its load up into her. She tried to tighten her already-clenched pussy around his organ to stimulate him still more. As the swing sailed wildly through the air, she fought to bring the two boys off simultaneously. They were pumping so high now that at the end of each arc the chains went slack, and the seat dropped free before jerking and starting down again. She was coming. She was being ravaged by a fireball that swelled bigger and bigger and bigger as the swing arced downward, back up, and then downward again. Every time she was crammed down on Tommy's cock, her pleasure soared upward. Every time her weight vanished and she floated, her lust soared like some pyrotechnic balloon in her belly.

On the next downswing, through the glittering haze of her own orgasm, she felt Tommy shooting his load up into her spasming vagina.

His prick jetted like a machine gun, shooting two or three shots on each stroke of the swing. When his cock fired at the bottom of the arc, she felt the semen slam impatiently against the end of her vagina, it was jammed down on his cock so hard. When his cock spurted at the top of a swing, the semen seemed to fly across a short open space, then shatter into the end of her cunt. Then Danny began to come in her mouth. Jan was forced to gulp down his thick, impatient shots just to keep from strangling. Swallowing frantically, she felt both ends of her body being filled with come. As the two boys pumped her full, her own orgasm reached a still higher level. The three of them clung together in a muscle-straining knot. The momentum of the swing kept them moving as they milked the moment for every morsel of pleasure they could. Finally, the swing's crazy gyrations slowed, and the three orgasms were fading. Jan pulled her head away from Danny's drained, fading penis and sucked in huge lung-clearing gusts of air. The angle of her hole and the force of gravity tugging downward, dragged the thick, hot semen out of her body. It was as if it were still attached to the withering penis retreating from her depths. The swing slowed some more, and Danny lowered one foot and scuffed it through the dirt to bring them to a halt. His cock gleaming with semen and Jan's saliva, he stepped down off the swing.

Jan remained astride Tommy until she had caught her breath. The feel of his flaccid, shrunken penis between her labia had a strange effect on her. It triggered a lazy lust in her that she didn't expect.

Experimentally, she squirmed on Tommy's lap and tightened the muscles of her vagina. The effect was the reverse of what she wanted-she drove his prick out of her instead of stimulating it to greater life.

“Sorry,” Tommy apologized, sensing what she wanted. “That's okay.” “Ever been eaten out?” he asked. “You mean, you eat me?” Jan asked. “My pussy?” “Uh-huh.” “No.” “Stand up on the swing,” Tommy suggested. “You've got a real treat coming.”

Jan was glad she hadn't had to do much work yet, because it wasn't easy to stand on the seat with her feet on either side of Tommy. Letting go of the chains, he gripped her tight, sleek ass and drew her hips down toward his face. Jan watched him press his face into her nearly hairless pussy. She felt his tongue pry in between her labia. A wash of hot pleasure burned through her. He drilled his tongue into her vagina. She knew he must be tasting the semen and juices from their earlier coupling. Curling her arms around the chains of the swing, she pressed her hands down on the back of his head and pushed her pussy forward against him. She felt his nose press her clit. He exhaled into her hot folds. The feel of his burning breath on her clit triggered a hot flood into his working mouth. He drilled his tongue deep into her vagina and wiggled it against the nerve-packed walls of her tunnel. Jan was vaguely aware of Danny sitting on the ground, watching her being eaten out. There was hot interest in his eyes, and his cock was showing signs of life. Tommy lapped at her vigorously, welcoming her flood with sucking lips and working tongue. He was clutching her tight, firm buttocks. He worked his fingers into her crack and touched her anus. Jan's body knotted with pleasure from the unexpected goosing. She tried to push her ass back against his finger and her cunt forward onto his mouth. It was impossible and resulted in her clenching her buttocks hard against Tommy's hand. He managed to work his finger into the tight hole of her anus in spite of her, and Jan's body was ravaged by pleasure. Jan tilted her face to the sun and ground Tommy's face into her pussy and fought to admit his finger into her tight, dry hole. The locket at her throat glittered in the bright morning sun, quivered as her body was wracked by shudders of pleasure. The swing shivered on its taut chains, a seismograph measuring their lust. “God!” Jan moaned.

