and she would get it. I aimed again across the dangerously raised welt and this time a precious droplet rose and ran down the back of Claudia's firm young thigh. Our lithe adolescent nymph may have begged for a caning rather than the disgrace of being reported to her parents. Yet the bamboo had now branded the pale spread ovals of Claudia's fifteen-year-old bottom-cheeks with several vivid weals. As the cane drew a red droplet or two on the soft undercurve of her young arse, Claudia screamed loudly enough to be heard all the way to the Rhineland. Desperately she strained against the broad black straps which pinioned her legs and ankles, and which tethered her wrists. Let there be no hypocrisy between us, Dolly.
There was a wicked excitement in having made Claudia scream after seven or eight strokes of the bamboo across her bare backside-when there were still more than forty strokes to come. All the same, it was injudicious to allow her cries to be heard so easily. In the traditional way, when the panties are taken down they form a useful wadding but the bathing briefs were too stiff. Then I remembered Sian, the young servant with the red tresses and fair skin. Sian had had her cunt-jig and arse-exercise in this room once or twice during the past week. There in the basket lay a discarded pair of Sian's panties. Duly dampened and folded they were soon muffling Claudia's shrillness-much to the young nymph's dismay. “I'm going to make you begin all over again, Claudia,” I said gently. “We don't permit such interruptions while you're being caned. The first stroke again. If you fart, Claudia, or try any other diversions, it will merely add extra strokes to the discipline. Bend tighter. Get properly arse-upwards over the desk, Claudia, you young minx! Remember that when the cane thrashes you across the backs of your thighs, the stroke does not count.” For the next ten minutes, Claudia was frantic. Her adolescent buttocks jumped and quivered under the smacks of bamboo.
The stripes grew to weals and the strokes that crossed them made her toes curl with the anguish. Eight times I aimed across her thighs, from the backs of her knees almost to her bum-cheeks. The mop of her tousled light brown hair twisted to and fro as she tried to writhe in her straps. I promise you, Dolly, that for the next week or two Claudia's bottom-cheeks and the backs of her thighs will be too brown and yellow with bruises to make it possible for her to be returned home-even if that was my intention. Once or twice she managed to twist on to her hip, almost lying on her side. I caned her even then, on the exposed flank of her hips. Claudia knew that such strokes did not count but you may judge of her state, Dolly, by the fact that she would even incur such extra punishment to give her young bottom a moment's respite. She now has several red stripes across the flank, two or three upon the front of her thighs, and one aslant her firm young belly. On each occasion I turned the sobbing culprit over again and made her present her smarting arse for the next stroke. I confess, Dolly, that I went somewhat beyond the allocation of strokes.
I know it-and Claudia knows it. But no tales will be told. The state of Claudia's bottom this week is seen only by her bedroom mirror and the toilet-seat upon which she sits each day. Yet is it not monstrous, Dolly, that these inanimate objects should be privileged to enjoy the charms which our fifteen-year-old nymph hides self-consciously from such admirers as I? To be sure I have continued her punishment-lesson by making her work in my study each evening in the brief swimsuit in which she committed her offence. But that is not the same thing at all! I envisage a delightful and remote seraglio-well guarded from censorious eyes-and with no means by which the girls could stray. There one might keep a few dozen young ladies like Claudia to serve one's pleasures. Is it not severely logical? I might do to Claudia the very things which have just proved so enjoyable-and yet without any of the pretence at “justice” or “retribution” which English morality forces upon me. Claudia masturbates two or three times a week. At fifteen, it would be strange if she did not. But if she is going to do it anyway, why should she not be made to do it on a well-placed demonstration table for the delight of her admirers? As for the bedroom-mirror and the toilet-seat, why should they not share the contemplation of her with men who enjoy such things? The idea of necessary solitude will be at an end when she is made to understand that her master has sole right over her body and its performances. You see, Dolly, Lord Frederick has accomplished this on what he calls his “plantation.” We are rich as he. Could not something be arranged? His lordship will be passing through Berlin next month on his return from the Crown Prince's battues in Pomerania. Speak to him, I implore you, of such notions. And what of our two girls, Katharine and Claudia? You will be pleased to hear that the fat young cheeks of Katharine's arse were thrashed by the duenna-strap until our voluptuous Rhineland blonde could scarcely walk. And Claudia? Ah, Claudia! After I had finished caning her and reluctantly undid the straps, Claudia's first act was to press my hand to her lips and cover it with ardent kisses.
