near his throat. I said whatever popped into my mind, with the objectivity of someone calling numbers at a bingo game. I felt under no obligation to answer their questions or follow instructions and in the end they both agreed that my psychological state was in critical disarray. They recommended I be placed in a state institution, and that’s exactly where I would have been sent if I hadn’t had parents who were willing to struggle for a better alternative and were willing to pay for it. And so on January 15, 1974, I was transferred back to Wyon, Illinois, and readmitted to Rockville Hospital. I was delivered in a police car, sitting in back with a middle-aged prison official who didn’t say one word to me for the entire journey. We ran into a snow squall and had to stop for new windshield-wiper blades. I was freezing cold, shivering; I kept my fingers tucked under my arms. The stubble in the cornfields looked like a world in ruins.
After Volkshill, it was a relief to be back at the hospital. The symptoms I’d been accumulating in prison gradually receded, but I was always in anticipation of their return. Sometimes in the middle of the night I would wake for no apparent reason and not know exactly where I was, and this momentary confusion would frighten me into believing that everything was falling apart again. And then talking to Dr. Clark—trying to be open now, believing I needed help—I’d sometimes burst into sobs that had no obvious relationship to what we were discussing and these sobs seemed to fill the sails of my turmoil and send me as far from shore as I was during the worst days at Volkshill. At first, Dr. Clark encouraged my crying, but I would be so affectless and withdrawn afterward that before long he did his best to intervene. He disapproved of drug therapy but he put me on Lithium. I always had a bad taste in my mouth and I began taking two-hour naps in the middle of the afternoon, but my moods leveled out and I was glad for that.
Whereas my first stay had passed with my anonymity virtually intact, the second time around virtually everyone knew my name. I wasn’t one of those natural leaders and no one looked to me as the vanguard in the eternal struggle between patients and staff—which of course existed even in a genteel asylum. I was liked because I was older, knew the ropes, and because I was given more responsibility than others were. When new patients checked in, it was I who gave them the second-day tour around Rockville. I was like a failed career officer, soft and toothless, with a yarn or two and a shoulder to cry on. I couldn’t fail to notice that whenever someone really was at odds with the Rockville staff, they turned on me as well.
I learned how to use a Super-8 movie camera and a simple editing machine, and before long I was the all but official filmmaking instructor. We did the ordinary, expected things: movies of people jumping up and down, zoom shots, slow motion, Keystone Kop parodies. I co-scripted a twenty-minute movie we called
On June 3, 1974, a letter arrived for me, and it was from Jade. It was given to me by Dr. Clark after a session in his office. “I’m not going to lie to you,” he said. “It came yesterday and I read it. I gave myself a night to decide whether or not to give it to you and—well, here it is.”
Dear David,
I’m still in Stoughton, but not in school and not living at Gertrude anymore. Except to move my things out, I haven’t been back to the old house since the day. I live on the second floor of that little green and white house near the North Stoughton post office. It’s a little too large for one person but it gives me all the privacy I need. I suspect you may raise your eyebrows, but I’ve learned some meditation techniques. Keith learned them from a guy he works with and we all share the same mantra, which is the words you say to yourself when you are beginning your meditation. It’s marvelous how fifteen or twenty minutes of sitting and breathing can make you feel so renewed. Now that I’m a College Graduate, I am using my expensive education by working as a salesgirl at Stoughton Stoneware. It’s a wonderful job in some ways because I think their stuff is so great—I’ve got enough “seconds” to make a service for forty-eight—but it’s exhausting being on my feet all day and putting up with customers, many of whom treat me as if I were their personal servant.
I’ve been going to Boston a lot in my spare time. It started when I signed up for this course in psycho-drama, which was pretty strange to begin with! Twenty strangers from twenty separate private lives in this old former warehouse near some North End wharf, acting out our deepest feelings. Or trying to, anyhow. For me it combined a longtime interest in theater and in the newer modes of psychotherapy, two fields of study I’ve never had a chance to explore as much as I would have liked to. I must say, at the end of the course I was left with more of an interest in theater than in therapy, but then Ira Woods (the teacher in the psycho-drama course) would say that’s because I shy from the implications of psycho-drama and what it revealed about my “deepest feelings.” Maybe I am running away from myself, but I’ve signed up for two theater courses—one here at Stoughton in theatrical design, which the college is letting me take (without credit) free of charge, and the other in beginning acting, in Boston, taught by this absolute marvelous madman named Rudyard Lewis.
It’s been very good for me to shift my center a little toward Boston. It’s not New York, but at least it’s more of the “real world” than Stoughton and the best thing about Boston is I’ve met a lot of good people and have made myself a few actual, bona fide, dyed-in-the-wool
I got a terrific reaction on my thesis, by the way, and I’ve always wanted to thank you for that because you did a lot of the work. Some people who’ve read it have been trying to encourage me to have it published, but I think I’ll leave that particular limelight to Ann. I don’t see who’d publish it anyhow, but it certainly is a boost to the old ego to have someone say that it could be.
Ann’s publishing ventures are starting to pick up.
Keith is eternally himself. He’s been as steady as a rock for me this year, always
Sammy continues on his march toward the presidency. He’s a freshman at Harvard now and the scourge of the Yard, I’m sure. He is so devastatingly handsome. A Greek Orthodox priest has fallen in love with him! It’s getting a little difficult figuring out just what Sammy believes in at this point. I think he’s getting too educated to believe in