Braden, Gregg

Brasseur de Bourbourg, Charles Etienne

Breaking Open the Head (Pinchbeck)

Bricker, Harvey

Bricker, Victoria

Bringers of the Dawn (Marciniak)

Brinton, Daniel

Brotherston, Gordon

Brown, Vinson

Brzezinski, Zbigniew

building dedication ceremonies

Bullock, William

Burroughs, William

Bush, George

calendar priests. See day-keepers

Calendar Round

Calleman, Carl Johan

Campbell, Joseph

on cultural institutions and priorities

definition of myth

Inner Reaches of Outer Space (Campbell)

on key precessional numbers

on Perennial Philosophy and mythology patterns

recognition of universal ideas

subjectivity of

on symbolic meaning of mythology

Canek, Jacinto

Careri, Gemelli

Carlson, John B.

Catherwood, Frederick

Cayce, Edgar

Center of Mayan Time, The (Jenkins)

Chac Mool

Chalice and the Blade, The (Eisler)

Champollion, Jean Francois

Chanchabac, Rigoberto Itzep

Chardin, Teilhard de

Charles Henry and the Formation of a Psychospiritual Aesthetic (Arguelles)


Chichen Itza

Chilam Balam

Chomsky, Noam

Cleveland, Grover

Clow, Barbara Hand


Coe, Michael

on 2012 as cataclysmic event

on 13-Baktun cycle ending

on Jacinto Cunil

end-date calculation

on Izapan civilization


on Maya belief in World Age ending

on racism


action and community-building

Dreamtime state

five sheaths

higher level

meditation practice sacred plants

sensory isolation/LSD

shift in

three stages of development

transrational perspective

Cook, Garrett

Coomaraswamy, Ananda

Copernicus, Nicholas

Corbin, Henry

Corporation, The (Bakan)


codependent partnerships with government

dysfunctional workplace relationships

as Seven Macaw figures

correlation problem


260-day calendar and

“Equation of Maya Time,”

Goodman-Martinez-Thompson (GMT)

settlement of

zero date

Cortes, Hernando

Cotterell, Maurice

Covarrubias, Miguel

Crazy Wisdom

Creation Myth

astronomy and


cosmic Crossroads

earliest depictions of

as expression of Perennial Philosophy

Hero Twin narrative

transformation and renewal

World Age doctrine and

See also hieroglyphic texts

Creation Mythology

astronomy and

Black Hole

building dedication ceremonies and

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