her knees up to her chin, you are able to lie and view the spread of her underside from a few inches. Tickle her light-haired pussy-flesh until she gives a shudder, a gasp, and lets the first droplets of desire form there. Meanwhile your little imp, Natasha, will not leave your prick alone. Like a greedy little girl with a new toy, she fingers it, kisses its knob lightly, gives it a quick and apprehensive suck, then wipes her wetness off it on her n soft blonde chignon. You part Helena's thighs, draw yourself up, and impale her. With woman's instinct, her legs clasp you, heels drumming on your back. Noreen lies face down across the top of the bed, like a bolster.

Helena's head rests on the small of Noreen's back. Your own head is level with Noreen's broad young backside. When you look up you are confronted by a rear view of Natasha kneeling with thighs apart, just in range of your lips and tongue. Her blonde tail dangles as she looks back at you through the arch of her legs. The hem of the green jumper with its blue piping comes down only to the top of her hips. You are deliciously held in Helena's cunt, riding easily. Can you resist a kiss on Natasha's slim thighs? Kisses on the silken thatch of her young love- nest follow this while you ride strongly in and out between Helena's trim suntanned legs. A quick flicker with your tongue brings you the tastes of Natasha's randiness. You draw the green jumper of her uniform up, well clear of the little blonde's hips, as you continue to ravish your Swedish nymph. Now your lips browse on the cool elfin pallor of Natasha's fourteen-year-old bottom-cheeks. The saucy chignon of her fair hair brushes to and fro across the back of her collar as she gasps with the tension of arousal. “Natasha, my pet! Turn your head round. Let me watch your face while I enjoy you.”

As she obeys you, the sulky primness of her expression has now changed into wonderment at the sensations provoked by your lips and tongue. Do your exertions in Helena's cunt require a moment's pause? Then you may pillow your head on the pale mounds of Noreen's buttocks as this sturdy wench lies face-down for a bolster. As in Natasha's case, you may choose to make Noreen turn her head so that you can enjoy the prospect of those firm and fair-skinned features, the insolent brown eyes under the level fringe of dark brown hair.

Your head lies conveniently close as you make a casual inspection, pressing her strong young thighs apart a little and viewing the coral pinkness of her cunt. Though a resentment bums in the eyes of this young trollop, your fingers will make free with her legs and backside. Fondle the firm and broadened mounds of her rump. Press them apart and let your finger explore the dark dimple of Noreen's arsehole. Looking back at you, the indignation in her face causes two red sparks of anger at the points of her broad cheekbones. You may quell this mute rebellion easily enough by reminding her of what already awaits such ill-mannered conduct. “Your first proper whipping tomorrow morning, Noreen, is it not? How wise of Lord Frederick to engage the services of a prison-officer who enjoys such work! Those strapping young bottom-cheeks of yours, Noreen. They will be in no state to grace the bedroom for several weeks afterwards.

Better make the most of tonight, Noreen. Your turn shall come after Helena!” The mere utterance of the Swedish girl's name starts you in motion again. Riding her expertly, you watch the blond nymph's head twist to and fro. In her breathless yearning she has closed her eyes, and her teeth fret impatiently at her lower lip. Because you are a gentleman-and not a cad-you do not wish to give her a swollen belly.

That being so you withdraw and turn her onto her belly, threading her cunt again from the rear. The demure oval cheeks of Helena Thelen's bottom now offer themselves so innocently to you. When the crisis comes, you need only withdraw from her cunt lay your tool in the warm valley between the two cool rear orbs and allow your geyser to spout while the shapely cheeks press upon you. Summon Claudia in her seductive costume of emerald green briefs and breast-halter. Instruct her to attend Helena with the flannel. A moment more and all three girls-as well as Claudia-are at your disposal. The night is yours to spend with them in any way you please. Do you choose to doze for an hour-or are you still too rampant for sleep? If you wish to be attended, you have only to give the word and Elke, Sonja, Petra, and a dozen more shall be added to the charming ensemble on the divan. But can you resist meeting the challenge which Noreen presents? A mere amateur could have his way with Claudia or Helena but it takes a true man to master Noreen. Her pale sturdy body will be naked except for the prudently arranged straps which are customary on the night before such an ordeal as hers. A black strap round her waist is matched by others equally stout and tight round her wrists, ankles, lower thighs and neck. Naturally, you will want to give your full attention to her in the hour or two before the agents of justice take her into the next room. Have no fear, by the way, an ingenious mirror will permit you to see all that happens in there. Noreen lies on her side, curving forward a little from the waist and facing away from you. The full pale cheeks of her backside, the opening of her thighs, and the spread of her hips is level with your face at a distance of twelve inches. Her hands are strapped together in front of her as a necessary precaution. She is no great beauty and no fine lady. A well-built young wench of her kind, however, still offers this rather vulgar stimulant of her arse and thighs. As you lie there on your back, admiring this full-cheeked view, young Natasha sprawls with her head on your loins. She has your prick in her hand, sucking it for a while, taking it out and kissing it, then closing her mouth over the erection again. After so many pretty nymphs and demure maidens, perhaps you feel the need for stronger tastes. “Noreen! Arch your hips further back and stick your bottom right out towards me.”

