Ralph was thunderstruck. This performance was so unlike the proper little girl he had married that he was totally at a loss. He had expected – rather, hoped – that active sexuality in the marital bedroom would serve to pry Laura loose from the strangling inhibitions which had made their courtship such a ball-busting hell for him. But he had never expected anything like this, at this late stage. What on earth had come over her?

Or perhaps he should not look a gift horse in the mouth. Without saying another word, he sat up and reached for her. She came into his arms, her high-set round breasts flattening against the muscular hardness of his young chest. He buried his nose in the sweet youthful fragrance of her long, wheat-colored hair, his hard-on resuming its terrible, pounding, blood-engorged desire.

Laura's body shivered as his hands moved down over her softly fleshed buttocks and his fingers slipped into the narrow deep crevice between. A picture came into her mind of how some of the dogs at the Franklins' party had been using some of the women, and she wondered if she had the nerve to suggest it.

'Sweetheart, ooooahhhhh nice…' she murmured as he ran his hands in a long slow caress up and down her back. Her body strained along with his hands as they coursed over her naked skin. Then he returned to her buttocks, rubbing them in small circles, gently pressing apart the two full white moons of her ass-cheeks and slithering one finger in the direction of her tiny puckered little anus. Then he withdrew, still somewhat shy of alarming her, and cupped the firm full cheeks again. Then, somewhat emboldened by her moaning acquiescence, he slid his fingers back again between, up and back, gently increasing their pressure.

He had expected his wife to close her thighs to this rude entry, but instead she seemed actually to welcome it. There was no haughty disdain that he would have expected, no pushing away of his hand.

Still testing his good fortune, he pushed his hand up inside the full, satin-like softness of her ass-cheeks until his fingers came into sudden wet contact with the soft down of her thin blonde pubic hair. He pressed one middle finger up between the soft damp flanges of her pussy from behind and moved it around in slow, teasing circles, knocking her small nerve-filled clitoris wildly back and forth. The unexpected sensation elicited a gasp and a moan from his normally unresponsive young wife that quite surprised him.

'Are you all right, Laura?' he asked nervously. 'You don't mind if I touch you there?'

She shook her head vigorously, gasping for breath. 'No, no, do it, Ralph, do it,' she groaned. God if he didn't continue touching her there, she swore she would kill him. Then she groaned again, vaguely aware of his hands turning her body on the bed so that she was flat on her back and the whole of her naked front was presented up to him like a sacrificial offering full of intriguing hollows and curves and secret indentations begging to be explored.

'My God, you're beautiful, Laura,' he said in a voice choked with emotion and urgent desire for her voluptuous body and tawny flesh.

'Isn't it time you stopped talking and loved me?' she said huskily, in a voice calculated to make his penis jerk. He gulped and knelt down, running his hands reverently over her whitely heaving breasts, her flat smooth belly, her thighs, up and down over her unprotected nakedness. His anxiously trembling hands brought forth small animal mewls of delight from between her tightly clenched teeth. Laura felt as if there were tiny licking flames raging all over her passionately awakened flesh, within the softness of her inner thighs, out through the tips of her now pulsating and pebble-hard nipples, and down again into the tingling, burning core of her pussy where they roared into white heat like the interior of a blast furnace.

'Oh Lord, Ralph,' she gasped through parted lips, 'love me. Love me to death.'

'I want to, darling.'

'Don't hurry. Only love me.'

She reached around in back of his neck and pulled his head down, mashing her lips against his, spearing her tongue into his mouth and lapping at its walls, top and bottom.

God, thought Ralph, this is not like Laura at all! She usually pushed him off when he tried to press his tongue through her virginal pink lips and into her mouth.

But on the other hand, he was not going to question his good fortune. His hands continued rummaging over her magnificent body and he ran one up between her thighs to discover that she was wet up there much more than was usual for his young blonde wife. He could feel the desire-heated center of her loins flexing perceptibly in the direction of his naked touch.

'Oooooooahhh nice,' she sighed continuously up into his open mouth, her tongue pushing lewdly at his, licking it, and searching around deep inside as though wanting to go all the way down his throat. 'Sooooooo nice…'

Laura's passion spurred his own, even as disbelief fuzzed his hotly lusting brain. She was writhing and twisting beneath him as if she were his helpless slave.

He wouldn't be able to stand it another second, he knew, so he moved over, slithering on top of her burning white body like a protective blanket. His cock felt as if it were about to explode out of control beneath him, and he reached down on both sides to draw her unresisting thighs up the sides of his hips until the whole of her throbbing wet cuntal slit was presented open to him in a soft glistening oval.

He held them waiting there for one long, torturous moment, then reached down to implant himself. Something stopped him at the last second – the need to find out if she was really his at last – and he whispered hoarsely: 'Put it in for me!'

Ralph let his breath out slowly in a long sigh of relief as her hand came burrowing down without hesitation between their obscenely positioned bodies, her warm fingers closing snugly around his rigid shaft of penile flesh. Her thumb and forefinger tightened around the throbbing head, guiding it gently into the wet, fleshy folds of her vagina. He felt the soft blonde pubic hair grazing easily over it as it hung poised for entry between his young wife's snugly pulsating pussy lips. It was all he could do to hold himself back from lunging forward to sink the whole of his hardness with one mighty skin-splitting plunge into her quivering white belly.

Yet he waited, waited for a further sign from her. They had reached a plateau of some kind, and he wanted to know what direction she wanted him to travel in. It came to him in a rush – the realization that he had not been so careful with her previously, and that perhaps that had been a part of her seeming failure. He could make it up now, if she would let him.

She needed it now, that was obvious, and that was what he had wanted from her from the very first. It was almost ecstasy to torture them both with this excruciating delay. He had to do it because this chance of finding each other in sex might never come again if he played it wrong.

'What should I do, Laura?' he whispered. 'What do you want me to do?'

'Do…' she breathed, and her eyes opened. 'If you have to ask me, then don't do anything.'

And that was when he decided to fuck her breasts.


Laura reverted to groaning in small unintelligible gasps that seeped from between her tightly clenched teeth like jets of steam. Her body ached and she was agonizingly aware of Ralph's form above her, of Ralph's penis tickling at the edges of her eagerly contracting young cunt. Why didn't he put it in? Her legs and loins were wide open, waiting for him. Her deeply undulating womb was as hungry as a ravenous jungle animal. Her face was contorted with indescribable pleasure and her lips hung slack, parted by her small, wispy moans of half-conscious rapture.

Ralph looked down beneath his hovering body to see his pulsating hardness pressing thickly into the moist glistening folds of her grasping pink pussy. The silken softness of her blonde pubic hair caressed the huge bulbous head of his cock and made it throb violently. Her moans, groans and sighs made him feel like the most wonderful creature God had ever made.

His eyes fastened on her firm ripe breasts swaying out gently to the sides and quivering slightly with each mewling gasp from her happy throat. His eyes blazed just a little madly and he slithered forward up over her chest to straddle her with one leg on either side and shove his hotly energized rod into the narrow cleft he was able to make in her breasts by pushing those two warm mounds together.

He crushed their soft resiliency in his hands, kneading and stretching at them, watching them ooze through his hands like foam rubber, then spring voluptuously back into shape when he released them.

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