Jan knew they were watching again. She could feel their eyes on her as she moved around her small bedroom. She wondered just how much they could see across the fifty or sixty feet separating her bedroom from Danny's. There were three of them, and they had only one pair of binoculars among them. It shuttled back and forth below the not quite drawn Venetian blind, pausing at each side and the middle.

She didn't think they had ever seen very much of her. Just enough to get their young penises jerking and throbbing and their minds working. And, perhaps, their hands on their little pricks, too. She wondered if the sight of her moving around in her bra and panties had been enough to get them to jack off. The first time they had spied on her, to her knowledge, had been about a month ago. It had been hot. Safely behind her closed door, she had been puttering around in just her underwear. If she had known anyone was home across the way, she would have had her shade down. Her first warning that someone was spying on her was a chance reflection off one lens of the binoculars. There had only been one of them then. Danny Foster. The next time, a week later, his friends had been there, too. She hadn't minded them seeing her in her underwear. If they got their jollies that way, so what? But she hadn't let them see any more than that. But things had chanced since then. Mary Kay had warned her that, having had intercourse once, she wasn't going to settle for just petting. But it was worse than that. Now that she knew how to scratch that damned intolerable itch way down in her guts, she wanted to do it all the time. And, the fact that three horny boys were watching her, each with a hard cock between his legs, was hard to ignore. So, today she was going to give them a show they hadn't bargained on. And, if they had the guts, she was going to give them something they would never forget. She was still fully dressed. Her heart beating very quickly, her chest aching, she picked up the hand lettered sign she had made. She moved over to the window and held the sign so that they could see it. She saw the binoculars at the center of the window.

They stayed there for a long time, then dropped sharply. She started to lower the sign, but the glasses reappeared to one side, so she raised it again. One of the other boys was checking out the report.

She braced the sign on the window sill so it wouldn't shake. The glasses disappeared again, and the waited for a long, aching minute.

Then the blind shuttered open, then closed again, and she quickly slipped the sign into the bottom of her underwear drawer. Two minutes later she was opening the back door and letting the three of them into the kitchen. She recognized the two boys with Danny, though she didn't know their names. One of them had bushy red hair, the other's was straight and blond, even lighter than hers. Danny had shaggy brown hair. All of them were dressed in blue jeans and tee shirts. “How'd you know we were watching?” Danny asked suspiciously. “The binoculars caught the sun one day. I've known for weeks.” “See, I told you we shoulda stayed farther back,” the redhead grumbled. “How come you didn't do anything until today?”

Danny asked. “Girls like being watched,” she informed him.

“What's the treat you promised us?” the blond boy asked nervously. “Come on in the living room,” Jan answered, leading the way. “You wanted to see? Well, you'll see, you'll see.” “See what?” Danny asked cautiously as they filed into the living room behind her. The curtains were all drawn, the way they had been ever since her mother had died. “That is, unless you're chicken!” Jan taunted. Her statement was greeted by a chorus of violent denials.

She thought of extracting a vow of silence from them, but rejected the idea as impractical. In one afternoon, she was going to kiss her good reputation good-by. But then, why have a reputation for what she no longer was? “Sit down over there,” she ordered, indicating the couch. She was aching with excitement as she turned her back on them and strolled over to the opposite side of the small living room. She wondered what her father would do if he found out about this. She didn't care. If he wanted to hide in a closet for the rest of his life, that was his business. But she had a lot of life ahead of her, and her mother's death wasn't going to make her hide in a hole. Turning to face the three boys, she shivered nervously and began unbuttoning her sleeveless blouse. She let it slide down her arms and off. She felt cool air on her bare midriff. Her nipples jabbed impatiently against the inside of her bra. She unfastened her skirt and let it drop around her feet. She was suddenly conscious of how brief and flimsy her underwear was. Probably it covered a greater amount of skin than her bikini did. But somehow, being made of flimsy lace, her bra and panties were much sexier and naked feeling than her suit was. The boys were all breathing very hard. She let her gaze skip over their laps. There was a knot in every pair of pants, all three of them. The way their eyes were glued to her gave her a feeling of power. Her heart was hammering. “When I get naked, will you guys get naked?” she asked. Danny nodded tensely.

