monstrous cock was enough to cause a shiver of terror to shake Gina's body.
She struggled against the ropes at her wrists and ankles, but was rewarded only with increased pressure. The hemp stung her skin.
While she writhed, Derek moved the pliers over her back, giving her the feel of the metal. Finally, he let the closed jaws move to the crack of her ass. Slowly, he pushed the end of the pliers into the bud of her asshole.
'Don't!' Gina screamed out, feeling the jaws probe further inside her asshole. When he opened the pliers slightly, stretching her asshole painfully, she crushed the side of her head against her right shoulder, trying to block out the agony. 'God… please… I'll do anything… don't…'
Derek moved the pliers in and out of her ass for a few moments, then withdrew them. He then positioned himself behind her and pushed her legs down against the backs of her thighs. He spread her ass cheeks with both hands and inched his cock forward.
'You like a good ass-fucking?' he asked, jabbing the end of his cock into the crack of her ass.
'Not… this way,' Gina answered honestly. What sort of torture was in store for her? 'Can't you just fuck me easy… this once?' she pleaded.
'Not a chance,' the man said, shoving in about three inches of his rock-hard prick. As his cock squeezed into her asshole, he gave a slight, choking grunt. 'Christ… are you perfect all over?' he asked. 'Shit… this ass of yours is like a sweet pussy.'
Although Gina loved the feel of his cock entering her ass, just knowing what was going to happen later kept her from enjoying it fully. Her body was tense, expecting a horrible stab of pain.
She hadn't long to wait.
After Derek shoved the rest of his prick inside her asshole, he moved the pliers over her rounded ass cheeks. Slowly, he spread the serrated jaws of the pliers and nipped at her flesh. He didn't do it hard at first, merely teased her.
For Gina, however, the touch was like a slap. She froze, her imagined pain worse then anything real. She exhaled loudly, her scream a rattle in the back of her throat.
'God… please,' she begged, biting her lower lip.
Watching her writhe only increased the man's lust. He opened the jaws of the pliers and stretched them wide across her ass. Slowly, he took a bunch of soft flesh between the jaws and pressed the handles. He watched with sadistic satisfaction as the skin turned white, then a dark red.
'Ohhhhh!' Gina screamed out. Her body was flaming with agony. She tried to jerk away, but when she did, she felt the jaws tear at her flesh. 'Hurts… God, it's killing me.'
When she felt him loosen the grip on the handles, the flood of relief was like pleasure. She inhaled deeply and then gave a sigh. It was short-lived, however, for another stab of pain seared into her body.
'Scream, baby,' Derek said, his voice both cold and lustful at the same time. 'Screw me and scream.'
Another pinch, another jolt of raw agony.
'Aieeeeee!' she shrieked.
'Tell you what, you little whore,' Derek panted, leaning down and crushing her beneath his hulking frame. 'You fuck me real good. And, baby, I mean real fucking good, and I'll slow down on the pliers bit.'
'Wha… what do you want me to do?' Gina asked. Christ, anything!
'Just move this sweet ass. Fuck on my cock like it's the last one in the world,' he said. 'Think you can do that for me?'
Gina didn't need a single word of encouragement. She would have gladly started flapping her arms and tried to fly to the moon to stop that agony.
She began working her ass as hard as she could, banging back and forth, grinding.
'The inside… too,' Derek said, squeezing another mound of flesh between the pliers jaws.
'Inside?' Gina panted, not understanding.
'Yeah, work on my prick with those little asshole muscles. Swallow down on my cock,' Derek instructed.
Gina tightened her muscles, then relaxed them. As she did, his prick slid fully into her asshole. Again she tightened them, held his cock inside, then made a movement like she was shitting. His cock slowly eased out. She flexed her asshole as tightly as possible and pulled his cock back inside.
'Hey, that's the trick,' Derek grunted. 'Just fucking fine… like that whore mouth of yours.'
Gina continued working on his cock until she fell limp with exhaustion. Sweat beaded her forehead and upper lip. But when she stopped, he again jabbed her with the pliers.
'Keep it up, you cocksucker,' he said. 'I… I've never had an ass-fucking when the girl did all the work. Until now, that is.'
Gina gave it her all, and more, it seemed. The pain at her wrists and ankles where the ropes cut into her flesh was pleasure compared to what her asshole felt like. Raw and aching, totally exhausted, she gave her last ounce of strength, molding her asshole around his throbbing prick.
'Sweet God, that's sweet,' Derek grunted. 'But… but it's so good, I think I'll do a little work now.'
Gina could have kissed him when she heard the clink of the pliers as they tell to the floor beside the mattress. At least for a few moments she wouldn't have to endure that horror any longer.
Derek spread her thighs like a wishbone and began pounding savagely into her asshole. As his full weight crashed down, he dug his fingers into the cheeks of her ass, kneading over the welts the pliers had made.
'Ohhhh, this is more like it,' Gina whimpered. All pain left her, replaced with waves of growing ecstasy. 'Mmmm, fuck me with that big cock, you mean bastard…'
As his cock plunged in and out of her tight asshole, she tried to make some sense of what was going on. God, yesterday seemed a million years away. What had happened this evening? Raped and abused by two men, and now this animal. Being tied up and forced to suck a cock was one thing, but, having her ass jabbed with those pliers?
What was pain, but memory? She would never forget those pliers. Would that mean she would be in pain forever?
They had sent chills of agony up her spine. They were hard and savage, like tiny teeth.
Like his teeth would feel, she thought. Biting and tearing…
'Do it… do it again,' she said.
'Hmmmm?' Derek grunted, then paused. He leaned down and kissed the back of her neck, letting the bottom of his teeth scrape over her trembling flesh. 'Do… what baby? Fuck you some more? That's what I'm doing.'
'No… the pliers,' Gina said. 'Bite me with them… all over… and fuck me make it good… make it hurt…'
Although she knew she was begging for it, a part of her knew she was being a fool. If he'd done that without her asking, God, what would he do when she begged for it like this?
Somehow, she didn't care.
Derek picked up the pliers and ran the cool metal over her back, gently nipping the jaws at her flesh. He didn't do it hard, but from the way she began bouncing around, it was like she was on fire.
'Christ… you are one hot little cunt, aren't you?' he grunted. 'You can fucking take anything I can dish out.'
'Anything,' Gina moaned. 'Just screw me… the pliers… everything, YOU sonofabitch!'
While he plunged in and out of her asshole wildly, he moved the pliers under her body and took her right nipple between the serrated jaws. Slowly, he clamped them closed.
'Godddd!' Gina screamed, her back arching so violently she thought her spine would snap. The combination of pain and pleasure was good – too good. An enormous convulsion rocked her insides, spitting a climax through her fluttering cunt lips. She gave another scream that soon turned into a silent yell of total, pure, raw release.
The force of her climax caused her ass muscles to lock vigorously around Derek's cock, trapping his cock inside for a second. It took a great effort to pull his cock back out, and when he did, his balls burst with his cumload. He hammered his prick violently forward, crushing in the first of his exploding wads of jism.
'Unhhhh!' he cried out, his face turning ashen with pleasure. 'Screw it you filthy, Goddamned whore!'
Gina thought when her climax peaked it couldn't possibly get any better, any more intense. When she felt the splattering globs of molten, milky cum from his bursting cockhead, however, her orgasm swept further upward, drilling into her brain.