in Maya cosmology

meaning to future humanity

misrepresentation of

precession of the equinoxes

precision of end-date calculation

See also dark rift; Galactic Center; Milky Way galaxy

Galactic Center

axis of precession and

confusions concerning

in Creation Mythology

in galactic alignment theory

galactic synchronization

Geithner, Timothy

Geryl, Patrick

Giamario, Daniel

Gilbert, Adrian

Gimbutas, Marija

Glastonbury, England

GMT (Goodman-Martinez-Thompson) correlation

Goddess Lunar Calendar

Godwin, Joscelyn

Goebbels, Joseph

Gonzales, Patrisia

Gonzalez, Erick

Gonzalez, Gaspar Pedro

Goodman, Joseph

Goodman-Martinez-Thompson (GMT) correlation

Goring, Hermann

government as Seven Macaw figure

Govinda, Anagorika

Great Dreams website

Grof, Stanislav

Grofe, Michael

on accuracy of Maya astronomy

on Classic Period inscription from Tikal Stela

on king’s cosmological mandate

on Maya astronomical observations

on precessional and sidereal-year calculations

Serpent Series

on Serpent Series numbers

on text associated with lunar eclipse

understanding of astronomy and epigraphy

Gronemeyer, Sven

Grube, Nikolai


genocide and repression of Maya

survival of 260-day tzolkin

Guenon, Rene

Hagan, Mike

Hamlet’s Mill (von Dechend and Santillana)

Hancock, Graham

Haramein, Nassim

Harbury, Jennifer

Harmonic Convergence

Hartmann, Thom

Hatch, Marion Popenoe

Henry, William

Hero Twin. See Creation Myth

Hesse, Hermann

hieroglyphic texts

Black Hole


calendar glyphs

dark rift references

18 Rabbit

forward and backward projections


Long Count


three hearthstones


2012 reference

hieroglyphic writing system

anagogical symbols

deciphering of

development of

photographic documentation of

reconstruction of Maya knowledge through

Histoire des Nations Civilisees du Mexique et de l’Amerique Centrale (Brasseur de Bourbourg)

History Channel

History of the Conquest of Mexico (Prescott)

Hoagland, Richard

Honshin, Nicholas Kirsten

Hoopes, John

Horizon Project

Houston, Stephen

How to Survive in 2012 (Geryl)

Hunt, Eva

Huxley, Aldous

I, Rigoberta (Menchu)

I Ching

Idiot’s Guide to 2012, The (Andrews and Andrews)

Incidents of Travel in Central America and Yucatan (Stephens)

Inner Reaches of Outer Space (Campbell)

“Into the Blue” (Jenkins)

Invisible Landscape, The (McKenna and McKenna)

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