It was not, Dolly, that our tousled-headed nymph had fallen deeply in love with me, though she was carrying a good libation of my passion up her arse! No, it was gratitude! Tears flowed long and sentimentally.
She wept not only for the state of her young bottom-cheeks. It was pure gratitude to me as the kind master who had saved her reputation by permitting her to be punished in this enlightened manner! For the present, my dear Dolly, I bid you au revoir! Do think of Lord Fred and what might be arranged- for Natasha, Julia, Sonja, and Petra as well as the girls here. In the meantime, tell me of our high-school pair. I hope by now you have broken in the two little bitches to your ways! Your own adoring, Jack.
Julia and Natasha at the Villa Anna -A first lesson in lewdness-Our two little madams ordered to spend their mornings on the massage-table-Gloved hands and soapy fingers-Julia and Natasha broken in as “bitches”-The gross depravities on the marble table-Smacked and perfumed-Julia and the street-boys-The railings between them-Love between bars-Passions at six inches distance-Natasha proves that youth knows the greatest perversity.
My dearest Jack, Oh, what a wretch he is! Poor young Claudia, and she only fifteen! To deceive her so! And up her young bottom too! And the wicked, wicked cane! All these things I said to myself on reading your letter, Jack. For, as a woman, would the world not insist that I must be outraged on behalf of the poor girl's bruised bottom and ravaged cunt? Have no fear, my friend.
Before I had half finished your amusing letter, smiles were twitching at the corner of my mouth. Ah, dear Jack! The charming dream you describe of a place where one might enjoy a few dozen such girls with no danger of tales being told! You may be sure I will speak to Lord Frederick about it. I shall see him in a few weeks more, for he never passes through Berlin without stopping for a day or two with me.
But now, my dear friend, let us be serious for a moment. You were quite right in your so-called hypocrisy with Claudia. A man who wishes to enjoy a girl though pure randiness will risk the police court if he forces himself upon her. Yet by a seeming pretence of moral purpose, he may often accomplish the very same things and be congratulated on his fine sense of public duty. You will forgive me for mentioning this again, dear Jack, but I think you are inclined to take the truth of it too flippantly. While in England you must adhere to this principle of moral hypocrisy or you will be destroyed. Only consider this.
Suppose that the venerable reformatory master you mention had seen Elaine Cox striding back from school, tossing her fair hair contemptuously, the pleated grey skirt worn brazenly short. As she passed his house, he might have dragged her in and ordered his cronies to bend her over while he thrashed her bare arse soundly for the young slut she was. And the consequence? An arrest, a prosecution, and a few months in the municipal gaol. But instead, he happened to notice the youngster when she was thirteen and he bided his time. Her insolent conduct in the street merited a reprimand. Our respectable reform-school master spoke privately to the justices. The girl was taken into custody and consigned to the reformatory. She and her two sisters. Many an afternoon in his study, he looked up from his desk to see those full pale cheeks of Elaine Cox's fourteen-year-old bottom presented over the stool for a whipping. He did things to her which you and I would envy. Yet the country's rulers praised him, and the world thought him a fine upstanding fellow-so he was for his prick was stiff night and day. I mention this, Jack, in order to explain my own method with Julia and Natasha. Imagine that my first act was to order these two young pupils to get their knickers off and prepare for something between their legs, up their bottoms, and in their mouths.
You can guess at the squeals and yells, the indignant protests, the arrival of furious teachers and parents to fetch them away, the surrounding of this villa by the imperial polizei. So, though I mean to achieve all those things, I proceed by an opposite route. As soon as the two girls arrived I frowned at Julia's tight riding-jeans and sluttish manner. I talked of the need for cleanliness and decency in body and mind. I spoke of discipline and strictness as though I might have invented the very ideas. The result? Julia and Natasha are writing letters home in which they