blasting in and out of its yearning hot flesh, drenching her loins with lust.

'Oooh, myyyessss, darling! Lick my tits! Lick my tits! Fuck me, darlings…! Ohoooooohhh, gooood! Hot cock! Fuck my cunt!'

Her hot thick saliva fairly swamped the forward dog's pistoning cock as she pulled madly on it, swallowing the tiny droplets of cum as fast as they welled up on the tapered end. She rotated her lust-contorted face as much as she could around its slippery length, licking and lapping, nibbling and suctioning at the fleshy hard instrument as it screwed in and out between her tightly availed lips. She sucked it as deeply into her throat as she could and moaned with joyous happiness.

In her cunt, the other dog's thrusting male hardness was threatening to rip her belly open with delirious delight. The lust-incited audience gasped as she ground her pussy back against him lasciviously, grinding their pubic triangles together at an awkward, rear-end angle. The dog was fucking frantically into the fluted pink lips of her cuntal slit, stretching her wanting cunt with each thrust from behind up between her wide-splayed thighs.

'Oooooah… ooohhhh… ooohhth… ohhhhhh…' Laura moaned, jerking convulsively as both blood-engorged penises raced into her helpless orifices like runaway freight cars out of control. She was so happy. It seemed as it any minute both of the cocks in her body would meet in her center and explode out through her navel. She wanted to devour them both with great drowning gulps of sensuality.

But suddenly – too soon – both dogs began to shudder in orgasmic frenzy, the forward one shooting his sperm hotly down into her urgently sucking throat in a white-hot needle-sharp stream, the one behind her emptying his semen with scalding urgency high up into her helplessly quivering belly.

Laura groaned, delirious with happiness, as the huge dogs filled her body with their cum. Her joyous, lusty cries echoed from one end of the dimly lit room to the other, encouraging couples to entwine once more and continue their orgy. But the young housewife's cries turned to mewls of disappointment very quickly, for, even as the two German shepherds squirted out the final drops of their exploding semen into her ravished cunt and mouth, their penises deflated quickly and they moved to withdraw.

'No!' she cried, 'you can't leave me! I'm burning up!' She swung her long blonde hair around over her eyes, which were by now wild and staring, consumed with host, and yelled to her neighbor, 'Mark, hurry! Get two other dogs! Put another cock in my mouth and another in my cunt! Hurry! God, I'm dying! Make them fuck me! Please!'


Mark and Cleonora looked at each other, with several couples cavorting lewdly between them, and smiled. They had won. Laura Saunders was theirs now. They would get terrific film out of her for resale around the world, and Mark would have the pleasure of her company as well.

'Help me! Help me, Mark!' Laura cried as the two moistly deflating dog-penises slipped from her still hungering lips and pussy. She licked after the one belonging to the forward dog, but was unable to reach it adequately with her tongue. Her freed hands tried to grip his haunches and drag his still swollen cock back towards her, but the animal struggled away with what she reflected was a very canine laugh at her expense. She tried to wriggle her buttocks backward, but it was no use at all trying to capture the other dog behind her. He had already jumped off the stage and was hurrying back to his mistress with a deeply satisfied smile on his German shepherd face.

'Get me two more! Hurry!' she wailed desperately, gnashing her teeth with growing frustration.

Mark nodded and he and Cleonora went over to drag away the third dog, who had continued to lap and lick at her trembling white breasts. The dog fought to remain where he was, but they dragged him around behind Laura and positioned him so that his swiftly upspringing penis was able to locate Laura's warm damp pussy with little difficulty. He mounted her nakedly bound back and shoved forward, the thin bevel end of his cock pressing forward through her sparsely resisting blonde pubic hair. She groaned with ecstatic relief as he sank home inside of her burning white belly.

'Aaaahhhhh…' she sighed as he began his rapid fucking. It was like a cooling balm within her boiling vagina. 'Ahhhh… daaarling…'

'If I release you, will you position yourself properly?' Mark asked her, close to her ear.

