down here?'

Beth took his face between her hands. 'He won't come down.' She kissed him softly. He didn't know how to use his tongue or lips at all. She kissed him again, teaching him. He got the idea quickly and let her suck his tongue between her teeth. The bag of his jockstrap swelled suddenly. Using both hands, Beth massaged it, urged it harder. The boy groaned softly and opened his thighs some. He liked that! She squeezed the pouch more, feeling the shape of his prick more clearly now. His balls squirted around in their slick sack when she closed her palms on them.

'I'm going to take this off now,' she whispered, 'if that's okay with you.'

'Yes ma am.'

'And stop calling me ma'am.'

'Yes ma am.' He tried to laugh. 'I mean I will stop.' He blinked rapidly. He looked as if he'd just gotten off a ride that had made him dizzy. Beth stretched the waist band out and down and looked at the white shape that straightened and extended itself Ron let her slip the jockstrap off. Now he was sitting there behind the wheel naked as a jaybird. The line of his tan stopped low on his belly. His groin and prick were white and delicate- looking. He was quite a bit smaller than Phil Barnaby. She pulled his foreskin back and saw that the bluish head was not more than half as big as Phil's had been. Then she bent slowly and placed her lips against the smooth shape. Cal had given her plenty of practice at this. But she'd grown to hate it with him. Now she loved it all over again.

'Ohhh, you're so beautiful,' she breathed, tonguing him softly. The boy was holding his breath. Then she saw that he had a death grip on the steering wheel. His knuckles were white and he was trembling.

'Maybe I'd better not do too much of this,' she said, reaching behind to undo her dress. She snaked it up over her head and allowed Ron to gaze at her bare breasts and smooth, white tummy. She threw a long leg over the back of the seat and motioned him with her head.

'There's more room in the back seat.' Ron almost broke a leg following her over. She put his tennis racket on the floor and lay on her back with her thighs parted slightly. She didn't have time for much fooling around. She wanted what she'd almost had in the doctor's office. She wanted a hot, hard male cock pushed as deep as it would go into her body. She wanted that now!

'Gosh, you sure are pretty.' It looked as if the boy was searching for something to call her.

'Mary is my name,' Beth said.

'God Mary, I don't think I'm very good at this.'

'You'll be fine.' She took his cock in her fingertips and pulled him down. He bent forward on his knees. She lifted a breast to him and he began to kiss it.

'You can do it harder and it won't hurt me.' The boy nuzzled the nipple, a little uncertain as to how to make love to a long tall woman in the back seat of her Cadillac. 'Bite my tit a little mmmmmuhhh, yesssss!'

She had his cock and was pressing it against her open pussy now. The boy made a sound of surprise as he eased forward. The head slipped down her crevice. She knew how hot it must feel to him. How slick. She humped her back down into the leather seat so that her opening would line up with the angle of his cock. Then Beth prayed that it would go in easily. It did. The head seemed to open her muscles out without effort. And she seemed more relaxed now, as if the few moments with Phil had been a warm-up. She cupped her palms against the firm, young ass. Ron made a sound in his throat. He was really getting into chewing her nipple now. She told him with her movements that she liked what he was doing.

'Does it feel good to you too?' she whispered, throwing her thighs wider. The movement seemed to relax her. The dappled shade coming through the back window relaxed her too.

'Yes! God yes!'

'Tell me what it feels like?' she begged.

'Warm. No, it's hot! And so smooth. I didn't know a girl was like that inside.' He growled and pushed his ass forward. There was a silky sound as his shaft pushed into her pussy. So easy! Beth wanted to laugh with joy. It was so damned easy now! She hugged Ron's tan back and kissed his salty neck.

'Ohhhh you're so wonderful. You're fantastic.'

'I am?'

'Yes! You're the best I've ever had.'

'Christ,' he mumbled, not knowing how to respond to her adoration.

'It's getting really deep now!'

'Yeah. Really deep. Ohhhh, Jesus, I can't believe how nice it feels.'

'Ohhh Ron, kiss me!' She tilted her chin up, opened her mouth. He met her lips and they sighed into each others' kiss. She stroked his back, tickled his sides with her nails. Then she was feeling his ass again, marveling at the way it moved as the young boy plunged in and out of her hole. She could clearly feel the sides of his shaft

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