Anakin walked out onto the landing ramp, his eyes eagerly sweeping the platform. Star pilots chatted in small groups, children dashed past parents' reaching fingers, air taxis unloaded passengers who lunged for their luggage — Wookiees and Babbs and everything in between. Everyone seemed in a terrific hurry to get somewhere. And the Games had not yet begun!

'Are you picking up anything about the mission ahead?' Obi-Wan asked him curiously. His Master often asked the question as soon as they stepped foot on a planet. Sometimes he even asked it before they landed, if he sensed that Anakin was swept by intuitions about the mission to come.

Anakin reached out to the Force. Sometimes it felt so easy. The Force was there, right within his grasp, and he could fold it around himself as easily as slipping into his travel cloak.

'I don't feel darkness here,' he said. 'I feel tremendous energy. It is not all good, but it isn't dark. It's just. '

'Life,' Obi-Wan finished. 'Emotion, expectation, hope, worry, excitement.'

'It feels more intense,' Anakin said slowly as they walked through the crowd.

'Because it is,' Obi-Wan said. 'We are all packed into one small city, waiting for a big event.' He paused to consult a coordinates kiosk. 'We will be staying in the official Games quarters, but let's explore a bit first.'

They squeezed aboard a crowded turbolift that brought them down from the greeting center to the surface of the planet. They spilled out onto the main boulevard of Eusebus. The streets were crowded with speeders of every kind and description, and the many beings jostled and pushed their way to their destinations. Large overhead signs blinked out directions and routes, such as STADIUM ONE: LEFT ON USIRINE STREET or STADIUM TEN: TAKE AIR TRANSIT GREEN.

The aroma of the various food stands wafted toward them. Anakin's stomach growled. Meat sizzled on grills and sweets hung from slender poles that danced in the brisk wind, tantalizing him. He had eaten his morning meal only an hour before, but he suddenly felt hungry.

'Look around,' Obi-Wan directed. 'Tell me if you see anything out of the ordinary.'

The ordinary? There didn't seem to be anything ordinary in Euceron City. It was a city built entirely of plastoid materials, since there was no native stone. The buildings were brightly colored and no higher than twenty stories. Eucerons were a humanoid species with large domed heads and delicate limbs. They dressed in neutral colors as if to offset their colorful structures.

But Obi-Wan had seen something Anakin should have noted. Anakin screened out his rapidly growing appetite and opened his mind to careful observation. It took him a few minutes, but then he felt it.

'There are security officers everywhere,' he said. 'They are not in uniform, but they are patrolling.' He could tell they were security only by noting their watchful eyes constantly sweeping the crowd.

'Yes. Nicely observed, Padawan,' Obi-Wan said. 'Euceron has the largest security force in the galaxy for its size. The Ruling Power needs the security officers to keep the population under control. It is government by repression and intimidation. The Ruling Power is made up of ten rulers who make all laws and decisions. The city looks peaceful and prosperous, but the Ruling Power has been working for years to make it look that way. They are cultivating an image, and they are typically aggressive about their methods.'

'So why should the Jedi help them?' Anakin wondered.

'The Ruling Power is not the kind of government the Senate would normally support,' Obi-Wan agreed. 'But the safety of many beings depends on the Games proceeding well, and that is important for the continued peace of the galaxy itself. So don't forget that this mission is a serious one.

There are always beings in the galaxy who use these large gatherings for their own ends. Sabotage is always a possibility, so the Jedi are needed.'

'Are we supposed to meet with the other Jedi teams?' Anakin asked. He hoped to see Tru Veld, a fellow Padawan and one of his few friends at the Temple.

'Yes. We'll need to coordinate our patrols,' Obi-Wan said. 'We'll see them at our quarters later.'

Obi-Wan did not break his stride, but suddenly his concentration shifted. Anakin could see the change.

'Something is wrong,' he murmured.

Anakin threw his own attention out like a net. He was aware of a change in the sound of the crowd. 'A disturbance,' he said.

'This way.' Obi-Wan stepped up his pace. He threaded through the pedestrians.

Ahead was a large square. Food stalls were packed in tightly, and cafcs ringed the edges.

Anakin saw a knot of beings across the square. They were packed so tightly it was difficult to see what they were looking at.

He heard a roar of anger. He did not know the language, but it was easy to guess the intent.

'Hurry.' Obi-Wan tried to make it through the crowd, but the beings were crowded so densely now that it was impossible.

'Get out of my way or I'll kill you!' Someone shouted the words in Basic.

Now Anakin could see a Phlog, a giant being with a vibrosword, standing over a small Ortolan, a blue-furred creature armed with only a cup of juice. The Phlog waved the vibrosword close to his neighbor's nose.

Instead of retreating, the crowd surged forward, interested in a possible fight.

'Go ahead, you tub of bantha fat,' the Ortolan sneered.

'This isn't good,' Obi-Wan muttered.

Suddenly the Phlog took his vibrosword and slashed through a small stone table. The group who had been sitting at it fell backward. One of them sprang up and withdrew a blaster. The giant Phlog grabbed both huge slabs of stone and lifted them over his head.

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