'Y-yes! Only hurry… oh… oh… darrrrling…' She nodded her head vigorously, her long blonde hair flying all around as the dog pistoned in and out of her.

Mark hurried to accommodate her, and she was as good as her word. The relief of her legs being freed from the leather straps was so tremendous… and now she was free to buck backwards and get maximum enjoyment from the dog's swiftly thrusting hardness.

Deep groans echoed from her parted red lips, her teeth clenching and re-clenching, gnashing together. Everything inside her strained urgently for orgasm. She didn't notice what was going on around her, not even the pop of flashbulbs as some members of the Park Palisades Women's League took their own snapshots. She didn't hear the lewd sounds echoing around her or feel the hard floor of the dais or smell the marijuana incense. This was all that mattered – this surging red animal rod stuffing up between her throbbing cunt lips. She sobbed with happiness, her long gold hair hanging down all over her face and shoulders, while the dog panted above and behind her, dripping drool on her smooth white back as he squirmed in and out of her affectionately clasping vagina.

The German shepherd barked and began a slow revolving motion with his hips that drove her wild with frenzy. His lust-heated member expanded the hotly clasping walls of her vagina until she fit him like a well-tailored glove.

'Help her, Mark,' Cleonora suggested, disturbed at Laura's groaning inability to achieve orgasm. He nodded and knelt down, rubbing his hands lewdly over the moon-shaped cheeks of her skewered buttocks beneath the dog's hairy belly. His fingertip probed above the dog's soundly thumping cock and located the tiny puckered opening of her anus. Laura winced with pleasure as his finger suddenly popped through the tight surrounding nether ring and dug deeply into the soft rubbery flesh within. It moved around, expanding her snug anal orifice until the palm of his obscenely intruding hand lay flat against her ass-cheeks, the whole finger sunk safely inside the warm throbbing passage. Laura swooned with ecstasy. Feelings were alive in her body that had no right to exist anywhere on earth, they were so electrifying and soul-destroying. The dog yelped and adjusted to the presence of Mark's hand under his belly by starting a sawing motion in and out of Laura's moist stretched pussy, thrusting forward relentlessly from the apex of his withdrawal and battering her pleasure-drenched body on the upthrust.

The finger embedded in her anal canal joined the slowly pistoning penis in a rhythmic fucking duo that brought groans of anguish and gasps of delight gushing from the skewered blonde's open mouth in time to their lewd simultaneous tempo.

Weird sensations of tingling happiness electrified her lust-enslaved body. Her outrageous debasement and subjugation made her blood race madly, and her pelvis gyrated unconsciously with an abandoned rhythm to match the increasing speed of the cock and finger fucking into her.

'Eeeeh-eh-eeeeeeeh…' She sucked in her breath with every thrust and counterthrust, every pull and counter-pull. 'Eeeeeehhhh… eeeeeeehhhhh… darrrrrrlingggs,' she gurgled, 'yessssss… fuck me like this… oh yesssssssss…' Her voice became a long, crooning supplication for pleasure, and she squirmed and writhed in order to pass pleasure backwards to its providers.

Opening her dazed eyes, Laura saw the glistening red penises of German shepherds everywhere, doing one thing and another with a variety of mistresses. This spurred her as if someone had just nipped at her clitoris with a dull set of teeth. Waves of pleasure flooded her trembling limbs. She was in a great cock heaven, surrounded by them – a prisoner of them – while all the time the dog behind her fucked his red-hot rigidity deeper between her legs, expanding her grasping cunt with each mind-bending stroke. Mark's middle finger drubbed into her as well, and between them she felt trapped as if she were an insect, helpless before their dominating will.

'Don't… oh don't stop darlings! Never, never stop! Oh! Eeeeeh!'

It hit her suddenly, like white lightning out of the blue. One moment she was straining for it, the next she was groaning like a depraved animal as great waves of indescribable joy inundated her frantically aroused flesh,

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