curling her toes and fingers and making her teeth gnash with ecstasy. She wallowed obscenely in it, her cum gushing hotly from between her legs, flooding the dog's loins and flowing wetly down her inner thighs.

'Oh God, oh God!' she moaned as Mark and the dog continued to saw into her, allowing her no respite. She felt like a helpless rag doll. What more could there be in the universe, after that fantastic, shattering climax? What more did they expect?

But she didn't care. She wouldn't care if they went on forever. She was a happy, relaxed receptacle for burning male sperm. That was her fate and now she loved it.

She undulated her buttocks in tiny circles, squeezing with her vaginal muscles at the lust-hardened rod of dog flesh still boring into her cunt, wanting to milk it dry, to fill her belly again and again with the sticky warm fluid that was already running down her shivering white thighs.

If only she had had a cock in her mouth, she would have been happier still.

Not that the finger in her nether passage wasn't producing the most fantastic sensual reaction in her loins. Why hadn't Ralph ever thought of something like that? The feeling was incredible; there was no earthly way of describing it, but why oh why had she had to find out from her neighbor's husband instead of her own?

Simultaneously with the rising tide of her second climax, Laura felt the dog's instrument inflate and begin spewing its white hot load deeply up inside her clasping vagina. It ricocheted hotly around inside her belly and then dripped from the hair-lined lips of her cunt back onto his still wildly fucking cock. His testicles slapped at her tiny tender clitoris, making her jerk convulsively forward. A deep shudder rippled through her helpless exposed flesh as she tried to screw her buttocks back onto the dog's still squirting member, and all of a sudden she was struck by an entire string of firecracker climaxes, which were like small atomic explosions going off in every nerve and muscle in her body.

'Oh! Oh! Oh!' she barked, falling forward.

Mercifully, sleep came then, and she sighed away into a doze that seemed to have no beginning nor any ending, but which only consisted of dancing German shepherds on a great green field.

It was some time later before Cleonora woke her. She opened one eye, a silly, happy smile spread across her hopelessly relaxed face.


The older woman stroked her pretty face. 'Yes, dear. It's time you were going home. Ralph will be worried. Are you an right?'

Everyone was gone from the room. Cleonora had on a dressing gown which concealed well her sumptuous curves. The air was a trifle stale and liquor and full ashtrays were everywhere for the servants to clean up after in the morning. Even Mark Franklin was nowhere to be seen.

Laura's nostrils dilated. She felt so nice and relaxed and she just wanted to sleep for a week. 'Yes, I'm all right,' she said sweetly. 'Did I behave all right?'

Cleonora hugged her affectionately, like an cider sister. 'You did fine, dear.'

'I'm sorry I was so silly. I didn't know anything. I owe you everything, Cleo.'

'Don't worry, we'll find a way for you to pay us back, dear.'

'I've been a silly little prude. I thought sex was dirty. But now I love it. I'm going to want it all the time.' She looked around for signs of Rover. 'Especially from Rover. Where is he?'

'Even dogs need their beauty sleep, Laura, and you've been out for hours. Ralph called a little while ago. He wanted to know where you were. I told him we had just drunk a little wee too much and that you were taking a nap. I told him I'd wake you and send you right home.'

Laura stretched luxuriously, her long smooth arms rising high above her head, her legs stiffening out ahead of her over the edge of the little stage. 'I feel so nice, Cleo,' she said after a lengthy yawn. 'So happy and relaxed. I don't think I've ever felt so good in my life. I've been very foolish.'

Cleonora pushed her fingers through Laura's blonde hair. 'You won't be anymore, dear. Now get dressed and get back to your handsome young husband. I've brought your clothes down.'

It didn't take long for her to dress and put her make-up on again. Her lower belly felt all warm and nice. She wondered how it was that she had gone her entire life without knowing this wonderful peace that came from sexual completion.

She certainly intended to make up for lost time.

It was pitch dark as the young blonde wife pulled her car out of the Franklins' driveway and headed down the highway toward her house. She wondered if Ralph would be angry. Well, if he was, she'd make it up to him! And then some!

She pulled up the gravel path just as the clouds parted and the full moon shone across their home. The sea was full of spray and tossing madly. The moon glinted brightly on the sharply peaking waves. It seemed like a good omen. She loved her home and she loved Ralph, and she wanted their marriage to succeed. The marvelous canine fucking she had received at the Franklins' had opened her eyes, but that was fundamentally just an interlude. Ralph was her whole life; eventually she would bear his children.

Not that she couldn't still continue to enjoy sex of every variety, she thought. But that was pleasure, and home and family were more like a business partnership in which both partners invested their lives and souls.

They would find a way.

I've been a prudish bitch, she thought, parking the car to a stop. I didn't try to make Ralph happy, so he didn't try with me, either. It takes two to make a good hot fuck. There, I'm not afraid of saying it. Fuck, fuck, fuck; I love the sound of it. 'Fuck!'

The house was dead quiet as she took her key out of the lock. Then she went up the stairs as silently as she could, so that she wouldn't wake him.

When she reached the top of the stairs, she tiptoed across the plush blue carpeting toward their bedroom door.

Only to hear the most anguished sounds coming from within!

'Oh, Christ, you have a nice cunt, Cleonora. Love fucking you, baby. Just want to stuff it up your ass, honey…'

She pushed open the slightly parted bedroom door with her fingertips and gazed inside. There, before her on the bed, outlined starkly in the moonlight, was Ralph, his rigid cock held in his hand, actively pumping the loose foreskin up and down.

Masturbating! Laura had never seen a man masturbate before! She stared in rapt silence as his hand moved up and back, making his soft hairy balls jiggle between his long, muscular legs. His mouth was open, although his eyes were closed, and he was muttering fresh obscenities with every breath.

No doubt his brief conversation with Cleonora over the telephone had brought him to this sorry pass, so that he wanted her more than he wanted his own wife. Did he also think of Cleonora when he was fucking his own wife, Laura wondered. Was that why he would always cum so fast? Laura's seething jealousy flared. She would show him. She began artfully removing her clothes.

'What?' Even in the moonlight she could detect his embarrassment at being caught in such a compromised position. His face darkened darker than the shadows, and she knew he was blushing.

'Oh, it's you, Laura,' he said after a lengthy pause, awkwardly and ill-at-ease. He let go of his penis and pulled a sheet up over it.

'Yes, it's me,' she murmured as she stripped, doing it languidly, even as if she were engaged in a little dance of the seven veils. She kicked off her shoes, slid down her nylon stockings, and removed her dress. Then she unhooked her brassiere and slid her white cotton panties slowly, teasingly, down the long white columns of her legs. She knew that Ralph was partial to blonde hair, so she was especially slow about revealing her sparse golden pubic triangle. But eventually her clothes surrounded her dainty feet in a soft flow of cotton and silk, and her brassiere fell away to the top of the pile from her softly uptilted breasts.

Ralph's mouth was hanging open as she stepped out of her clothes. He gazed at her magnificent body in wonder as if he had never seen it before in quite this way. When she fluffed out her long blonde hair so that it fell down over the tops of her buttocks, the effect was pure sensuality. He found his breathing coming in small, ragged gasps. He couldn't believe she was actually turning him on like this. After all, Laura was his own wife!

'See anything you like?' she asked in her best imitation of Marilyn Monroe. Then she sashayed her way sexily toward where her doctor-husband lay waiting nakedly on the bed, moving with a calculated wiggle that she had seen girls use in so many countless Hollywood movies.

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