Irvin, Jan

“It’s Not the End of the World” (Van Stone)


ballcourt solstice orientation

Long Count inscriptions


region of

solar zenith transit dates

Izapan civilization

arms-outstretched symbolism

awareness of precessional shift

ballcourt symbolism

calendrical and mythological traditions

canoe symbolism

connection of World Age doctrine with galactic alignment

cosmic centers

frog’s mouth symbolism

One Hunahpu symbolism

Seven Macaw symbolism

as transitional civilization

tripartite cosmology of

See also Maya

James, William

Jayne, Charles

Jenkins, John Major

Center of Mayan Time


experience of eternity

Galactic Alignment

“Into the Blue,” v

Journey to the Mayan Underworld

Maya Cosmogenesis 2012,

“Mayan Cosmogenesis,”


7 Wind


See also galactic alignment theory

Jeremias, Alfred

Johnson, Georgeann

Joseph, Lawrence

Journey to the Mayan Underworld (Jenkins)

Joy, Curt

Juan, Rodolfo


Justeson, John

Kaivalya Navanitam, The

Katun, final

Keen, Sam

Kekule, Friedrich August

Kingsborough, Lord

Kingsley, Peter

Klein, Anne

Klein, Joe

Knorosov, Yuri

Kollerstrom, Nick

Kuhn, Thomas

Lacandon Maya

Lavoie, Franklin

Lawlor, Robert

Leon y Gama, Antonio de

Le Plongeon, Augustus

Liddy, G. Gordon

Lilly, John

Long, Richard

Long Count

Calendar Round and

Coba date

combination with tzolkin dates

components and basics of

as cosmological artifact

Creation Mythology and

dot and bar notation

earliest carvings of

final Katun

functions and applications of

inscriptions of

loss of

mathematical system in

origins of

Short Count and

365-day haab and

260-day tzolkin and

zero date

See also correlation problem; 13-Baktun cycle

Looper, Matthew

Lord of the Dawn, Quetzalcoatl (Shearer)

Lounsbury, Floyd

Lucero, Stevon

lunar calendar

Lungold, Ian

MacLaine, Shirley

MacLeod, Barbara

connection of three hearthstones to Orion

“Cycle 7,”

on end date

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