dark rift references
Galactic Center
Izapan monuments depicting
passage of kings through power stations
start date
three hearthstones
Creation texts.
Creo, Izzi
Cueva, Flavia
Cunil, Jacinto
cyclic time philosophy
dark rift
in Creation Mythology
in definition of galactic alignment
hieroglyphic text references
in Milky Way galaxy
during total lunar eclipse
Darwin, Charles
Daumal, Rene
Davis, Erik
day-keepers (calendar priests)
initiation process
as spiritual guides
in traditional Maya culture
tzolkin placement
day-signs in 260-day tzolkin calendar
Dee, John
de Landa, Diego
Del Rio, Antonio
de Pauw, Cornelius
de Waal, Frans
Diagnosis 2012 website
Discovery Channel ”Places of Mystery,”
Dixon, Alice
Dreamspell system
Dresden Codex
Duran, Diego
Eagle Bowl (Sunstone)
Eberl, Markus
Edmonson, Munro
destructive attitude toward nature
transcendence of, through sacrifice
in Western thinking
world’s problems and
ego reorientation
action and community-building
sacred plants
sensory isolation/LSD
Eisen, Gustav
Eisler, Riane
Elgin, Duane
Emmerich, Roland
end date .
end-date alignment theory.
Endredy, James
cessation of time
in embrace of death
Jenkins’s experience of
progressive revelation of
Fash, William
final Katun
Fiorenza, Nick
fire ceremony
Forstemann, Ernst
Fox, Matthew
Frawley, David
Frazer, James
Freidel, David
Frost, Charlie (fictional character)
Fuentes, Carlos
“Fundamental Principles of Old and New World Civilizations” (Nuttall)
galactic alignment theory
astronomical features
confusion with other phenomena
critique by astronomers
early publications on
galactic equator
illustration of
magnetic field effect