of her hips bend against the stiff penetration of her nephew's prick. But it still wasn't like Cal would feel in there.

'Harder, can't you?' She bit her lip and ground her curvy, plump ass around like she was trying to break Benji's cock right off. He grunted and clung to her back as he dog-fucked her with increasing excitement. Their sighs echoed in the garage. She could hear the suck of their parts too and it helped. Helped take her up to that sharp-edged glint of pleasure when she knew that she could come anytime she wanted.

'Tanya,' Benji growled, 'it's hard for me to hold it. It's so hot and tight this way. Ohhh Tanya, Tanya, Tanya!' He kissed her back where the dress had come undone.

'Go on! Shoot it in me!'

Her knees hurt on the concrete floor. Her breasts longed for affection, for a man's hungry mouth. But the tightness between her cunt lips made up for all that. With Benji plunging away at her from behind it made him feel twice as big. And now she was coming! The tickling glory burning up and down her legs as she felt the spasm begin.

'Uhhhhhh. Benji! God!'

He grasped her wide hips and fucked like a mad dog. His shaft was so constricted by her opening that she could actually feel the bulge of his tube as the cum shot up and exploded inside her pussy. The boy shuddered and slobbered passionate kisses against the back of her dress. She let out a girlish squeal and wriggled her bottom like some small animal had sunk its teeth into her. Her muscles wrung out the hot sap, sucked it from her nephew's body. He held himself as deep as he could, gasps of pleasure coming from him with every breath he took.

Tanya stumbled up, her nephew's cock popped from her pussy and leaked a string of jizz down one of her calves. Benji reached after her but she was leaning against the wall now, panting like a sprinter. She looked at him with heavy, passion sated eyes for a moment and then fled back into the kitchen. Something drew her down the hall again. She could feel her nephew's slick curds oozing through the nylon of her panties. The stuff dried cool on her thigh. She peeked into the crack of Cal's bedroom door again.

The shower was going and she could hear him singing and splashing around. There on the unmade bed was the puddle she knew she'd find. And Cal was closed safely inside the bathroom. He would never know.

Ignoring the fresh sap that dripped from her loins, Tanya hurried to the bed where Cal had milked himself only moments before. She put her nose down close to the glossy patch of white. The sound that came from her throat then was that of an animal as she lapped the heavy cream and rolled it around on her tongue.

'Mhhhuuuhhh,' she sighed, both hands on the mattress as she bent to eat her cousin's seed. It glistened on her chin now and on the tip of her upturned nose. Suddenly she was going at it with her fingers too, scooping up the stringy stuff and sucking it from her knuckles. The sound she made did things to her that only made her want more. And the sour, flat taste in her mouth made her half crazy. She wallowed her face against the wet sheet, licking and slurping until she was, sure that she hadn't missed a speck.

Tanya hardly knew where she was as she turned to the door again. She pushed it open and started out. Lori was there before her, staring!


'Jesus Christ!' Lori whispered, looking with wild eyes. The girl stepped back like she was afraid of Tanya now. She spoke again, but softer. 'Jesus Christ.' Then she fled. Tanya pulled herself together enough to start after her but soon stopped to lean against the wall.

'I think I'm losing my mind,' she mumbled. But another part of her was very sane. Idly she touched her cheek where Cal's cum was drying. Someday, somehow she would have to experience that glorious cock of his! Just to feel it forcing between the plump, white lips of her pussy would be enough to live for. It would be enough.


Ever since she'd sneaked into her cousin's room drunk, Lori had been bombarded with all sorts of guilty thoughts. Of course what she'd done was wrong. But worse was the fear of exposure. Would Benji know it was her? He'd had a pretty good idea it wasn't Tanya. And who else would have been in the upstairs hall at that time of night? Sure, he probably knew. And the fact that she'd stayed completely out of his way since that night surely cinched it as far as Benji was concerned.

After the first rush of embarrassment, this excited her. Knowing that Benji knew. Knowing that he was thinking about her. And keeping to herself, avoiding him at all costs probably increased his tension. She had started to imagine him sneaking to her bedroom. Unless he'd decided that between the two of them he preferred the older, more experienced Tanya.

It really pissed Lori off to think of her aunt seducing someone like Benji. She was his aunt for God's sake! But there was no room for self-righteousness. Lori was the boy's first cousin. It was the damnedest mess she'd ever found herself involved in.

And then of all things she'd surprised Aunt Tanya in Cal's bedroom.

Lori still wondered if she'd hallucinated the whole thing. But she could still smell the way her father's sap had smelled on Tanya's face. Tanya hadn't even seemed human. Her eyes had been wild, her breasts rising and falling. But what was most titillating to Lori was what she'd caught her aunt actually doing! Eating a man's jizz!

It made her remember the many times she'd watched the stuff bubble up out of her boy friend's cock and wondered. Did women really suck, that stuff from a man's penis sometimes? Did they really like to swallow it or did they just do it to please. Now Ron had seen Tanya doing it with her own eyes. She imagined that Tanya had probably fucked Cal and then eaten the stuff that was left when he went to shower. Surely that was the only way it could have happened.

So now Tanya was committing adultery behind her own sister's back. Lori's own guilt swelled up to torture her again. But soon she was imagining Cal fucking the hell out of Tanya on his own bed. She had seen her father's cock once or twice and knew how abnormally large it was. Tanya was a compactly built woman. She had a fully mature ass, a soft belly, big tits. But as totally female as her blonde aunt was, could even she take Cal's prick? And that raised the question of her own mother.

Lori had a theory. She had pieced together what she imagined to be true. She guessed that Cal had fucked her mother once. Just once. It had almost killed Beth. But during that hot, animal moment she, Lori, had been conceived. Her mother had not even been able to give birth to her the normal way. This was part of the family secret that had leaked out. Yet there was something else.

Lori felt that something even further back, something more shameful was connected with Cal and Beth's relationship. Tanya knew the secret. But it had to do with a time before her own birth, Lori was sure.

Again she was thinking of Tanya's face all shiny with cum.

'So people really do eat it!' she gasped. She thought of all the times she'd watched Jim Hanson's jizz spill into that handkerchief. She'd even had a drop or two on her finger. Now she almost wished she could have one of those times back. She longed to feel what that stuff was like spurting onto her tongue.

'But that would mean sucking a guy's cock.' She got up from her bed and paced the room. Outside, her father's sports car started up and he pulled out of the driveway and roared off down the street. An immediate tingle of excitement went through her. Except for Tanya, she was alone in the house with her visiting cousin. It was funny how she could almost feel his presence. Since that night in the dark she'd thought of how his body had felt. She still didn't have the guts to say anything. But as her passions grew, so did her courage.

The front door opened and Tanya went off across the lawn with a handbag. She turned at the corner and crossed the street. She looked fresh and together. She went out of sight behind a hedge finally and Lori turned from the window. Now her heart was pounding like a hammer in her chest. All she had to do was confront her cousin Benji and let it happen. Let sex happen. Lori wasn't able to hide that from herself any longer. Though she might have to have a stiff drink to get herself going.

She had put on a pair of cut-off jeans that morning and it seemed silly to dress up now. Her little halter top showed off the rounded shapes of her breasts nicely and showed too a smooth expanse of firm, young belly. She touched her navel, wondering what it would be like to have a jewel stuck in it. Then she padded barefoot

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