She obeys, perhaps reluctantly. Yet now you have that view which, when clad skin-tight in jeans, stopped so many admirers at the saddlery. Touch your lips to the backs of Noreen's firm nineteen-year-old thighs. Browse to your heart's content on their cool marble. “Lie still, Noreen. I'm sure a dozen country lads must have feasted here!” Allow your mouth to move gently to the opening of her legs at the rear. Do you feel her tighten against you?

You have only to order two of the footmen to hold Noreen while you muse kissingly on the soft fur of her vaginal lips. Then you travel on, over the well broadened and fully rounded cheeks of Noreen's bottom. Your lips salute her fifty times on each. To drive the last thoughts of modesty from her, you kiss the warmer smoother slope descending into Noreen's bottom-crack. And if you wish to hear her gasp with dismay, you mould a long exploratory kiss to Noreen's anus.

After this, you may settle down to enjoy the view again. Sonja is required to lie on the other side, facing Noreen, and to masturbate the young wench with her hand. Relax and enjoy half an hour of the sport seen at such close range. Watching at the rear opening of Noreen's thighs, you see Sonja's skilful fingers enter from the front.

Every stroke and probe, every squeeze and spending of the masturbation is enacted a few inches before you. Despite her anger and resentment, Noreen is not proof against this. Do you hear how her breath begins to come in long shuddering gasps? Note a tension of her legs, the faint rhythmic movements of her hips, the way that the cheeks of Noreen's arse keep time by their slight contracting and expanding. Can you resist adding to her confusion? Surely not.

Conveniently to hand on the table by the divan is the probe, the familiar tube which held your corona cigar. Dipped in the green liquid soap, you present its rounded end to Noreen's anus which tightens in dismay. Have no fear. You need only increase the pressure inexorably until continued resistance causes her more discomfort than yielding.

See how it enters easily at last, causing Noreen to stick her seat out even further to accommodate it. You may be sure, also, that the lubricating soap will stir up some most unladylike urges in the stripes of this sturdy young woman. With long but rapid strokes you give Noreen a diddling to match Sonja's caresses and squeezings between her legs. A footman holds a convenient mirror so that you may indulge that favourite quirk of watching the confusion in Noreen's face as you sodomise her with the tube. This pantomime lasts quite half an hour. Then you will be struck by another thought. What would it be like if your own penis, rather than tube, was in Noreen's arse? How would it feel to enjoy her there as she herself reaches the climax of her efforts on Sonja's fingers. The science of feeling, rather than mere randiness, may prompt you to this experiment.

For such a stout member as yours, more thorough lubrication is needed and you will therefore vaseline Noreen's anus properly. She may curse you and struggle a little-but numbers are on your side. Ah! A moment more and you are tightly gripped in Noreen's robust young backside. As you lie there, your eyes will meet in the mirror, fury and outrage in Noreen's, amusement and enjoyment in your own.

Rebellious though she may seem, you need pay no heed to oaths and expletives. Noreen's bottom has the same anatomy as that of any other young woman. Once you are securely inside her, she has no way of expelling you until you choose to take your leave. As you ride resolutely in and out, you may curb her insolence if you choose by reminding her of what lies in store an hour hence. The black leather thong of the whip and the warder who loves his work. At last, despite herself, Noreen begins that aria of rising cries which betokens her orgasm on Sonja's fingers. At all such times, the woman's natural response is to tighten her arsehole in the spasm of release. So Noreen does now. That exquisite compression is the trigger which fires your own fowling-piece. Your hot spurts

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