the Soviets dismantled their Pioneers. Although it seemed one-sided at the time, it later proved to be the template for the 1987 treaty eliminating this entire class of weapons.
35 Reagan diary, May 24, 1982.
36 Carl Bernstein, “The Holy Alliance,”
37 George Weigel,
38 Steven R. Weisman, “Reagan, in Berlin, Bids Soviet Work for a Safe Europe,”
39 George Shultz,
40 This assessment was made in 1979 by Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering William J. Perry before the House Armed Services Committee. Also see
41 Reed communication with author, Nov. 21, 2006.
42 NSDD 55.
43 James Mann,
44 Reagan diary, Nov. 13, 1982. Dobrynin, pp. 511–512.
45 “Report of the President’s Commission on Strategic Forces,” April 1983, p. 4.
46 In December, Congress voted to reduce funding until the basing could be resolved, but did not kill the missile altogether.
47 Donald R. Baucom,
48 Bob Sims, interview, Feb. 26, 1985.
49 Skinner, pp. 430–432. The essay is dated May 7, 1931.
50 Anderson, Hoover presentation.
51 A handwritten annotation says the speech was “written around 1962,” but archivists think it may have been 1963. See Skinner, pp. 438–442.
52 Among those who attended were Bendetsen and two members of the so-called kitchen cabinet, William A. Wilson, then U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, and Joseph Coors. “Daily Diary of President Ronald Reagan,” Jan. 8, 1992, RRPL. Graham was excluded. See Baucom, Ch. 7. Soon after the White House meeting, in early 1982, the group began to splinter over tactics. Bendetsen wanted to work quietly, but Graham decided to go public and published
53 Broad, p. 118, quotes Ray Pollack, a White House official at the meeting.
54 Edward Teller with Judith Shoolery,
55 Reagan diary, Sept. 14, 1982. Teller described his idea as a laser “driven by a nuclear explosion.” Later in the 1980s, Teller endorsed a non-nuclear approach. Teller, pp. 528, 535–536.
56 Anderson, p. 97, and interview, Nov. 10, 2008. Also, “The Schedule of President Ronald Reagan,” Wednesday, Dec. 22, 1982, courtesy Annelise and Martin Anderson.
57 The commission, chaired by Brent Scowcroft, recommended April 6, 1983, that the United States put one hundred MX missiles in existing Minuteman silos and move to build a new generation of small, single-warhead missiles for the longer term. The commission said the “window of vulnerability” wasn’t serious enough to warrant expensive schemes such as Dense Pack or setting up ABM for silos. See “Report of the President’s Commission,” p. 17. Congress eventually approved fifty MX missiles in May 1985.
58 In addition to Baucom’s detailed account, see Cannon, pp. 327–333; Hedrick Smith,
59 McFarlane, pp. 226–229.
60 Reagan diary, Feb. 11, 1983.
61 Reagan diary, Feb. 15, 1983.
62 Jack F. Matlock Jr.,
63 Gordievsky, interview, Aug. 29, 2005; Oleg Gordievsky,
64 Andrew and Gordievsky, p. 589.
65 Reagan,
66 Reagan,
67 McFarlane warned Reagan twice he should consult Congress and the allies, but Reagan rejected the advice,
68 “U.S. Relations with the USSR,” NSDD 75, Jan. 17, 1983. Pipes, the Harvard professor who had led Team B, was on the White House National Security Council staff and drafted the directive. In his memoir, Pipes said that inducing change in the Soviet regime was the goal. Pipes, pp. 188–208. Raymond L. Garthoff said it was a compromise and the “main thrust of the directive … was pragmatic and geopolitical.” Garthoff,
69 In a letter Feb. 19, 2004, to Shultz, McFarlane recalled that Reagan had not made strategic defense a priority “through no less than four budget cycles” since taking office. Letter courtesy McFarlane.
70 Cannon, p. 331.
71 Shultz doubted the technology was ready, doubted the expertise of the joint chiefs and told Reagan the proposal was a “revolution in our strategic doctrine.” Shultz, p. 250.
72 Reagan diary, March 22, 1983.
73 Address by the president to the nation, March 23, 1983.
1 Dmitri Volkogonov,
2 On July 16, 1982, Nitze, then negotiator for the United States, tried to work out a settlement in a “walk in the woods” with his Soviet counterpart, but the Soviets did not take up the ideas. Nitze,