'Ohhhh… fuckkkk!' she screamed, as pleasure bordered pain, grossed over, melted back.
'All of it… you motherfucking cunt,' Derek groaned, pumping in more wads of gism.
Their bodies locked together as if they were sharing the same orgasm, their flesh smacking noisily, their grunts echoing.
Each time Gina's orgasm subsided slightly, Derek would move the pliers around her tits, squeezing first one nipple, then the other. He even moved to her pussy, took her clit between the jaws and squeezed the handles closed.
When that happened, Gina flinched, then went limp. Her body was spent, unable to respond any longer to the convulsions of pleasure.
She could only lie there, feel the last of his jism boil into her asshole, feel his cock pulsate, stretching her ass violently.
'Ohhhh… shit, that's… it,' the man said finally, grinding in the last glob. He crushed his weight against her body, then bit down on the back of her neck. 'Screw… my cock… baby.'
They lay like that for several long moments, hardly moving. Finally, Derek pulled away and lay on his back, his chest still heaving. His eyes were glazed with pleasure.
'Christ… what a fuck,' he groaned. 'It… hurt…'
'Mmmmm, yes,' Gina murmured. 'Hurt… so good.'
A few moments later, Derek half-sat and threw his right leg over Gina's shoulder.
'It's break time again,' he said, grinning. 'Suck on my cock, baby.'
'Mmmmm, sure,' Gina whispered, her eyes on the half-hard slab of thick cockmeat. 'But if you untie me, I'll really make it good.'
'You won't run away?' Derek asked.
'Not until I've finished,' she giggled. 'And, with so much hard cock, I might be here for days.'
The man gave her a long look, then did as she asked, removing the ropes from her bruised flesh. When she was free, he lay back down on the mattress and spread his legs.
'OK, this had better be good,' he said. 'I usually don't do anything the lady asks.'
'I'm impressed,' Gina said sarcastically. A plan was forming in her mind, but she had to watch herself. One wrong move and it would be curtains. 'I… I mean, thanks,' she said humbly.
She let her eyes move over his naked body and was again taken with the rough features, the hard muscles. The sight of him caused her pussy to bubble, with pleasure.
'Mmmmm, I'm gonna suck you all over, you big bastard,' she said, her voice thick with lust. 'Your big cock… your feet, your asshole.'
'Hey, that's all right. Get after it,' the man said, placing his hands to his sides.
Gina began a slow assault with her warm, searching mouth, first covering the hollow of his throat with soft kisses. She then moved her lips across his shoulders, down his arms. Taking each finger into her mouth, she lapped up and down with her pursed lips, sucking them like they were tiny cocks.
'Wow… baby… that's nice,' Derek whispered, his eyes closed with pleasure.
'Let me show you something else very nice,' Gina said, her heart thundering. She reached to one side and grabbed a long length of rope. Carefully, she began sliding the hemp over his wrists as she held his hands together. 'Like this?' she asked, her eyes on his face, testing his reaction.
'Anything, baby… just don't stop,' the man said, obviously unaware of what she was doing.
While Gina licked on his fingers and ran her tongue over the inside of his elbow, she wrapped the rope around his wrists. Still holding his hands together, she quickly gobbled down on his cock.
'Ahhh… shit!' Derek grunted, his fingers grasping the ropes about his wrists.
While Gina sucked up and down his rigid cock, she got another piece of rope and slipped it under his legs. Carefully, she pulled it over his ankles, paused, then wrapped the length around again.
'Suck… bitch… suck me good,' Derek whispered, still unaware that anything unusual was going on. Sensations flooded his body, all of them nice. The grit on the mattress, the softness of her nipples as they slipped over the tops of his thighs, her mouth, her tongue, even the ropes that were around his wrists and…
When Gina felt him flinch from his relaxed position, she knew he realized what she was doing. Acting quickly, she grabbed the end of the rope at his wrist, and the other one at his ankles and pulled them as hard as she could. In the split-second he was helpless, she sprang to one side and picked up a wooden mallet she had seen earlier. She popped him on the side of the head as hard as she could.
'Unhhhh,' Derek gasped, then fell limp.
'OK, you sonofabitch,' Gina gasped, feeling powerful, 'it's your fucking turn.'
She knew she hadn't hit him hard enough to knock him out, only stun him. She had to work fast. She knotted the ropes at his wrists, then ran the rope around his body, pulling as much slack out as she could. She then wrapped his legs and attached the two ends together just under his cock and balls.
Would it hold?
There was the possibility she had underestimated his strength, his rage. When he came to, what would happen?
She stood and took a few steps away from his body. She then reached down and picked up her clothing in her hands, just in case. She could run out the door stark naked, if necessary, and get to her car.
'What… the fuck!' Derek grunted, shaking his head. His face contorted with fury, turned a mottled purple. 'You bitch!' he spat, trying to get to his feet. He fell with a plop on the hard floor, cracking the side of his head. 'Ouch!' he said, wincing.
Gina studied him carefully to make sure he couldn't get loose, and when she was satisfied that her work had held, she dropped her clothes and walked over. She looked down at him with a grin on her face, then kicked him in the mouth with her bare foot.
They both gasped out, but it hurt Gina more than it did Derek. He sensed that and laughed.
'Go ahead and laugh, you little animal,' Gina said, more angry with herself than with him. She then shot a look to where the whip lay. 'Now… it's my turn, you motherfucker,' she said, her tits heaving with pleasure.
'In your own words, I'm gonna make you stream,' she said, picking up the whip.
'You fucking touch me with that and…'
Whatever it was he was going to say was never heard because his words became a shriek of pain.
Beginner's luck had caused the whip to lash through the air and hit him about a quarter of an inch below his balls.
'Ohhhh… let's see bow close I can get,' she said, drunk with power.
'Don't!' Derek said, his face white with fear. 'You'll pop my nuts off!'
'Maybe,' Gina teased. She lifted the whip, aimed again for his balls. This time, the three pronged end sliced across his chest. 'Maybe not,' she added. 'My aim isn't too good.'
For the next few moments, Gina popped the whip wildly, hitting him as he thrashed about, squirming like he was on fire. She only stopped when her arm ached from exhaustion.
'I'll get you, you bitch,' Derek spat, rolling into a far corner, jerking against the ropes. 'You fucking wait and see.'
Gina was about to hit him again, but stopped short when she heard the door squeak open. She whirled, expecting it to be either Tony or Adam.
'Well, I'll be damned,' a young woman said, her face wreathed in a smile. 'Would you look at this!'
It was the girl she had seen that day, but without her construction clothes she was very beautiful.
'So someone finally got the best of big, bad Derek,' the girl said. She then looked at Gina. 'Hi, I'm Susan. I've been wanting to do that to that bastard for six months. Can I have a shot at it?'
'Sure,' Gina said, handing over the whip. 'I'm Gina,' she said.
'Well, I think you and I can make a great team,' Susan laughed, squeezing her fingers around the whip.
'You bitch!' Derek cried out. 'Both of you are bitches… fucking whore bitches!'
'Derek, Derek, Derek,' Susan said, as if trying to soothe the temper of a small child, 'how you talk.'
The whip slashed through the air like the sound of a sliding guillotine blade.