The red-haired boy was slower to respond, but finally nodded affirmatively. Jan looked at the blond expectantly. “Yeah,” he whispered. He was pale and rigid with fear. Jan strolled over to the sofa and turned her back on Danny. “Unhook my bra,” she ordered.

She could feel them all studying the graceful sweep of her back, her tight buttocks, her long, lithe legs. Danny's fingers fumbled clumsily with the hooks of her bra. She kept one arm across her breasts to keep the garment in place when it came loose. She walked slowly away from them, feeling the unfastened ends of the bra swinging and slapping her bare back. She was conscious of how her ass cheeks flexed with each tense step. Her back toward the watching boys, she looked over her shoulder at them. She stripped her bra off and let it drop. She cupped her hands over the gentle mounds of her breasts and turned to face Danny and his friends. All three of them were sweating noticeably. They licked their lips, tried to penetrate her shielding hands with their hot eyes. Turning sideways to them, Jan walked the length of the room. Her hands were still covering her breasts. She turned and walked back the other way, slowly, feeling them study the long sweep of her bare flanks as she moved. She realized that it wasn't just getting a view of the forbidden areas that was erotic. It was the unbroken sweep of bare skin from the top of her panties upward that excited them, too. Usually they saw that sweep of skin, if they saw it at all, broken by the strap of a bathing suit top. The same was true of her back. Her nipples were hard little knots against her palms when she turned again to face them. Again, there was an unbroken expanse of skin, from her panties up through the valley between her breasts. She stood very straight and tall, one foot slightly ahead of the other. She began to squeeze and massage her breasts. “Take off your shirts,” she said softly. Danny practically ripped his off. The redhead was a bit slower. The blond boy's hands shook pitifully as he struggled to get out of his without losing sight of her. Jan circled her palms on her nipples, letting just the burning tits touch her. It made them stiffen and swell even more. She licked her dry lips and her breathing became a bit ragged. She felt a million years older than the three boys as she tormented them with her nearly naked body. And she realized suddenly, she could do the same thing to any man that she wanted to. Age had nothing to do with it.

Now she realized why her father had been so angry when she had come out of her room the other day with just her panties on. Her back arched, her chest out, Jan slid her hands down her bare torso, finally exposing her breasts to view. She slid her hands down to her waist and stopped with her fingers pointing down in the direction of her pussy.

She thought the blond was going to cry at the sight of her bare breasts, her stiff pink nipples, the smooth sweep of her naked flesh.

“Take off your pants,” she said softly. Danny lurched to his feet and ripped his belt and fly open. Shoving his jeans down, he kicked out of them impatiently. Then he sat back down. His prick was a pole in his underpants, and there was a damp spot at the end of it.

Again, the redhead was slower to respond. But in moments he, too, was down to his underpants. His cock was thrusting upward impatiently in his underpants. He sat back down and made a senseless try at concealing his erection by hunching over and putting his hands over it. The blond looked even closer to tears. He fumbled awkwardly with his belt, then failed to negotiate the button at the waist of his jeans. Jan went over to him and carefully unbuttoned his pants. When she ran the zipper down, she purposely brushed her fingers against his cock. When his jeans were open, his prick leaped out at her. It had escaped through the fly of his underpants! It was very pale, very smooth, and very pretty. It also looked to be the biggest of the three. As he stepped out of his jeans, the boy tugged at his underpants. It was a struggle, but he managed to get his cock back under cover before he sat down. The organ was folded upward against his belly and was so long it almost stuck out above the waistband.

After moving back away from them, her hands at her sides so they could see her bare breasts, Jan paused. Then, facing them, she slid one hand down on the outside of her panties, in the center, and pressed her pussy.

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