“Oh, God!” Tommy pulled his mouth away from her vagina, then sucked his way along her slippery crevice. His lips spread her pink inner petals, his tongue stroked her urethra. He fastened on her clitoris and drew it into his mouth. Jan's whole body jerked and the swing twisted and spun as she rocked her hips, ground and twisted her crotch on Tommy's sucking mouth. It felt like he was trying to rip her clit out by the roots, he was sucking on it so hard. His teeth caught the shaft just behind the nerve-packed head, trapping it, putting tension on the shaft. Then his tongue squeezed the tip back against his teeth, and Jan's world dissolved in an unbelievable haze of pleasure. The swing danced and jerked as she convulsed with an orgasm even greater than her first had been. Her anus was a searing knot of pain and pleasure as Tommy augured his finger in and out of it. Her clit felt like it was melting it was so hot. Her vagina was a lightly cramped mass of pleasure, a knotted fist holding desperately onto nothing. When at last Tommy spit her clit out and pulled his linger out of her asshole, Jan was left hanging precariously from the chains of the swing. Tommy slipped out from between her legs, and her knees collapsed. She lowered herself carefully to the seat of the swing and leaned sideways against one chain and fought to catch her breath and gather her scattered wits.

She gradually became aware of the hard wooden seat against her backside, and the cold chain against one cheek. The sun was hot on her arms, the wind cold on her dripping pussy, and the dust greasy and cold as she squirmed her toes in it. “She taste good?” Danny asked Tommy, surprised. “Sure, man,” Tommy answered. “It's a fantastic turn on. You should try it sometime.” “Not-not right now,” Jan stammered. “I don't think I'd like it,” Danny announced. “Honest,” Tommy insisted, “they taste great, and it really gets a girl turned on. Doesn't it, Jan?” Jan nodded weakly. “It does.” She was beginning to regain touch with reality.

“Well, maybe someday,” Danny temporized. “But not today.” He looked at Jan hungrily. “I got a hard on again,” he announced, unnecessarily. “So I see,” Jan answered. She wasn't uninterested, but was still too drained to want Danny's organ. “It'll have to wait,” she told him. “I'm not ready for it yet.' “I know one thing,”

Tommy interrupted, “you two had better get some suntan oil on or you'll both have bright red stripes between your tan marks.”

“I'll go get some,” Danny said unwillingly, heading for the house. Jan swung lazily on the swing, her legs spread to let the breeze cool her overheated pussy. Then she got off and stretched out on the grass. She watched Tommy move to the swing and begin adjusting the chain, raising the seat. “What are you doing?” Jan asked curiously. Tommy stood in front of the raised seat, judging its height. It was a couple of inches below his limp prick. “Oh, just adjusting things.” “You sunbathe nude most of the time, don't you?” Jan asked. “All the time,” he replied. “Whole family does.”

Jan thought of how things were progressing with her father. She wondered if they would ever reach that point. “Don't you-uh-get turned on sometimes?” “Sometimes.” “Here's the goop,” Danny announced, returning from the house. “You do me and I'll do you,”

Jan suggested. “Front and back.” “Okay!” Danny agreed, uncapping the lotion. Jan stood up and let him massage the thick oil into her breasts. He used both hands. She stood quietly with her hands at her sides. She felt her lust rising as his palms skidded over her alert tits. She could see Danny's prick swelling still larger, standing out more stiffly from his immature pubic bush. She felt her soft mounds squirm under his oily touch and saw the hot interest in his eyes as he worked her over thoroughly. “Down there, too,” she said, indicating the pale triangle outlining her golden-furred pussy.

Danny poured a pool of suntan oil in his palm, reached down and carefully cupped her crotch. He massaged it with a slow, sensuous circular motion that tugged and twisted her pussy lips, stirred her clitoris to renewed life. He smeared the suntan cream on either side of her slit. The tension pulled her labia open, let cold air strike her wet, distended inner folds. “Back, too,” she hissed, turning.

His hands cupped her buttocks, pressed and kneaded the warm, yielding globes. He smeared the greasy cream down onto her flanks. “In the crack, too,” she murmured softly. “Do it!” she insisted, when she felt him hesitating. The touch of his oily fingers in her hot, sweaty crevice sent her excitement boiling. Tommy's touch in that forbidden zone had awakened her to the erotic possibilities of the area. Her guts knotted at the thought of exploring it further. She doubted Danny would be interested, but was pretty sure Tommy would be. Danny's fingers skated down the bottom of her crack, touched her anus and withdrew sharply while her butt was still jerking reflexively in response to his fleeting touch. She had a searing desire to have something jammed up into her asshole, but knew it would have to wait.

She turned and faced Danny. He held out the lotion to her. She took a different approach from his. She

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