'How could that be?'

'We didn't get it fully operational in time — '

'Idiots!' Captain Anf Dec nearly fell over as another blast shook the ship. 'It's an ambush — they must have reset the coordinates of our nav computer.'

Anakin and Obi-Wan stared out the view port as the pirate ship shot into view. It was smaller than the Colicoid transport, but highly maneuverable. By the look of the orbital gun platforms and laser cannons, they were also vastly outgunned.

Because of his acute connection to the Force, Anakin knew his ability to read situations was far-ranging. He didn't need the Force now to tell him that with a failing ship and a panicked captain, they were in trouble.

If they couldn't outmaneuver Krayn or outrun him, what options were left?

He looked at his Master. When it came to strategic thinking, he depended on Obi-Wan. His Master could not only process all aspects of difficult situations, he could come up with several strategies and hone in on the best one — all within seconds.

'Our only hope is to get a small transport off this ship and infiltrate Krayn's ship,' Obi-Wan said. 'If we can get aboard, we could disable the weapons system.'

'What's that?' The Colicoid captain turned his long head. 'What did you say?'

'Will you authorize release of one of your transports to us?' Obi-Wan asked.

'What for?'

'To infiltrate Krayn's ship,' Obi-Wan repeated. 'It's the only way we'll escape destruction or capture.'

'Do what you want. I don't care.' Captain Anf Dec clutched the arms of his chair as the ship lurched from another blow. 'Just do something!'

'We'll need you to create a diversion.'


Without another word, Obi-Wan turned and ran off the bridge. Anakin followed, his heart racing. He admired how his Master had sized up the situation and chosen a course of action within seconds. It was a daring move, but it could be their only hope.

They reached the cargo bay doors, where a number of small transports sat. They were used to ferry passengers or cargo to and from the surface while the large ship orbited a planet.

Obi-Wan stopped and turned to Anakin. 'Choose.'

Gratified by his Master's trust, Anakin turned to the ships. He surveyed them with a pilot's eye, but also drew in the Force to help with the decision. He needed to go on instinct now. He trusted that it would tell him the right ship to choose.

'The G-class shuttle,' he said to Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan hesitated. 'The lighter could be faster.' Anakin grinned. 'Not the way I fly.'

Obi-Wan nodded. They ran toward the three-winged shuttle. Anakin activated the hatch and swung himself up into the cockpit. Obi-Wan followed.

Quickly, Anakin familiarized himself with the controls. There wasn't a ship made that he couldn't fly. He contacted the crew who operated the bay doors and quickly instructed them that they had Captain Anf Dec's permission to leave. After a moment, the doors opened slightly, and Anakin activated the two lower wings, which lifted into flight mode. They blasted off into space.

'There,' Obi-Wan said after only a few seconds. 'If you can keep near his exhaust, I think our ship is small enough to escape detection. Not to mention that Krayn has other things on his mind.' The Colicoid had kept his promise to create a diversion, flying erratically and letting off enough fire to keep Krayn occupied.

'And what should I do then?' Anakin asked.

'I'm open to suggestions,' Obi-Wan answered.

But Anakin's mind was already working as soon as Obi-Wan said 'exhaust.' If they could hug the rear of the pirate ship, they might be able to slip into the exhaust system. The steam would overheat the craft, but if Anakin could push the ship fast enough, they might be able to make it into the interior.

Quickly, he described his plan to Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan nodded. 'It's possible. But the exhaust tunnels narrow as they travel inside the ship. We could be trapped.'

'That's why this shuttle will come in handy,' Anakin said. 'I can retract the wings by degrees and use the third wing to fly.'

Obi-Wan frowned. 'That will give you less control.'

Anakin nodded. 'I know.'

'And the heat will be intense in that shaft. The ship could overheat.'

'Not if I speed.' Anakin knew what Obi-Wan was thinking. He would have to pilot the ship fast enough to escape overheating, yet not so fast that he'd lose his maneuverability. 'I think I can manage it.'

'You think?'

'I know.'

'Fine. Let's do it.'

Krayn's ship had not spotted them, and Anakin was able to precisely mirror the pirate ship's quick attack maneuvers. By hugging Krayn's stern, he was able to escape detection. He anticipated which way the ship would

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